词条 | 朝红阳 |
释义 | 基本信息博士、教授,现任中山大学软件学院副院长,中山大学“百人计划”引进人才。 研究兴趣:数字图像处理,视频数据压缩、编码和通信,数字媒体技术。其中包括图像增强、图像分析、图像识别、运动预测、运动补偿等。 曾经作为负责人承担过多项国家自然科学基金、国家重大项目、青年科学基金等项目,其中包括:一项年国家青年科学基金(负责人)、两项国家自然科学基金(负责人)、一项中山大学自然科学基金(合作)、一项国家重大项目三级子课题(负责人)。在美国曾作为美国海军两项科研基金(共150万美金)的技术负责人。现正在承担台湾致伸科技公司项目“数字图像处理中的关键技术”、微软亚洲研究院项目“微软WinCE平台移动游戏引擎开发中的自然景物模拟”以及美国ESPRE公司视频压缩标准优化项目。863导向类专题项目“基于动漫数据库的计算机辅助动画动漫创作关键技术”,已获科技部批准。 在美国软件行业工作近8年,研发数个数字图像和视频产品。这些产品目前已被Oracle(甲骨文)、百度(即时通讯)等国内外若干大公司签约使用。发表论文近20篇,有三项美国专利局专利获批准。 学术兼职: IEEE会员(2004~)、 主讲课程: 数字图像处理、线性代数、视频图像理解与分析 研究生招生: 硕士生:计算机应用技术、软件工程 博士生:计算机应用技术 教学评价: 对待学生态度很好,而且教书的时候总是为学生着想。 讲课内容丰富,深入浅出,很受益。老师对学生要求严格且非常负责。学习有压力。如果你想学知识,对你来说她是一个好老师,如果你纯粹是为了拿学分,对不起,不要进入她的课堂,否则作业会让你喘不过气,考试会让你如临深渊,数字图像处理1/3挂科率不是吹出来的…… 近年所承担的主要科研项目1) 国家863计划导向类专题项目虚拟现实技术专题:“基于动漫数据库的计算机辅助动漫创作关键技术与系统”(2007.12-2009.12)。 2)广东省自然科学基金:“新一代视频编码标准中运动估计关键技术研究”(2007.9—2009.9) 3)台湾致伸科技项目:“基于监控内容的视频索引与检索”(2008.5-2008.12) 近年主要论文Jiyuan Lu, Peizhao Zhang, Hongyang Chao*, and Paul Fisher, "On Combining Fractional Pixel Interpolation and Motion Estimation: A Cost-Effective Approach", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Vol. 21, No. 6, June 2011, pp. 717-728, ISSN: 1051-8215. DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2011.2129830. 陆寄远、张培钊、段晓华、朝红阳*,一种复杂度约束下基于宏块优先顺序的运动估计优化算法,《计算机研究与发展》,48(3):pp 494-500,ISSN 1000-1239/CN 11-1777/TPBo Zhang, Qinlin Li, Hongyang Chao, Bill Chen, Eyal Ofek and Ying-Qing XU, “Annotating and Navigating Tourist Videos”, Proceedings of ACM SIGGIS ’10 , November 2-5, 2010. San Jose, CA, USA, pp260-269. ISBN 978-1-4503-0428-3 (full paper, Acceptance Rate: 20%.). Ping Luo, Liang Lin, andHongyang Chao*,Learning Shape Detector by Quantizing Curve Segments with Multiple Distance Metrics, 11th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2010), Part III, LNCS 6313, pp. 342–355, 2010. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010. (ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN-10 3-642-15557-X Springer Berlin Heidelberg NewYork, ISBN-13 978-3-642-15557-4 Springer Berlin Heidelberg NewYork)(Acceptance Rate: 27%) Jiyuan Lu, Peizhao Zhang, Hongyang Chao*+, Paul Fisher,Inter-mode Decision with Varied Computational Complexity, Visual Communications and Image Processing 2010 (VCIP 2010), Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7744, pp. 77442I.1-77442I.8, © 2010 SPIE, Huangshan, P. R. China, July 2010.(full paper, Acceptance Rate: 30%) Jiyuan Lu, Peizhao Zhang, Hongyang Chao*,A Split and Merge Algorithm for Inter-mode Decision in Extend Macroblocks, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2010), pp 2081-2084, September 26-29, 2010, Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7993-1 ISSN: 1522-4880. Ming Yang, Shu Lin, Ping Luo, Liang Lin, Hongyang Chao*, Semantics-driven Portrait Cartoon Stylization, ICIP2010, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE 17 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2010), pp 1805-1808, September 26-29, 2010, Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-1-4244-7993-1 ISSN: 1522-4880. Xiaohua Duan, Guifeng Zheng, Hongyang Chao*, An Adaptive Real-time Descreening Method Based on SVM and Improved SUSAN Filter, IEEE 35 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), Dallas USA, March 2010.1462-1465 Ping Luo, Jiajie He, Liang Lin, Hongyang Chao*, Hierarchical 3D Perception from A Single Image, Proceedings of IEEE 16 International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2010), pp4265-4268, Cairo, Egypt, 7-10 Nov. 