

词条 陈超美
1 革命烈士


2 外籍科学家

陈超美(Chaomei Chen),男,1960年9月生于中国北京,英国籍,美国德雷塞尔大学 (Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, USA) 信息科学与技术学院副教授(终身教职)。大连理工大学长江学者讲座教授,Drexel– DLUT知识可视化与科学发现联合研究所 美方所长。






1. Pfizer, Drug Discovery, 在研。项目来源:Pfizer

2. Discovery in Research Portfolios (NSFDACS-10P1303),在研。项目来源:NSF

3. SEI: Coordinated Visualization and Analysis of Sky Survey Data and Astronomical Literature (IIS-0612129),已完成。项目来源:NSF

4. Knowledge-enabled visual analytics: Supporting individuals and teams from analysis through action,已完成。项目来源:DHS/NVAC/NEVAC

5. Citation Analysis Research Grant: Tracing knowledge transfer,已完成。项目来源:ISI/ASIS

6. Intelligent and distributed virtual training environments (INVITE),已完成。项目来源European Commission (Framework 5, IST)

7. Information Retrieval, Effects of spatial-semantic interfaces in visual information retrieval: Three experimental studies,已完成。项目来源:Library and Information Commission

8. A development and evaluation testbed for structuring and visualising large hypermedia,已完成。项目来源:EPSRC

9. Developing a collaborative virtual environment based on spatial analysis and virtual reality modelling,已完成。项目来源:Brunel Research Initiative & Enterprise Fund




1. Chen, C. (2011) Turning Points: The Nature of Creativity. Springer and Higher Education Press.

2. Chen, C. (2004) Information Visualization: Beyond the Horizon. (2nd Edition). London: Springer. (Paperback: 2006)

3. Chen, C. (2003) Mapping Scientific Frontiers: The Quest for Knowledge Visualization. London: Springer

4. Chen, C. (1999) Information Visualisation and Virtual Environments. London: Springer-Verlag London. ISBN 1-85233-136-4.


1. Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S., Chen, C. (2008) Scientometrics of big science: A case study of research in Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Scientometrics, 86(1), 1-14.

2. Chen, C., Ibekwe-SanJuan, F., & Hou, J. (2010). The Structure and Dynamics of Co-Citation Clusters: A Multiple-Perspective Co-Citation Analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(7), 1386-1409.

3. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. (2010). Making sense of the evolution of a scientific domain: A visual analytic study of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey research. Scientometrics, 83(3), 669-688. 10.1007/s11192-009-0123-x

4. Chen, C. (2010) Information visualization. Wiley Interdisciplinary Review: Computational Statistics. 10.1002/wics.89?

5. Chen, C., Chen, Y., Horowitz, M., Hou, H., Liu, Z., & Pellegrino, D. (2009). Towards an explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery. Journal of Informetrics, 3(3), 191-209.

6. Chen, C., Zhang, J., Vogeley, M. S. (2009) Mapping the global impact of Sloan Digital Sky Survey. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24(4), 74-77.

7. Zhang, J., Chen, C., Li, J. (2009) Visualizing the intellectual structure with paper-reference matrices. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(6)(Nov/Dec), 1153-1160.

8. Chen, C. (2009) CiteSpace II: 科学文献中新趋势与新动态的识别与可视化。情报学报, 28(3), 401-421. This is a Chinese edition of #38, translated by 陈悦,侯剑华,梁永霞.

9. Hou, H., Chen, C., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Chen, Y. (2009) Interdisciplinary feature of knowmetrics. Studies in Science of Science. In Chinese: 知识计量学的交叉学科属性研究, 《科学学研究》

10. Liu, Z., Chen, C., Hou, H., Wang, X. (2009) Stepping into a revolutionary age of science of science. Science of Science and Management of Science and Technology, 7, 5-12. In Chinese: 迈向科学学大变革的时代,《科学学与科技管理》

11. Liu, Z., Hou, H., Chen, C., Wang, X. (2009) Knowmetrics and the application of knowledge visualization. Science and Research Management. In Chinese: 知识计量学及其可视化技术的应用研究,《科研管理》

12. Liu, Z., Wang, X., Chen, C. (2009) Scientific knowledge mapping and its application in scientific and technological information field. Digital Library Forum, (2009)10, 14-34. In Chinese: 科学知识图谱方法及其在科技情报中的应用,《数字图书馆论坛》

13. Chen, C., Song, I. Y., Yuan, X. J., Zhang, J. (2008) The Thematic and Citation Landscape of Data and Knowledge Engineering (1985-2007). Data and Knowledge Engineering, 67(2), 234-259.

14. Chen, C. (2008) An information-theoretic view of visual analytics. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 28(1) Jan/Feb, 18-23.

15. Sokol Petushi, Jeff Marker, Jasper Zhang, Weizhong Zhu, David Breen, Chen, C., Xia Lin, Fernando Garcia (2008) A visual analytics system for breast tumor evaluation. Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology, 30(5), 279-290.

16. Chen, C. (2007) Holistic sense making: Conflicting opinions, creative ideas, and collective intelligence. Library Hi Tech, 25(3), 311-327.

17. Ye, J., Chen, C. (2007) Orientation of education in library and information science in China and the USA in the digital age. Journal of the library science in China, 33(2), 18-23. [In Chinese]

18. Zhu, W., Chen, C. (2007) Storylines: Visual exploration and analysis in latent semantic spaces. Computer & Graphics, 31(3). Special Issue on Visual Analytics. June 2007, 338-349.

