词条 | 年轻人最爱读的156则英文寓言 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 年轻人最爱读的156则英文寓言 作 者:杨佳 出版社: 中国纺织出版社 出版时间: 2011-3-1 ISBN: 9787506470889 开本: 16开 定价: 29.00 元 编辑推荐《年轻人最爱读的156则英文寓言》是编者从浩如烟海的英文寓言海洋中,精心撷取的几朵美丽的浪花。常言道:浓缩的都是精华。本书收录的每个寓言,都孕育着一个发人深省的道理。年轻人在成长、成才、成功的过程中,不免要经历痛苦、挫折、困惑、迷茫……如何跨越这些阻碍?本书无疑是读者一位良师益友。它激励年轻人自强不息,教会你如何去面对生活中的缺憾与苦难,最重要的是教你做人的道理。 内容简介作为一种文学体裁,寓言以短小易懂。寓意深刻而深受人们喜爱。许多难以一下予说清道理的抽象道理,往往可以用一则寓言解释得清晰透彻。不过寓言并不是直接灌输道理,而是通过一个可读性很强的故事,用比喻、影射,象征等艺术手法来表现道理。因此,有人说寓言是一个魔袋,袋予很小,却能从里面取出很多东西来,甚至能取出比袋子大的多的东西;也有人说寓言是一座独特的桥梁,通过它,复杂可以走向简单,单纯可以走向丰富。在这座桥梁上来回走几遍,我们既看见了五光十色的生活现象,又发现了生活的内在意义。不管寓言是什么,总之寓言很美,美在简洁,美在内涵,美在语句。 目录Chapter 1 It Never Will Rain Roses 天上不会掉下玫瑰来 The Farmer and His Sons The Carter and Hercules Precious Hands A Wealthy Man The Hare and the Tortoise The Two Gardeners The Hunter and the Woodman The Ant and the Grasshopper The Shipwreck of Simonides The Lark and Her Young Ones Deep Spring Zeus and Snake Chapter 2 Dare and Become Better 要敢于,更要善于 Clever Monkey The Fawn and His Father The river and the Rock The Sparrow and the Elephant The Load Three Philosophers The Goat and the Fox A Silly Village Headman The Monkeys and the Bell The Crow and the Buffalo The Dog and the Hare The Bear and the Two Travelers The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion The Lazy Donkey The Lion and the Mouse The Dog in the Manger Chapter 3 Be Careful, Don't Be Cheated 多种鲜花,少栽荆棘 The Fox and the Cicada The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing The Fox and the Crow The Farmer and the Fox The Cat and the Birds The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf The Thief and the Innkeeper The Fox without a Tail The Merchant and His Friend The Horse and the Groom Chapter Each Sethack Is like a Hidden Gift from Above An Optimist Eagles in a Storm …… |
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