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5655-0 ISSN: 1522-4880. Jiyuan Lu, Peizhao Zhang, Hongyang Chao*, A Complexity Adjustable Algorithm for Motion Estimation in H.264, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Macau, P. R. China, 8-10 Dec. 2009, pp.1-4, ISBN 978-1-4224-4657-5.INSPEC Accession Number: 11089213 DOI: 10.1109/ICICS.2009.5397581. Haiqi Huang, Ming Gu and Hongyang Chao*, An efficient method of license plate location in natural-scene image, The Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Jinan, Shandong, 18-20 Oct. 2008. (FSKD'08). Volume: 4, On page(s): 15-19, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3305-6. Ning Liu, Rong Li, Zhenyu Yang, Hongyang Chao. An Optimization Method for Real-Time Natural Phenomena Simulation on WinCE Platform. 31st Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2007, Vol. 2, pp. 57-62. (EI收录080111003411). Hongyang Chao, Jiyuan Lu, A High Accurate Predictor Based Fractional Pixel Search For H.264, in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006). 2006. 2365-2368(IDS Number:BFU96) Hongyang Chao, Jiyuan Lu & Paul Fisher, A Hybrid Method for Fast Block Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding, Journal of Computational Information Systems 1:2(2005) 309-312. (Accession number: 06049664008)(SCI源刊, IF=1.292) Hongyang Chao& Min Wei, Rate scalable video coding technology based on flexible block wavelet, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 163, Issue 1, 1 Feb. 2004, Pages 91-100, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland; ISSN: 0377-0427), Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Mathematics and Applications, (Accession number: 04068007559) (IDS Number:772HJ) (DOI: 10.1016/j.cam.2003.08.055) (EI、ISIP收录) Hongyang Chao, Ming Wei, "Rate Scalable Video Compression Based on Flexible Block Wavelet Coding Technique", Proceedings of 2001 Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP01) at CANNES, FRANCE, pp. 415-420, October 3-5, 2001. (IDS Number: BT58A), (Accession number: 04068007559). Paul Fisher, Hong-yang Chao & James McNitt, Innovative ways to apply wavelet technology to visualization challenges in operational meteorology, in Proceedings for “14 International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology”, Jan. 11-16, 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.(ISIP收录) Hong-yang Chao, Paul Fisher & Zeyi Hua, An approach to integer wavelet transformations for lossless image compression, in “Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics: Advances in Computational Mathematics (Volume 202), the Proceedings of Guangzhou International Symposium on Computational Mathematics”, 1999, edited by Z. Chen, C. Micchelli etc. ISBN: 0-8247-1946-8(本文章被多次引用,引用者包括I. Daubechies 和W. Sweldens) 技术专利(三项美国专利)基于以下三项专利的产品已经被GIPS,进而甲骨文、诺基亚、百度等国际大公司签约使用: Ø 美国国家专利局,授权专利号:7,003,168;批准日期:2006年2月21日,“Image compression and decompression based on an integer wavelet transform using a lifting scheme and a correction method” Ø 美国国家专利局,授权专利号6,904,175;批准日期:2005年6月7日,“Image compression using an integer reversible wavelet transform with a property of precision preservation” Ø 美国国家专利局,授权专利号6,711,299;批准日期:2004年3月23日(该项专利已经被No.7330193等8项美国授权专利引用),“Wavelet transformation of dithered quantized/reduced color pixels for color bit depth image compression and decompression” |
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