19. Chen, C. (2006) CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359-377.

20. Chen, C. (2005) Top 10 unsolved information visualization problems. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 25 (4). 12-16.

21. Chen, C. and Borner, K. (2005) From spatial proximity to semantic coherence: A quantitative approach to the study of group dynamics in collaborative virtual environments. Presence-Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14(1), 81-103.

22. Chen, C. (2004) Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive knowledge domain visualization. PNAS, 101(Suppl. 1), 5303-5310.

23. White, H., Lin, X., Buzydlowski, JW & Chen, C. (2004) User-controlled mapping of significant literatures. PNAS, 101(Suppl. 1), 5297-5302.

24. Chen, C., Hicks, D. (2004) Tracing knowledge diffusion. Scientometrics, 59(2), 199-211.

25. Chen, C. (2003) Visualizing scientific paradigms: An introduction. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 392-399.

26. Chen, C., Kuljis, J. (2003) The rising landscape: A visual exploration of superstring revolution in physics. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(5), 435-446.

27. Borner, K., Chen, C., Boyack, K. (2003) Visualizing knowledge domains. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37, 179-255.

28. Chen, C., Cribbin, T., Kuljis, J., & Macredie, R. (2002) Footprints of information foragers: Behaviour semantics of visual exploration. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 57(2), 139-163.

29. Chen, C., Cribbin, T., Macredie, R. & Morar, S. (2002) Visualizing and tracking the growth of competing paradigms: Two case studies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 53(8), 678-689.

30. Chen, C., Kuljis, J. & Paul, R. J. (2001) Visualizing latent domain knowledge. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Part C. Applications and Reviews, 31(4), 518 - 529.

31. Chen, C. & Paul, R. J. (2001) Visualizing a knowledge domain’s intellectual structure. IEEE Computer, 34(3), 65-71.

32. Chen, C., Paul, R. J., O’Keefe, B. (2001) Fitting the jigsaw of citations: Information visualization in domain analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 52(4), 315-330.

33. Kuljis, J., Paul, R. J., Chen, C. (2001) Visualization and simulation: Two sides of the same coin. Simulation. (Special issue on Simulation and Visualization). 77(3/4), 202-213.

34. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (2000) Modeling the dynamics of using a collaborative hypertext. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 10(5/6), 579-606.

35. Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (2000) Empirical evaluation of information visualizations: An introduction. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 631-635.

36. Chen, C. & Yu, Y. (2000) Empirical studies of information visualization: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(5), 851-866.

37. Chen, C., Czerwinski, M., Macredie, R. (2000) Individual differences and virtual environments: Introduction and overview. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(6), 499-507.

38. Chen, C. (2000) Individual differences in a spatial-semantic virtual environment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(6), 529-542.

39. Chen, C. (1999) Visualising semantic spaces and author co-citation networks in digital libraries. Information Processing & Management, 35(3), 401-420.

40. Chen, C., Thomas, L., Cole, J., Chennawasin, C. (1999) Representing the semantics of virtual spaces. IEEE Multimedia, 6(2), 54-63.

41. Chen, C., Czerwinski, M., Macredie, R. (1998) Human factors in virtual environments. Virtual Reality: Research, Development, and Applications, 3(4), 223-225.

42. Chen, C. (1998) Bridging the gap: The use of Pathfinder networks in visual navigation. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 9(3), 267-286.

43. Chen, C., Newman, J., Newman, R., Rada, R. (1998) How did university departments interweave the web: A study of connectivity and underlying factors. Interacting with Computer, 10(4), 353-373.

44. Chen, C. (1998) Generalised similarity analysis and Pathfinder network scaling. Interacting with Computer, 10(2), 107-128.

45. Branki, C., Chen, C., & Newman, J. (1998) Capturing design rationale: Experiences from a Web-based argumentation system. International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology (Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Design), 6(2), 50-59.

46. Mahmond Mhashi, Roy Rada and Chen, C. (1998) The role of prefix, suffix, and infix of words and sentences on string searching. Al-manarah (Arab journal of computing), 3(3), 67-88.

47. Chen, C. & Czerwinski, M. (1997) Spatial ability and visual navigation: An empirical study. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 3, 67-89.

48. Chen, C. (1997) Tracking latent domain structures: An integration of Pathfinder and Latent Semantic Analysis. AI & Society, 11(1-2), 48-62.

49. Chen, C. (1997) Writing with collaborative hypertext: analysis and modelling. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(11), 1049-1066.

50. Henderson, T., Rada, R. & Chen, C. (1997) Quality management of student-student evaluations. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 17(3), 199-215.

51. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1996) Modelling situated actions in collaborative hypertext databases. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2(3).

52. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1996) Interacting with hypertext: A meta-analysis of experimental studies. Human-Computer Interaction, 11(2), 125-156.

53. Chen, C. & Rada, R. (1994) A conceptual model for supporting collaborative authoring and reuse. Knowledge Organization, 21(2), 88-93.

54. Chen, C., Rada, R. & Zeb, A. (1994) An extended fisheye view browser for collaborative writing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 40(5), 859-878.

55. Dobson, M., Rada, R., Chen, C., Michailidis, A. & Ulloa, A. (1993) Towards a consolidated model for a collaborative courseware authoring system. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 9, 34-50.

56. Rada, R., Wang, W., Michailidis, A., & Chen, C. (1992) Collaborative software reuse integrated into the work flow. Annual Review of Automatic Programming, 16(2), 79-83.





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