

词条 李唯奇









(1)2003 美国Kansas State University,生物化学系,Graduate Student Research in Biochemistry Award,In recognition of outstanding research accomplishment.

(2)2004 美国Kansas State University,Alvin and RosaLee Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship in Molecular Biology,Honorable Mention.

(3)2003 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plant Fatty Acids and Glycerolipids Symposium, Fallen Leaf Lake, California June 4-8, 2003,会议优秀论文奖,论文题目“Different roles of phoshpolipase D? and ? in freezing responses in Arabidopsis thaliana.”


(1)Li W, Li M, Zhang W, Welti R, and Wang X (2004) The plasma membrane-bound phospholipase D? enhances freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Biotech, 22:427-433.

(2)Li W, Li M, Welti R, and Wang X (In press), Profiling membrane lipid changes in Arabidopsis during freezing injury and post freezing recovery to dissect metabolic and signaling functions of lipid changes and phospholipase Ds.

(3)Wang X, Li W, Li M., and Welti R (2006) Profiling lipid changes in plant response to low temperatures. Physiol. Plant. 26:90-96.

(4)Welti R, Li W, Li M, Sang Y, Biesiada H, Zhou H, Rajashekar CB, Williams TD, Wang X (2002) Profiling membrane lipids in plant stress responses: role of phospholipase D? in freezing-induced lipid changes in Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem, 277:31994-32002.

(5)Sang Y, Zheng S, Li W, Huang B, Wang X (2001) Regulation of plant water loss by manipulating the expression of phospholipase D?. Plant J, 28: 135-144.


(1) 2005年中科院“百人计划”入选。

(2) 主持国家“973”重大项目子课题1项;

(3) 主持国家科技基础条件平台工作项目子课题2项;

(4) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动费。








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