词条 | 娜莎迪大豆精华发膜 |
释义 | 基本信息产品 LAZARTIGUE娜莎迪大豆精华发膜规格 150毫升货号 819627 价格 ¥450.00 数量 1 产地:法国 产品功效 LAZARTIGUE娜莎迪大豆精华洗发水,特别温和的大豆精华洗发水能有效柔顺头发、增加光泽度。豆奶萃取精华能有效抵抗头发的干燥、易断和爆裂症状。 使用方法 周护理产品,一周使用1次。 均匀涂在干发或者微湿的头发上,在脆弱的发杆上温和按摩,停留10-15分钟,冲洗干净后建议使用娜莎迪大豆精华洗发水。 混合性发质,则建议在头皮上涂放娜莎迪蜂胶去油啫哩。 适合肤质 适合干性发质、易断、细幼不丰盈的头发 英文说明Cream fat soy products LAZARTIGUE membrane Na Shadi Size 150 ml Item 819627 Price ¥ 450.00 Quantity 1 Origin: France Product Benefits LAZARTIGUE Nasha Di soy cream shampoo, in particular, the essence of a mild shampoo and water efficient soy supple hair, increase gloss. Soy extracts can effectively resist the hair dry, brittle and burst symptoms. Use Zhou care products, used 1 week. Evenly spread on dry hair or damp hair, fragile hair pole in the gentle massage, stay 10-15 minutes after the rinse is recommended Nasha Di soy cream shampoo. Mixed hair, painted on the scalp is recommended to put Nasha Di propolis jelly oil. For skin For dry hair, brittle, thin baby hair is not abundance |
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