姓名 刘惠涛
性别 女
出生年月 1968.5
民族 汉
职务/职称 教授
1. “Application of experimental design and artificial neural networks to the separation and determination of active components in traditional Chinese medicinal preparation by capillary electrophoresis”, Chromatogrphia, 55 (9/10), 579-585 (2002).
2. “Determination of vanadium in water samples by reaction cell inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry”, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 17 (5), 556-559 (2002).
3. “Determination of copper in coal fly ash in the presence of excess titanium by dynamic reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry ”, Anal BioanalChem. 375, 306-309 (2003).
4. “Dynamic Reaction Cell Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Determination of Silicon in Steel ”, Spectrochim. Acta, Part B. 58, 153-157 (2003).
5. “Determination of rhein, baicalin and berberine in traditional Chinese medicinal preparations by capillary electrophoresis with two-marker technique”, Biomedical Chromatography, 18 (5), 288-292 (2004).
6. “Determination of Active Components in Cynanchum chinense R. Br. by Capillary Electrophoresis”, Biomedical Chromatography, 20 (5), 451-454 (2006).
7. HuitaoLiu, Yuan Gao, Zhide Hu, “Determination of critical micelle concentration values by capillary electrophoresis”,J Anal. Chem., 62 (2), 176-178 (2007).
8. HuitaoLiu, Yuan Gao, “Determination of active components in Chinese medicinal preparations by capillary electrophoresis”, Central European Journal of Chemistry, Vol 5, 221-229 (2007),.
1. 山东省教育厅计划发展项目:TiO2纳米复合涂层毛细管电泳研究
2. 武器装备预研基金项目:聚氟材料在特殊空间环境效应中的防护应用研究