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释义 | 专家荣誉 硕士研究生导师 中国超声医学工程学会理事 省超声医学工程学会理事 专家简介 1983年毕业于吉林医学院医疗系,硕士研究生导师。曾任吉林医学院第二临床学院超声科主任、超声研究室主任、上海华山医院宝山分院超声科主任、中国超声医学工程学会理事、吉林省超声医学工程学会理事。上海长江医院超声科诊断学科带头人、著名专家。在三级甲等综合性医院从事超声诊断工作二十多年,积累了丰富的超声临床经验。多次参加国内外学术交流,完成多项科研项目,多篇论文在国内外医学专业期刊上发表,并获得好评。 在男女不孕不育领域的超声诊断中有较深的研究,特别是在男性不育方面更是特色,对生殖系统先天畸形、发育不良、少精、死精、无精症的病因能做出明确的诊断,在观察附睾内活动精子领域在业界具有领先地位。 从医座右铭——胆大心细四诊详不许粗枝大叶,智圆行万慎思量还须理法有章。 英文简介 Shugang liang, the associate professor of treatment The doctor , the tutor of the master student, graduated from the jilin medical college in 1983. He is a famous expert in China and worked as the director of the Ultrasonography Department in the shanghai huashan hospital and in the jilin medical college. He is the leader of the Ultrasonography Department in the changjiang hospital in shanghai. The doctor has been engaged in the ultrasonography diagnosis over 20 years and has a rich clinic experience, he also attended the academic exchange many times and edited the medical thesis on the famous journal. The doctor specialize in the ultrasonic diagnosis on the abdominal cavity, the pelvic organ, the vas,and so on. |
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