词条 | 领先商务英语专业系列教材·领先商务英语 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 高等教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年11月1日) 平装: 274页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787040287141 条形码: 9787040287141 尺寸: 23.8 x 18.4 x 1.6 cm 重量: 458 g 内容简介潘慧霞主编的《领先商务英语专业系列教材?领先商务英语(阅读1)》以最新颁布的《高等学校商务英语专业教学要求(试行)》为指导,在编写过程中本着“突出跨文化商务交际能力的培养”的原则,在课文素材上进行了认真的遴选。课文全部来自国外原版专业著作、报刊、杂志及网络等。通过“商务文化热门话题”、“著名商务企业介绍”、“经、管、法基本知识”和“名人轶事”等内容给学生在学习语言的同时提供更多的机会了解商务方面的相关知识。每册课文的内容根据不同的模块,从易到难、循序渐进排列。《领先商务英语专业系列教材?领先商务英语(阅读1)》为第1册。 目录Unit 1 Globalization Text A: China Goes Global Text B: The Global Market: Translating and Localizing Reading Strategy Unit 2 Credit Card Text A: How Does a Credit Card Work? Text B: Two Essays About the History of Credit Card Reading Strategy Unit 3 Personal Branding and Company Branding Text A: The Brand Called You Text B: The Key to Successful Branding in China Reading Strategy Unit 4 Wal-Mart Text A: The Model Manager of WaI-Mart Text B: WaI-Mart Nation Reading Strategy Unit 5 International Trade Text A: Survey of International Trade Text B: Biography of Adam Smith Reading Strategy 94. Unit 6 Silicon Valley Success Stories Text A: Tesla Motor's Second Electric Car Will Be Made in Silicon Valley Text B: The Legend of Silicon Valley Reading Strategy Unit 7 Marketing Innovation Text A: P&G's Innovation Culture Text B: P&G: A Japanese Marketing Success Story Reading Strategy 130 Unit 8 The History of Chinese Banking System Text A: The History of Chinese Banking System Text B: The World Bank Reading Strategy Unit 9 Management Text A: What Is Management? Text B: Peter F. Drucker——Father of Modern Management Reading Strategy Unit 10 Management Theories Text A: Organizing Process in Management Text B: Management: Historical Perspectives Reading Strategy Unit 11 Microcredit Text A: Loans Among Family Members Text B: Loans and Family: Do They Mix? Text A: Hard Time in Starting a Small Business Text B: Muhamrnad Yunus and His Grameen Bank Unit 13 Merger and Acquisition in Business Text A: Chinese M&A: Moving Target Text B: Microsoft's Mating Dance Unit 14 The International Business Law Text A: China's New Company Law Text B: Forms of Foreign Investment in China Unit 15 Learn Mandarin Text A: Get Ahead, Learn Mandarin Text B: Verbal Communication in Business Unit 16 Business Communication Text A: Nonverbal Behaviors in Different Business Cultures Text B: Doing Business in the U.S.A. |
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