

词条 李汶军

职称: 同济大学化学系副研究员,硕士生导师

简介: 个人经历:

1986.7 - 1990.8: 武汉理工大学获学士学位

1990.7 - 1994.8: 浙江水晶集团公司,助理工程师

1994.7 - 1997.8: 上海硅酸盐研究所获硕士学位

1997.7 - 2001.10: 上海硅酸盐研究所,助理研究员

1998.7 - 2001.8: 上海硅酸盐研究所获博士学位

2001.10- 2005.10: 日本国东北大学金属研究所,讲师

2005.10- 2007.8: 上海硅酸盐研究所,副研究员

2007.9 - 现在: 同济大学,副研究员


1. 纳米粉末的制备: 采用水热法和熔盐法等非受限方法以及模板法等受限方法制备单元和多元化合物粉末。

2. 晶体生长理论的研究:从配位多面体生长理论角度研究晶体生长基理、晶体生长习性和晶粒粒度。

3. 单晶的生长:采用浮区法、电弧熔融技术、顶部籽晶溶液生长法、Czochralski法、PVT法等晶体生长方法生长B4C、SiGe、BaTi2O5、b-BBO和宽禁带半导体ZnO、AlN和SiC单晶等。

4. 自组装共晶复合物: 采用浮区法、电弧熔融技术制备TiB2-SiC-B4C、TiB2-TiC-SiC等材料

5. 陶瓷的制备: 采用SPS等烧结方法制备CBN、B4C、SiC和Si3N4等陶瓷。


1. 上海市自然科学基金项目:超快大功率光导开关的制作(06ZR14096),2006.9-2008.8

2. 同济大学985工程:多元氧化物晶粒的形态与生长动力学研究


1.Yan XQ, Li WJ, Goto T, Raman Spectroscopy of pressure-induced amorphous boron carbide, Applied Physics Letters 88(13): 31905 (2006)

2.Wen-Jun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto, Preparation of TiC-TiB2-SiC ternary eutectic composites by arc-melting and their characterizations, Materials transactions, 47(4): 1193-1197(2006).

3.Wen-Jun Li, Rong Tu and Takashi Goto, Preparation of directionally solidified B4C-TiB2-SiC ternary eutectic composites by a floating zone method and their properties, Materials transactions, 46 (9): 2067-2072 (2005).

4.I. Yonenaga, W.J.Li, T. Akashi, T. Ayuzawa and T. Goto, Temperature dependence of electron and hole mobilities in heavily impurity doped SiGe single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 98 (6): 63702 (2005). 5.Wenjun Li, E.W. Shi, T. Fukuda, Particle size of powders under hydrothermal conditions, Cryst. Res. Technol. 38, No.10, 847-858(2003).

6.Wenjun Li, J.M. Ko, E.W. Shi, T. Fukuda, Hydrothermal synthesis of MoS2 Nanowires, Journal of Crystal Growth 2003: 418-422.

7.Wenjun Li, E.W. Shi, Growth habit and habit variation of g-CuI crystallites under hydrothermal conditions, Crystal Research and Technology 37 (10) (2002): 1041-1048.

8.Wenjun Li, E.W. Shi, Solvothermal synthesis of superfine LiMn2O4 powders, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 163(1) (2002): 132-136.

9.Wenjun Li, E.W. Shi, Hydrothermal preparation of nanometer ZnO powders, Journal of Material Science Letter, 20 (15) (2001): 1381-1383.

10.Wenjun Li, E.W. Shi, W.Z. Zhong, The synthesis of ZnO acicular particles by the hydrothermal discharging-gas method, J. Mater. Res., Vol.14, No.4, 1999.

11.Wenjun Li, E.W. Shi, Growth habit of a-Al2O3 and Rutile, Journal of Crystal Growth, 208(2000): 546-554.

12.Wenjun Li, E.W. Shi, Growth mechanism and growth habit of oxide crystal, Journal of Crystal Growth, 203(1999): 186-196 (Cited times: 240).





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