

词条 李丽梅



1996.9 ~ 2000.7 中山大学城市与资源规划系 学士

2000.9 ~ 2003.7 中山大学城市与资源规划系 硕士

2003.9 ~ 2007.6 香港浸会大学地理系 博士


美国布朗大学博士后研究课题 2007-2008

中国城市居民住房迁移历史与城市重构 美国1880城市社区研究 美国历史人口普查(1940-1990)香港浸会大学博士研究课题 2003-2007 住房产权私有化与中国城市居住分异模式 中国住房商品改革后城市小区论坛的兴起 转型时期中国城市居住流动与城市重构

中山大学硕士研究课题 2000-2003

香港迪斯尼乐园的社区感知调查——对珠三角旅游业发展的影响 中国-澳大利亚出境旅游市场分析


Li, L.M. and Li, S.M. The impact of variations in urban registration within cities, in Whyte, M. ed. One Country, Two Societies: Rural-Urban Gap in Contemporary China, Boston: Harvard University Press (under submission) (李丽梅,李思名,城市内部户口等级差异影响研究,载:怀默霆主编,一个国家,两种社会:当代中国城乡差距波士顿:哈佛大学出版社<即将出版>) 李丽梅,李思名,中国城镇住房制度改革:回顾与评价,载:李思名,陈峰,邵一鸣主编,持续与变迁:当代中国的政经、社会和空间发展,pp.383-412,香港:香港教育图书公司,2008。 Li, S.M. and Li, L.M. 2006. Life course and housing tenure change in urban China: a study of Guangzhou, Housing Studies 21(5), 653-670. (李思名,李丽梅,中国城市居民生命历程与住房产权变化研究:以广州为例,住房研究,21(5), 653-670) 李思名,李丽梅,转型时期中国城市居民生命历程和住房权属变化研究:以广州为例,见涂肇庆主编,机遇与挑战:21世纪两岸四地的人口变迁,北京:中国人口出版社,2005,605-620。 陶伟,李丽梅,香港城市游憩商业区空间结构演变模式,城市规划,2005,6,69-75 李丽梅,保继刚,基于旅游者-目的地相互作用的人地关系研究——以广西阳朔为例,中国旅游研究,2005,1,4-16 Li, L.M. and Tao, W. 2003. Spatial structure evolution of system of recreation business district: a case study of Suzhou city, Chinese Geographical Science 13(4), 370-377. (李丽梅,陶伟,苏州城市游憩商业区系统空间演变研究,中国地理科学,2003,13(4), 370-377) 陶伟, 李丽梅. 城市游憩商业区系统SRBD的生长研究——以历史文化名城苏州为例, 旅游学刊, 2003, 18(3): 43-47. 保继刚、徐红罡、李丽梅.从桂林旅游规划看中国旅游规划的发展. 载:保继刚、钟新民、刘德龄主编.发展中国家家旅游规划与管理.北京:中国旅游出版社,2002. 徐红罡、李丽梅.区域旅游规划中的风险分析与管理. 载:保继刚、钟新民、刘德龄主编.发展中国家旅游规划与管理.北京:中国旅游出版社,2002 保继刚,徐红罡,李丽梅,John Ap,香港迪斯尼乐园对珠江三角洲的影响,旅游学刊,2001,16(4),34-38 李丽梅,保继刚,大学生旅游行为研究——以中山大学为例,桂林旅游高等专科学校学报,2000,11(4),45-49,54


Logan, J. and Li, L.M. Migration and spatial restructuring in Beijing. 和衷共济——中国与世界的共存之道,第三届世界中国学论坛,上海,2008年9月。 Logan, J. and Li, L.M. The mixed housing system and residential mobility in urban China: a comparative study of Beijing and Guangzhou, International Conference on China’s Urban and Housing in the 21st century, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong (13-15 December 2007). Li, L.M. and Li S.M. A home of one’s own: wired homeowners, community involvement and civil society, International Conference on China’s Urban Transition and City Planning, Cardiff University, UK (29-30 June 2007). Li, L.M and Li S.M. The remaining legacy of hukou system: the separation of hukou registration place and actual residence within a city, Workshop on Rethinking the Rural-Urban Cleavages in Contemporary China, Fairbank Center, Harvard University, USA (Invited presenter, 6-8 October 2006). Li, L.M and Li S.M. Micro-analysis of the neighbourhood-based virtual communities in urban China, Changing Geography in a Diversified World: in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong (1-3 June 2006). Li, L.M. Unity is strength: the emergence of neighborhood-based virtual communities in urban China under market transition, Annual Conference of RGS-IBG, London, UK (31 August-2 Sep 2005). Li, L.M. Exploring a new dimension of residential differentiation in urban China under market transition: a study of suburban residential enclaves, Annual conference of Urban China Research Network, “Cities in China: the Next Generation of Urban Research”, Shanghai (Invited presenter, 5 July 2005). Li, L.M. Exploring a new dimension of residential differentiation in urban China under market transition: a study of suburban residential enclaves, Annual conference of Association of American Geographers (AAG), Denver, USA (5-9 April 2005). Li, S.M. and L.M. Li. Life course and housing tenure change in urban China: a study of Guangzhou, Workshop on the Population Change in Greater China in the 21th century: Challenge and opportunity, Hong Kong (20-21 November 2004).





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