词条 | 陈红霞 |
释义 | 上海大学陈红霞简介陈红霞,女,1974年生,河南开封人。1996年7月本科毕业于郑州大学化学系;1996-2001期间就职于河南省科学院;2003年8月硕士毕业于韩国国立釜山大学化学系;2008年2月获得该校的药学博士;2008年3月到2009年7月在该校的纳米技术学院纳米医药专业做博士后;现任上海大学生命科学学院副教授。目前主持国家自然基金,上海市教委科研创新项目和国家教委留学归国人员科研启动基金各一项。 主要从事研究领域生物传感器,小分子芯片,蛋白芯片和纳米生物材料。 近期研究论文1. H.Chen , L. Gu , Y. Yin , K. Koh, J. Lee Molecular Recognition of Arginine by Supramolecular Complexation with Calixarene Crown Ether Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Int. J. Mol. Sci.2011122315-2324. 2. S. C. Hong, H. Chen J. Lee, H.-K. Park, Y. S. Kim et al. Ultrasensitive Immunosensing of Tuberculosis CFP-10 Based on SPR Spectroscopy Sensors and Actuators B 2011156271–275. 3. H.Chen*, J. Lee, N. L. Kang, K. Koh, J. Lee Assessment of Optical Properties of Metallic Nanoparticles on Gold Film by SPR Assay. Microchimica Acta 2011172489–494. 4. H. Chen, J. Lee, W.-S. Jo, M.-H. Jeong, K. Koh Development of Surface Plasmon Resonance Immunosensor for the Novel Protein Immunostimulating Factor. MicrochimcaActa2011172171–176. 5. H. Chen, J. Huang, J. Lee, S. Hwang, K. Koh, Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopic Characterization of Antibody Orientation and Activity on the Calixarene Monolayer. Sensors and Actuators B 2010147 548–553. 6. H. Chen, J. Lee, S.-H. Kim, J.-H. Kim, K. Koh Phenylalanine Sensing Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology20099 7199–7203. 7. H. Chen, J. Lee, C. R. Cho, S.-H. Kim, J. H. Kim, K. Koh, Surface Plasmon Resonance Investigation a Copolymer Containing Spiroxazine. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology20099 7195–7198. 8. S. H. Kim, F. F. Sun, H. Chen,. Koh, J. Lee, C. L. Chang, C.-M. Kim, N. A. Kotov. Photoluminescence Up-Conversion of Bioconjugated Hybrids on CdTe and Au Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology20099 7061–7064. K. Kyhm, K 9. J.Lee, H. Chen, J. Lee, F. Sun, C.-M. Kim, C. L. Chang, K.Koh A Possible Merge of FRET and SPR Sensing System for Highly Accurate and Selective Immunosensing Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 200930 2905-2908. 10. J. Lee, H. Chen, K. Koh, C. L. Chang, C.-M. Kim, S.-H. Kim,Nanoassembly of CdTe Nanowires and Au Nanoparticles: pH Dependence and Reversibility of Photoluminescence,Korean J. Chem. Eng., 200926(2) 417-421. 11. H. Chen, M. Lee, J. Lee, W. G. An, H.-J. Choi, S.-H. Kim, K. Koh Building a Novel Vitronectin Assay by Immobilization of Integrin on Calixarene Monolayer Talanta200875 99-103. 12. H. Chen, H. Cheng, J. Lee, J.-H. Kim, M. H. Hyun, K. Koh. Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopic Chiral Discrimination Using Self-Assembled Leucine Derivative Monolayer. Talanta 200876 49–53. 13. H. Chen, Y. Lee, M.-C.Oh, J. Lee, S.-C. Ryu, Y.-H. Hwang, W. G. An, K. Koh Development of Wavelength-Resolved Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy. Sensors and Actuators B: Chem.2008134 419-422. 14. H. Chen, Y.-S. Gal, S.-H. Kim, H.-J. Choi, M.-C. Oh, J. Lee, S. C. Ryu, K. Koh Potassium Ion Sensing Using a Self-Assembled Calix[4]crown Monolayer by Surface Plasmon Resonance. Sensors and Actuators B: Chem.2008133 577-581. 15. H. Chen, M. Lee, S. Choi, J. H. Kim, H. J. Choi, S. H. Kim, J. Lee, K. Koh Comparative Study of Protein Immobilization Properties on Calixarene Monolayer. Sensors20077 1091-1107. 16. H. Chen, Y. S. Kim, S. R. Keum, S. H. Kim, H. J. Choi, J. Lee, W. G. An, K. Koh Surface Plasmon Spectroscopic Detection of Saxitoxin. Sensors 20077 1216-1223 17. H. Chen, M. Lee, J. Lee, J.-H. Kim, Y.-S. Gal, Y.-H. Hwang, W. G. An, K. Koh Formation and Characterization of Self-Assembled Phenylboronic Acid Derivative Monolayers toward Developing Monosaccharide Sensing-Interface. Sensors20077 1480-1495. 18. H. Chen, Y. S. Kim, J. Lee, S. J. Yoon, D. S. Lim, H.-J. Choi,K. Koh Enhancement of BSA Binding on Au Surfaces by Calix[4]bisazacrown Monolayer Sensors20077 2263-2272. 19. H. Chen, H. Cheng, M.-C. Oh, J.-H. Kim, H.-J. Choi, H.-S. Kim, J. Lee, and K. Koh Formation and Characterization of a Self-Assembled Thiazole Containing Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 Monolayer toward Developing Ammonium Ion-Sensing Interface Analytical Letters200740 3373 - 3382. 20. M. C. Oh, K. J. Kim, J. H. Lee, H. Chen, K. Koh Polymeric Wave Guide Biosensors with Calixarene Monolayer for Detecting Potassium Ion Concentration. Applied Physics Letters200689 251104. 官员陈红霞简介陈红霞,女,四川省崇州市环境保护局党组成员、副局长。 领导分工:协助局长分管环评、监测、党建、纪检监察、目标管理、精神文明建设、政务信息、宣传、统战、招商引资和工、青、妇、群团组织等工作。分管建设项目管理科、环境监测站。 领导简历:1986.06—1990.09 青岛海洋大学读书; 1990.10—2001.05 崇州市环境保护局工作(1992.01任 助理工程师,1996.05任工程师); 2001.05 至今 崇州市环境保护局党组成员、副局长。 |
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