词条 | 君临之神 |
释义 | 介绍PSP游戏《Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII 核心危机-最终幻想7》中登场的书中人物、隐藏BOSS。 真名 密涅瓦Minerva (ミネルヴァ, Mineruva)源自罗马神话智慧、战争女神。即希腊神话中的雅典娜。 官方攻略本介绍,人物造型也是参考了神话中雅典娜“左手盾牌右手矛”的设定。 游戏中杰内西斯反复朗诵的叙事诗《LOVELSS》中的女神,仅在游戏终盘杰内西斯的幻觉中登场。同时作为隐藏BOSS,在任务探索太空洞中最后一个任务中登场。各项能力几乎满值,是本游戏中最强大的敌人。 游戏数据LV MP 100 999,999 HP NORMAL HP HARD 10,000,000 20,000,000 ATK MAG VIT 255 255 201 SPR LCK EXP 255 255 0 SP GIL 40,000 0 特性抵抗全部异常状态。无视重力魔法。身上可偷得99个不死鸟之羽。 普通技能普通攻击特殊炎雷冰,不能被抵抗或吸收。 有使自身一段时间内无敌的魔法、全屏必杀魔法创世。恢复HP。 极限技 “制裁之矢 (Judgment Arrow)”无属性魔法攻击,魔防250以下必死,同时去除不死鸟之羽效果。 其他左图为官方设计造型,右图为艺术造型。 制作人的意思:密涅瓦在现身时的表情是星球意志的反应和暗示,“杰内西斯他还没有完成他的职责,他还有很多事情必须去学习。”最后,作为星球情感的反应,她完全治愈了杰内西斯。 英语原文介绍"There is no hate, only joy, For you are beloved by the goddess, Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds, Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul. Pride is lost, wings stripped away, the end is nigh."—LOVELESS Genesis Rhapsodos believes the object the three heroes were searching for in the text, the Gift of the Goddess, could cure his degradation. Genesis thus attempts to recreate the conditions of LOVELESS in order to come to the Gift. However, after fighting with Zack Fair, Genesis comes to the realization that the "Pride of a SOLDIER" is the Gift of the Goddess. When Zack defeats Genesis in the Banora Underground, Minerva shows herself to Genesis in a vision in the Lifestream. Looking into his soul and seeing his unselfish desire and will to "complete his duty as a SOLDIER" she revives him as a reflection of the Lifestream's will. |
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