

词条 交叉责任扩展条款

C409 交叉责任扩展条款

兹经双方同意, 鉴于被保险人已缴付了附加的保险费, 本保险单第三者责任项下的保障范围将适用于本保险单明细表列明的所有被保险人,就如同每一被保险人均持有一份独立的保险单, 但本公司对被保险人不承担以下赔偿责任:

(一) 已在或可在本保险单物质损失部分投保的财产损失,包括因免赔额,或赔偿限额规定不予赔偿的损失;

(二) 已在雇主责任保险项下投保的被保险人的雇员的疾病或人身伤亡。




E409 Cross Liability Clause

It is agreed and understood that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the Third Party Liability cover of the Policy shall apply to the insured parties named in the Schedule as if a separate policy had been issued to each party, provided that the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured under this Endorsement in respect of liability for

1. loss of or damage to items insured or insurable under section I of the Policy, ever if not recoverable due to an excess or any limit,

2. fatal or non-fatal injury or illness of employees or workmen who are or could have been insured under Employers' Liability insurance.

The Insurers' total liability in respect of the insured parties shall not however exceed in the aggregate for any one accident or series of accidents arising out of one event the limit of indemnity stated in the Schedule.

This Clause is Subject otherwise to the terms, Conditions and exclusions of this Policy.

Extra premium:_________________





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