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2001-2007:加州大学伯克利分校植物和微生物系,Post-graduated Researcher Type I,II,III, IV 和 V (资深研究人员)。





对核心技术的熟练掌握和创立新技术是在前沿领域获得突破性成果的保证,本实验室具有植物电生理学与分子生物学相结合的研究平台,拥有PLBs (Planar Lipid Bilayers)、TEVC、 Patch Clamp 和 Giant Patch Clamp等技术,欢迎同仁携手合作。


长期从事植物离子或小分子的转运、调控研究。在植物中发现了镁离子转运体(AtMGTs)、生物碱转运体,并证实了多药物转运体(AtDTX)的新功能; 在水稻钠离子的转运机理方面,合作取得了重要成果,作为抗盐研究的突破被全世界60多家媒体相竞报道;建立了钾转运信号的传导途径和正/负调控的分子网络;发现了植物shaker-type 钾通道的电压、浓度感应和整流转换的基本分子机制。


1. Lee SC*, Lan WZ*, Kim BG*, Li Legong*, Cheong YH, Pandey GK, Lu G, Buchanan BB, Luan S. A protein phosphorylation/dephosphorylation network regulates a plant potassium channel. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 104 (40):15959-64. Impact factor:10.231

*The authors have equally contribution to this work

This paper(Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Oct 2) has been selected for Faculty of 1000 Biology (http://www.f1000biology.com) and evaluated by Nico Von Wiren: see http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1093765.

2. Legong Li , Beom-Gi Kim , Yong Hwa Cheong, Girdhar K. Pandey and Sheng Luan. A Ca2+ signaling pathway regulates a K+ channel for low-K response in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006,103: 12625-12630. Impact factor:10.231

3. Ren ZH*, Gao JP*, Li Legong*, Cai XL, Huang W, Chao DY, Zhu MZ, Wang ZY, Luan S and Lin HX. A rice quantitative trait locus for salt tolerance encodes a sodium transporter. Nature Genetics. 2005, 37 (10): 1141-1146. Impact factor:25.977

*The authors have equally contribution to this work

4. Li Legong, Tutone AF, Drummond RSM, et al. A novel family of magnesium transport genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2001, 13(12): 2761-2775. Impact factor:11.088

5. Li Legong, He ZY, Pandey GK, et al. Functional cloning and characterization of a plant efflux carrier for multidrug and heavy metal detoxification. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2002, 277 (7): 5360-5368. Impact factor:6.799

6. Liu K, Li Legong, Luan S. Intracellular K+ sensing of SKOR, a Shaker-type K+ channel from Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 2006, 46 (2): 260-268. Impact factor:6.969

7. Liu K, Li Legong and Luan S. An essential function of phosphatidylinositol phosphates in activation of plant shaker-type K+ channels. Plant Journal. 2005, 42(3): 433-43. Impact factor:6.969

8. Cheong YH, Pandey GK, Grant JJ, Batistic O, Li Legong, Kim BG, Lee SC, Kudla J, Luan S. Two calcineurin B-like calcium sensors, interacting with protein kinase CIPK23, regulate leaf transpiration and root potassium uptake in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. 2007 Oct;52(2):223-39. Impact factor:6.969

9. Li Legong, Li shifang and Yoshichika Kitagawa Molecular cloning of a novel water channel gene from rice: its products expression in Xenopus oocytes and involvement in chilling tolerance. Plant Science. 2000, 154: 43-51.

10. He Zengyong, Li Legong and Luan S. Immunophilins and parvulins. Superfamily of peptidyl prolyl isomerases in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 2004 , 134(4): 1248-67. Impact factor:6.114

11. Pandey GK, Grant JJ, Cheong YH, Kim BG, Li Legong, Luan S. ABR1, an APETALA2-domain transcription factor that functions as a repressor of ABA response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiolology. 2005, 139(3): 1185-93. Impact factor:6.114

12. Pandey GK, Cheong YH, Kim KN, Grant JJ, Li Legong, Hung W, D’Angelo C. Weinl S, Kudla J and Luan S. The calcium sensor calcineurin B-like 9 modulates abscisic acid sensitivity and biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2004 , 16(7): 1912-24. Impact factor:11.088





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