词条 | 李和东 |
释义 | 简历:李和东,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师;中国科学院动物研究所细胞运动与肌肉收缩课题组组长。 1996年于中国科学院上海生物化学研究所获得博士学位。其后在美国 University of Massachusetts Medical School 从事研究工作,先后担任博士后(Post-doctoral research fellow),讲师(Instructor),和研究助理教授(Research assistant professor)。2008年底入选中国科学院“百人计划”,2009年起担任中国科学院动物研究所研究员,博士生导师。 长期从事肌球蛋白结构与功能的研究。首次构建了具有单头结构的平滑肌肌球蛋白,证明了双头结构是平滑肌肌球蛋白调节的基础。首次提出了尾部抑制假说(Tail-inhibition model)解释非典型性肌球蛋白Va调节的机理。这一假说已被广泛接受,并成为研究其他肌球蛋白调节的基础。曾获得美国心脏学会(American Heart Association)的博士后研究资助 (post-doctoral fellowship, 1999-2001)和科学家发展研究经费 (Scientist Development Grant, 2004 - 2008)。近年来取得的研究成果主要发表于国际核心学术期刊,包括J. Biol. Chem., PNAS, Cell 等。 研究领域:目前的研究重点包括:1)非典型性肌球蛋白功能的调节;2)肌球蛋白运动与马达蛋白运动的关系;3)昆虫特有肌球蛋白的结构与功能;4)平滑肌收缩的调节机理。 获奖及荣誉:美国心脏学会博士后资助-1999-2001(American Heart Association post-doctoral fellowship, 1999-2001)和科学家发展研究经费 (Scientist Development Grant, 2004 - 2008)。 代表论著:Xiang-dong Li*, Hyun Suk Jung, Qizhi Wang, Reiko Ikebe, Roger Craig, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2008) The globular tail domain puts on the brake to stop the ATPase cycle of the myosin Va. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 1140-1145(*corresponding author. This paper has been citied in “Faculty of 1000”). Wang, Z., Edwards, J. G., Riley, N., Provance, D. W., Jr., Karcher, R., Li, X. D., Davison, I. G., Ikebe, M., Mercer, J. A., Kauer, J. A. and Ehlers, M. D. (2008) Myosin Vb mobilizes recycling endosomes and AMPA receptors for postsynaptic plasticity. Cell 135, 535-548 Osamu Sato, Xiang-dong Li, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2007) Myosin Va becomes a low duty ratio motor in the inhibited form. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282:13228-13239. Xiang-dong Li*, Hyun Suk Jung, Katsuhide Mabuchi, Roger Craig, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2006) The globular tail domain of myosin Va functions as an inhibitor of the myosin Va motor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 281:21789-21798 (* corresponding author. ). Xiang-dong Li, Reiko Ikebe, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2005) Activation of Myosin Va function by melanophilin, a specific docking partner of Myosin Va. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278: 29435-29441. Xiang-dong Li, Katsuhide Mabuchi, Reiko Ikebe, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2004) Ca2+ induced activation of ATPase activity of myosin Va is accompanied with a large conformational change. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 315: 538-545. Xiang-dong Li and Mitsuo Ikebe. (2003) Two functional heads are required for full activation of smooth muscle myosin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278: 29435-29441. Yu Chen, Norio Takizawa, Jessica L Crowley, Sang W. Oh, Cheryl L. Gatto, Taketoshi Kambara, Osamu Sato, Xiang-dong Li, Mitsuo Ikebe, and Elizabeth J. Luna (2003) F-actin and myosin II binding domains in supervillin. Journal of Biological Chemistry ?278:46094-46106 Xiang-dong Li, Junya Saito, Reiko Ikebe, Katsuhide Mabuchi, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2000) The interaction between the regulatory light chain domains on two heads is critical for regulation of smooth muscle myosin. Biochemistry 39(9): 2254-2260. Xiang-dong Li, Troy E. Rhodes, Reiko Ikebe, Taketoshi Kambara, Howard D. White and Mitsuo Ikebe (1998) Effects of mutations in the g-phosphate binding site of myosin on its motor function. Journal of Biological Chemistry 273(42): 27404-27411. |
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