

词条 梅贝尔缆车


书 名:梅贝尔缆车

作 者:VirginiaLee Burton 著

出 版 社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt


版 次:1

页 数:42

字 数:


开 本:32开

纸 张:胶版纸

印 次:1

I S B N:9780395840030

包 装:平装



Maybelle was a cable car a San Francisco cable car. . . She rangher gong and sang her song from early morn till late at night. . .. By recounting the actual events in San Francisco's effort to keepthe city's cable cars running, this classic story illustrates howthe voice of the people can be heard in the true spirit ofdemocracy. Virginia Lee Burton's original art for Maybelle theCable Car was retrieved from the archives of the San FranciscoPublic Library to re-create this edition with all the vibrant charmof the original, which was published in 1952.


Virginia Lee Burton (1909-1968) was the talented author andillustrator of some of the most enduring books ever written forchildren. The winner of the 1942 Caldecott Medal for THE LITTLEHOUSE, Burton's books include heroes and happy endings, livelyillustrations, and a dash of nostalgia. She lived with her twosons, Aristides and Michael, and her husband George Demetrios, thesculptor, in a section of Gloucester, Massachusetts, called FollyCove. Here she taught a class in design and from it emerged theFolly Cove designers, a group of internationally known professionalartisans. She is the author of many classic children's picturebooks, including MIKE MULLIGAN AND HIS STEAM SHOVEL and KATY ANDTHE BIG SNOW.





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