

词条 李红芳


李红芳, 职 务:兰州大学基础医学院教授。

1985至1989 西北师范大学生物系读本科。

1989至1992 兰州医学院读生理学医学硕士。

1992至1994 兰州医学院生理教研室任助教。

1994至2000 兰州医学院生理教研室任讲师。

1999至2002 兰州大学生命科学学院读博士。

2000至2004 兰州医学院生理教研室任副教授。

2003至2004 日本山形大学药理学研究室访问学者。

2003至2006 兰州大学天然有机化学国家重点实验室博士后。

2008至2009 美国缅因州分子医学研究中心访问学者。



1985?1989 B.S. Department of Biology, Northwestern Normal University, China。

1989?1992 M.S.Department of Physiology, Lanzhou Medical College, China。

1992?1994 Assistant, Physiology, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou, Gansu, China。

1994?2000 Lecturer, Physiology, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou, Gansu, China。

1999?2002 Ph.D. School of Life Science, Lanzhou University, China。

2000?2004 Associate Professor, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou, Gansu, China。

2003?2004 Visiting scholar, Pharmacology, Yamagata University, Yamagata, Japan。

2003?2006 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Natural Product Pharmacology, Lanzhou University,Lanzhou, Gansu, China

2008?2009 Visiting scholar, vascular biology, Maine Medical Center.Resrearch Institute, Maine,USA。

2004?present Professor, Physiology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China。




Research Interests:

Physiology and pharmacology of smooth muscle:In this field, we use the contractile response and myoelectrical activity of smooth muscle as the parameters to detect the effects of Chinese herb extracts and prokinetic drugs on smooth muscle (for example gastrointestine, gallbladder tract, vascular artery, trachea and uterus) and study the underlying molecular mechenisms, which can provide theoretic evidences for the clinical trentment of smooth muscle motility disorder。

Cardiovascular activity and endocrine and metabolism:The diseases related female hormones including breast and uterine endometrial carcinomas, hypertension, atherosclerosis, menopause syndrome and some of metabolic deseases such as obesity and diabetes are very harmful for people health and seriously affect their life quality. Therefore, it is a very important and valubale project to study the effects of estrogen structural analogs (such as environmental hormones, phytoestrogens and related natural products) on the cardiovascular activity, endocrine and metabolism. The research work in this field is pretty useful for the precaution and treatment of estrogen related diseases. Recently, we are focused on studying the cardiovascular responses, the histological changes of estrogen target organs and the function of endocrine and metabolism (for example,the change of endogenous female hormone and insulin release, glucose and lipid metabolism) in normal and disease animals treated with estrogen analogs from cellular and molecular level, tissue and whole body level and also detect their related molecular。 mechansims.










honors and awards:

1997 Award for Scientific and Technological Advancement, Gansu, China 。

1999 Award for Excellence in Teaching Reformation, Gansu, China。

1999 Award for Scientific and Technological Advancement, Gansu, China。

2002 Selected as “555 “program for Excellence in research work, Gansu, China。

2003 Award for the 4th youth Scientific and Technology, Gansu, China。

2004 Award for Scientific and Technological Advancement, Gansu, China 。

2006 Award for Excellence in lab administration, Gansu, China。


2008 Li HF, Zhang Y, Tian Z, Qiu X, Gu J, Wu J. Genistein stimulates myocardial contractility in guinea pigs by different subcellular mechanisms. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008;597(1-3):70-74。

2008 Wang LD, Qiu XQ, Tian ZF, Zhang YF, Li HF. Inhibitory effects of genistein and resveratrol on guinea pig gallbladder contractility in vitro. World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14(31):4955-4960。

2008 张华;李红芳;杨丽娜;张英福;田治锋;邱小青;陈新年. 雌激素及植物雌激素对去卵巢大鼠乳腺组织形态和ER亚型表达的影响. 中国药理学通报,2008;24(4):518-522。

2007 Zhang P, Li HF, Tian ZF, Qiu XQ, Wu JX, Jia ZJ. Effects of phytoestrogens and 17beta-estradiol on vasoconstriction elicited by reactive oxygen species. Pharmazie, 2007; 62(5):378-381。

2007 顾静; 李红芳; 田治锋; 邱小青; 张华。染料木素对离体豚鼠乳头肌生理特性的影响。中国药理学通报 2007;23(4):86-91。

2006 Li HF, Zhang P, Tian ZF, Qiu XQ, Zhang YF, Wu JX, Jia ZJ. Differential mechanisms involved in effects of genistein and 17-β-estradiol on porcine coronary arteries. Pharmazie, 2006; 61(5):375-379。

2006 Li HF, Tian ZF, Qiu XQ, Wu JX, Zhang P, Jia ZJ. A study of mechanisms involved in vasodilatation induced by resveratrol in isolated porcine coronary artery. Physiol Res, 2006;55:365-372。

2006 吴金霞,李红芳,田治锋等. 染料木素对离体豚鼠左室乳头肌收缩功能的影响. 中国药理学通报, 2006,22(6):743-746。

2006 李红芳, 汪龙德, 田治峰,等. 植物雌激素白藜芦醇和根皮素对家兔离体主动脉血管收缩反应的影响(英文). 中国药理学与毒理学杂志, 2006;20(1):26-32。

2006 Li HF, Tian ZF, ZHeng TZ, Li W, Jia ZJ. Effects of resveratrol on arterial blood pressure and pressor response in ovariectomized rats. 兰大学报自然科学版 2006;42(6):50-54。

2004 Li HF, Wang LD, Qu SY. Phytoestrogen genistein decrease contractile response of aortic artery in vitro and arterial blood pressure in vivo. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (中国药理学报), 2004; 25(3):313-318。

2003 Li HF, et al. Vasodilatory effect of water decoction of dried flower of Carthamus tinctorius on rabbit aorta in vitro. 中草药,2003,34(5):430-433。

2002 Li HF, et al.A Study of the Mechanisms Involved in Relaxation Induced by 17-β-estradiol in the Isolated Rabbit Aorta. Arch Gynecol Obstet (德国妇产科进展) ,2002,266(2):101-104。

2002 李红芳,等。茵陈对离体兔Oddi括约肌、胆囊和十二指肠平滑肌运动的影响。兰大学报自然科学版,2002,38:223-225.

2001 Li HF, et al.Effect of progesterone on the contractile response of isolated pulmonary artery in rabbits。Can J Physiol Pharmacol (加拿大生理与药理)2001;79(6):545-550。

2000 Li HF. Effects of PGE1 on electric activity of rat small intestine in vivo. Acta Zoologica Sinica (动物学报), 2000; 46(4): 467-469。

2000 李红芳,等。冷束缚浸水改变大鼠胃肠电活动及损伤胃黏膜机制探讨。兰大学报自然科学版, 2000,36:9-12。

1998 Li HF, Wang LD,Qin XM. 前列腺素E1对大鼠胃窦肌电活动的影响. 动物学研究, 1998, 19: 435-437。

1997 Li HF, Zhang JJ, Ma YH, et al.Changes of gastrointestinal electric motility during experimental stress gastric ulcers in rats. Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology, 1997,13: 184。





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