

词条 金硫葡糖




Classification: Antiarthritic

Action/Kinetics: The goldcontent of aurothioglucose is 50%. Time to peak effect: 4-6 hr. Meansteady-state plasma levels: 1-6 mc/mL. Is 95%-99% protein bound. t1/2,after 11th dose: Up to 168 days. Seventy percent is excreted in the urine and 30% isexcreted through the urine.


IM Only Rheumatoid arthritis. Adults: W eek 1: 10 mg; weeks 2 and 3: 25 mg; then, 25-50(maximum) mg/week until a total of 0.8-1 g has been administered. If client tolerates thedose and has improved, 50 mg may be given q 3-4 weeks for several months. Pediatric,6-12 years: W eek 1: 2.5 mg; weeks 2 and 3: 6.25 mg; then, 12.5mg/week until a total dose of 200-250 mg has been administered. Maintenance: 6.25-12.5mg q 3-4 weeks.


Pregnancy Category: C


GI: N&V, anorexia, abdominal cramps, metallic taste, gastritis, ulcerativeenterocolitis colitis. Dermatologic: Dermatitis (papular, vesicular,exfoliative), rash, urticaria, angioedema, chrysiasis. Renal: Nephrotic syndrome,glomerulonephritis with proteinuria and hematuria, acute renal failure secondary to acutetubular necrosis, acute nephritis, degeneration of proximal tubular epithelium. Hematologic: Granulocytopenia, panmyelopathy, hemorrhagic diathesis. Respiratory: Inflammation of upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bold bronchitis,interstitial pneumonitis, fibrosis. CNS: Confusion, hallucinations, seizures. Mucous membranes: Stomatitis, diffuse glossitis, gingivitis. Reactions of thenitroid type: Anaphylactoid symptoms, flushing, fainting, dizziness, sweating,N&V, malaise, headache, weakness. Ophthalmologic: Iritis, corneal ulcers, golddeposits in ocular tissues. Miscellaneous: Vaginitis.


Treatment: Discontinue and give dimercaprol. Provide supportive therapy for renal and hematologicsymptoms. In acute overdose, induce emesis or gastric lavage immediately.





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