

词条 吕中荣






学习经历 1994年9月-1998年7月:中山大学应用力学与工程系, 本科

1998年9月-2001年7月:中山大学应用力学与工程系, 硕士

2002年1月-2005年1月:香港理工大学土木及结构工程系, 博士








广东省力学学会理事,Journal of Sound and Vibration 审稿人


1. 桥梁结构损伤检测新方法研究,教育部博士点新教师基金,主持人,2009年1月-2011年12月。

2. 基于强风响应的高耸结构易损性分析研究,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,主持人,2010年1月-2012年12月。






1 .u Z.R. and Law S. S. (2004). “System Identification including the Load Environment.” Journal of Applied Mechanics-ASME, 71(5), 739-741. (Journal Grade A), IF: 1.012.

2 .aw S. S. and Lu Z.R. (2005). “Crack Identification in Beam from Dynamic Responses.” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 285(4-5), 967-987. (Journal Grade A), IF: 0.898.

3. S. and Lu Z.R. (2005). “Time Domain Responses of a Prestressed Beam and Prestress Identification.” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 288(1-2), 1011-1025. (Journal Grade A), IF: 0.898.

4.u Z.R. and Law S. S. (2006). “Force Identification Using Sensitivity in Time Domain.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics--ASCE. 132(10), 1050-1056. (Journal Grade A), IF: 0.965.

5. S., Li X.Y. and Lu Z.R. (2006). “Structural damage Detection from Wavelet Coefficient Sensitivity with Model Errors.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE. 132(10), 1077-1087. (Journal Grade A), IF: 0.965.

6 .u Z.R. and Law S. S. (2006). “Identification of Prestress Force from Measured Structural Responses.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 20(8), 2186-2199. (Journal Grade A), IF: 1.18.

7.u Z.R. and Law S. S. (2007). “Features of Dynamic Response Sensitivity and its Application in Damage Detection.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. 303(1-2), 305-329. (Journal Grade A), IF: 1.024.

8.u Z.R. and Law S. S. (2007). “Identification of System Parameters and Input Force from Output Only.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 21(5), 2099-2111. (Journal Grade A), IF: 1.33.

9.u Z.R. and Law S.S. (2009). “Dynamic Condition Assessment of a Cracked Beam with the Composite Element Model.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 23(2), 415-431. (Journal Grade A), IF: 2.075.

10.u Z.R. Huang M., Liu J.K., et al. (2009). “Vibration Analysis of multiple-stepped beams with Composite Element Model.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. 322(4-5), 1070-1080. (Journal Grade A), IF: 1.414.

11.u Z.R., Liu J.K. Huang M., et al. (2009). “Identification of Local Damages in a Coupled Beam System from Measured Dynamic Responses.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. 326(1-2), 177-189. (Journal Grade A), IF: 1.414.

12.u Z.R. and Law S.S. (2010). “Differentiating Different Types of Damage with Response Sensitivity in Time Domain.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2010,24(8), 2914-2928. (Journal Grade A), IF: N/A.

13.S., Lu Z.R. (2004). “State Space Approach to Calculate Sensitivity of Dynamic Response.” Proceedings of the 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, California, November 13-19, 2004. Vol. 1. (EI)

14.i Y.Q., Xia Y. and Lu Z.R. (2008). Technological issues in developing structural health monitoring system for a supertall structure. Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Engineering Asset Management and Intelligent Maintenance Systems, 27-30 October 2008, Beijing, China, 1199-1207.

15 .R. Lu, M. Huang and J.K. Liu. “Assessment of local damage in box-girder bridges using measured dynamic responses by passing vehicle.” IEEE – Prognostics & System Health Management Conference 2010, Macau, 12-14 January 2010. (SCI )

16 .中荣,罗绍湘,刘济科. 利用响应灵敏度修正香港Gascoigne天桥有限元模型,中山大学学报,2006, 45(3), 13-16. (EI)

17.伟华,吕中荣,刘济科. 强耦合系统损伤检测研究。振动与冲击, 2008, 27(5),16-18. (EI)

18.伟华,吕中荣,刘济科. 基于移动荷载响应的多跨连续桥梁损伤检测。力学与实践2008, 30(5), 1-4.

19.中荣,徐伟华,刘济科. 基于振动响应的耦合弦损伤检测。应用力学学报。2009, 26(4), 657-661.(EI)

20.伟华,吕中荣,刘济科. 基于振动响应的杆结构损伤检测。 固体力学学报。2010, 31(1), 1-5. (EI)

21.伟欢,吕中荣,等. 基于数码摄像技术的超高结构动态特性监测。振动与冲击. 2010, 29(6), 16-20. (EI)





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