词条 | 解说立场的语言体现:以中文乒乓球电视直播节目为例 |
释义 | 基本信息作者:沈三山 出版社: 科学出版社; 第1版 (2010年11月1日) 外文书名: Linguistic Realization of Commentary Stance:Evidence from Chinese Table Tennis Programmes 精装: 267页 正文语种: 英语 开本: 32 ISBN: 9787030278685, 7030278682 条形码: 9787030278685 产品尺寸及重量: 21.2 x 15.4 x 1.8 cm ; 440 g ASIN: B004HM2PX2 内容简介《解说立场的语言体现:以中文乒乓球电视直播节目为例》收集并转写了从1987年到2002年乒乓球比赛的部分录音录像,这些比赛由中央电视台不同的解说员加以解说。这一研究素材涵盖了数个国际比赛,包括十多个小时的录音录像,10万余字的转写材料。数据库的性质和大小使本研究能够对解说立场的体现形式作一个较为完整的分析研究。作为初步的研究,《解说立场的语言体现:以中文乒乓球电视直播节目为例》进行了两个具有一定深度的调查。 第一个调查通过一场中外乒乓球选手之间的比赛,调查解说轮次的分布情况,因为解说轮次是中文乒乓球解说的基本语篇单位。为此,笔者专门选择了一场比分非常接近的比赛。首先对这场比赛中比赛双方各自的轮番技击进行转写。有这一转写作为客观和技术层面的参照,中文乒乓球现场解说中主观和态度的层面得以统算出来。同时,借助这一转写对解说轮次进行客观的切分。其后,根据比赛中的得分和失分,检查各个比赛轮次的解说是如何分配给比赛双方的。这一依据击技技术分析的客观调查发现:在一场竞赛表现非常相同的比赛中,解说轮次在中外比赛双方的分布不是均匀的。 基于第一个调查,第二个调查通过调查言语行为在一场比赛中两个选手之间的分布,了解中文乒乓球现场解说中言语行为是如何体现解说立场的。依据塞尔言语行为的执行条件以及中国人中文语感的调查,在中文乒乓球现场解说中发现并定义了八种常用的言语行为。它们分别是“叫好、叹惜、表扬、批评、建议、担忧、找理由和期待”。调查素材加注上述言语行为后进行计算处理,以便观察言语行为在中外球手之间有无分布差异。结果发现,分布的差异具有统计上的显著意义。 目录Acknowledgements 前言 Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 The Object of Research 1.2 Chinese Table Tennis Commentary 1.3 Stance in Chinese Table Tennis Commentary 1.4 General Approach 1.5 Organization of the Book Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Sports Announcer Talk 2.2.1 SAT as a register or genre 2.2.2 Linguistic features of SAT 2.2.3 Key information tiers in a SAT 2.2.4 Methodology in SAT research 2.2.5 Professional experience in producing a SAT 2.2.6 Summary on the review of previous SAT researches 2.3 Linguistic Theory of Evaluation 2.3.1 Affection in lexis 2.3.2 Stance in sentence 2.3.3 Evaluation in discourse 2.4 Speech Act Theory 2.4.1 Why Speech Act Theory? 2.4.2 A brief introduction to Speech Act Theory 2.4.3 What other speech act does a constative utterance usually perform? 2.4.4 Is there an alternative way to classify speech acts? 2.4.5 What is the relationship between and among speech acts? 2.4.6 Summary on the review of Speech Act Theory 2.5 Discussion and Summary 2.5.1 Discussion 2.5.2 Summary Chapter 3 Research Methodology 3.1 General Hypothesis 3.2 Data Collection, Transcription and Process 3.2.1 Data selection 3.2.2 Data transcription 3.2.3 Data processing 3.3 Competition in Table Tennis and Comparison in CITC 3.3.1 Aspects of CTFC: objective or subjective 3.3.2 Comparative categories 3.4 Two Key Comparisons 3.4.1 Selection of point, stroke, or performance for evaluation 3.4.2 Speech act allocation and analysis 3.4.3 Evaluation patterns and their allocation 3.5 Discussion and Summary 3.5.1 Discussion 3.5.2 Summary Chapter 4 A General Description of CTTC 4.1 Introduction 4.2 General Description of CTTC 4.3 Basic Statistics 4.3.1 Constant frequency of different commentaries 4.3.2 Discourse usages and patterns 4.4 General Structure of a CT]?C 4.4.1 Information tiers 4.4.2 Evaluation distribution 4.5 Discussion and Summary 4.5.1 Discussion 4.5.2 Summary Chapter 5 Selection of Points and Strokes for Commentary 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Basic Concepts 5.2.1 Basics of table tennis stroke 5.2.2 Alternate strokes 5.2.3 Pilot transcription of alternate strokes by the author 5.2.4 Transcription of alternate strokes by coaches 5.2.5 General summary 5.3 Competition Point and Commentary Unit 5.3.1 Score reports and game stages 5.3.2 Commentary unit 5.3.3 Stage contents and their organization 5.4 Stage Perspective and Commentary Stance 5.4.1 Basic perspectives 5.4.2 Stage perspective 5.4.3 Commentary distribution 5.4.4 Commentary stance 5.5 Summary and Discussion 5.5.1 Summary 5.5.2 Discussion Chapter 6 Category and Distribution of Speech Acts 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Commentator, Audience and Player in a CTTC 6.3 Speech Acts in a CTTC 6.3.1 Definition and category 6.3.2 Speech act tagging 6.4 Distribution of Speech Acts in a CTTC 6.5 Macro Speech Act 6.6 Summary and Discussion 6.6.1 Summary 6.6.2 Discussion Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Major Findings and Contributions 7.2 Conclusions 7.3 Limitations and Further Studies 7.3.1 Limitations 7.3.2 Further studies References Appendix 1 Details of the Research Data Appendix 2 Glossary of Table Tennis Appendix 3 A Sample CTTC Appendix 4 English Translation of the Sample CTTC Appendix 5 Alternate Strokes Transcription Appendix 6 Intuition Consultation Appendix 7 Statistics of Speech Act Allocation |
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