词条 | 流体动力学专论 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 流体动力学专论 作 者:周文隆 出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社 出版时间: 2011年6月1日 ISBN: 9787811242911 开本: 16开 定价: 96.00元 内容简介ATreatiseinFluidDynamicsisatextbookforbeginningengineeringstudentswhohavebackgroundofbasiccalculusand'physics.Thistextbookfollowsatypicalsequenceoftopicsofdynamicsoffluidsbystartingwithanintroductiontothesubject,concentratingonterminologies,simpleconcepts,andclarifyingadoptionofthesystemandcontrolvolumeapproachtodescribethemotionofthefluid.Itthenfollowsbyunsteadyim-pressibleincompressibleflows,impressiblepotentialflows,numericalcomputationoffluiddynamicproblems,viscousflows,andopenchannelflows.Alargenumbersofexamples,suchassluicegate,asharpcrestedweir,jet-plateinteraction,etc.,arepresentedthroughoutthetextbooktoemphasizetheapplicationsoffluiddynamicstovariouspracticalproblems.SomesimpleFortrancomputerprogramsareprovidedforcalculatingincompressiblepotentialflowpastsimplegeometricalbodiesbaseduponsurfacesourcedistributionsandotherproblems.Asthistextbookistheextendedversionofthelecturenotespreparedbythefirstauthorthroughouthiscareerofteachingandresearchintheareasofgasdynamics,fluiddynamicsandthermodynamicsattheUniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-ChampaignandFloridaAtlanticUniversity,itcanserveasausefulreferencebookforgraduatestudentsandresearchersintherelatedtechnicalfields. 图书目录CHAPTER 1 BASIC EQUATIONS GOVERNING THE FLOW OF FLUIDS 1.1BASIC PRINCIPLES 1.2BASIC CONCEPTS IN THE FORMULATION OF THE FLOW OF A FLUID 1.2.1 Lagrangian Formulation 1.2.2 Eulerian Formulation 1.2.3 Differentiation in The Eulerian Scheme 1. 2.4 System and Control Volume Concepts 1.3 INTEGRAL THEOREMS 1.3.1 Green's Theorem (Gauss Theorem) 1.3.2 Stokes Theorem 1.3.3 The Dot, Cross and Dyadic Multiplication 1.3.4 The Stress Tensor and the Constitutive Relationship for a Newtonian Fluid 1.4 BASIC PRINCIPLES AND THEIR APPLICATIONSTO THE FLUID IN MOTION 1.4.1 The Principle of Conservation of Massthe Continuity Equation 1.4.2 The Momentum Principle 1.4.3 Streamline, Path-line, Streak-line, and Stream Filament 1.4.4 The Streamline System of Coordinates 1.5 ENERGY PRINCIPLE 1.5.1 The First Law of Thermodynamics 1.5.2 The Differential Equation for the Energy Principle 1.6STREAM FUNCTION FOR STEADY TWO DIMENSION AND AXIAL-SYM-METRIC FLOWS 1.6.1 Stream Function for Two Dimensional Flows 1.6.2 Stream Function for Axially Symmetric Flows 1.7 SUMMARYREFERENCES CHAPTER2 APPLICATION OF BERNOULLI's PRINCIPLE TO SOMEINCOMPRESSIBLE FLOWS 2.1 ACCELERATION OF THE FLOW TOWARD THE STEADY FLOW SOLUTION 2.2 FLOW THROUGH AN L-SHAPED TUBE OF CONSTANT AREA 2.3 DISCHARGE OF AN INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUID THROUGH A NOZZLE 2.4 QUASI-STEADY FLOW ANALYSIS ON FLOW PROBLEMS 2.5 OTHER EXAMPLES OF FLOW WITH SPHERICAL SYMMETRY 2.5.1 The Pressure Field within an Infinite Amount of Fluid 2.5.2 The Motion of an Incompressible Fluid due to the Attractive Field Force 2.5.3 The Motion of a Finite Amount of Fluid with Spherical Symmetry 2.6 SUMMARYREFERENCE CHAPTER 3 POTENTIAL FLOW OF AN IDEAL FLUID 3.1 THE VELOCITY POTENTIAL FUNCTION AND THECONDITION OF ITS EXISTENCE …… CHAPTER 4 NUMERICAL COMPUTATIONS ON FLUID DYNAMIC PROBLEMS——WITH EMPHASIS ON INVISCID FLOWS CHAPTER 5 VISCOUS FLOWS INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 6 OPEN CHANNEL FLOWS INTRODUCTION APPENDIX A A REVIEW OF VECTOR-ANALYSIS APPENDIX B VARIOUS VECTOR EXPRESSIONS IN ORTHOGONAL CURVILINEAR SYSTEM OF COORDINATES APPENDIX C MATHEMATIC PROCEDURE TO COMPUTE VENA-CONTRACTING COEFFICIENTS |
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