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释义 | 中科院“百人计划”入选者中科院广州能源所热流体与先进能源系统实验室主任,研究员,博士生导师,中科院“百人计划”入选者。1991至1998年就读于重庆大学获硕士学位,2001年毕业于中科院工程热物理研究所获博士学位。2002年1月至2010年10月先后工作于德国Mainz微技术研究所、葡萄牙Aveiro大学机械工程系、加拿大New Brunswick大学机械工程系、美国Pennsylvania州立大学机械工程系电化学引擎中心(Electrochemical Engine Center, ECEC),主要从事微热流体系统研发,燃料电池水、热管理,复杂热流体系统的数值方法及模型等方面的研究工作,共发表论文60余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇,总引用~200次。近几年在国际著名杂志、国际重大学术会议上发表或宣读的论文共有30余篇,受邀为专著“Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer”撰写章节“SPH – a versatile multiphysics modeling tool”。 主要研究方向增强型地热系统(EGS)EGS流体与储热岩层的相互作用;超临界CO2地热虹吸管(Geothermosiphon)系统等 燃料电池(包括先进电池)系统以质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)为代表的电化学能量转化或存储系统中多物理耦合传输过程的多尺度数值模型 微流体能源系统微通道内的相变传热机制及强化,高效微流体换(散)热器,微小卫星的微推进系统及微推力测试装置,等 高效节能技术及产品研发大功率LED灯具,先进的CO2热泵、化学热泵,等 代表性论文(论著)1. Fangming Jiang and Antonio C.M. Sousa,“SPH – a versatile multiphysics modeling tool” in, “Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer”, Edited by R. Amano and B. Sunden, WIT Press, Southampton, UK (in press) 2. Fangming Jiang, Chao-yang Wang, and Ken S. Chen, Current ramping: a strategy for rapid start-up of PEM fuel cells from subfreezing environment, Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 157 (3), B342-347, 2010 3. Ashis Nandy, Fangming Jiang, Shanhai Ge, Chao-yang Wang, and Ken S. Chen, Effect of cathode pore volume on PEM fuel cell cold start, Journal of Electrochemical Society Vol. 157 (5), B726-736, 2010 4. Fangming Jiang, and Chao-yang Wang, Potentiostatic start-up of PEMFCs from subzero temperatures, Journal of Electrochemical Society, Vol. 155 (7), B743-751, 2008 5. Fangming Jiang, Weifeng Fang and Chao-yang Wang, Non-isothermal cold start of polymer electrolyte fuel cells, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 53, pp. 610-621, 2007 6. Fangming Jiang and Antonio C.M. Sousa,Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation of effective thermal conductivity in porous media of various pore structures, Journal of Porous Media Vol. 13, pp. 951, 2010 7. Fangming Jiang and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics modeling of transverse flow in randomly aligned fibrous porous media, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 75, pp. 17-33, 2008 8. Antonio C.M. Sousa andFangming Jiang, SPH as an inverse numerical tool for the prediction of diffusive properties in porous media,Material Science Forum Vol. 553, pp. 171-189, 2007 9. Fangming Jiang and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous multi-component materials - an SPH implementation, Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 43, pp. 479-491, 2007 10. Fangming Jiang, Monica C.A. Oliveira and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Mesoscale SPH modeling of fluid flow in isotropic porous media, Computer Physics Communications Vol. 176, pp. 471-480, 2007 11. Fangming Jiang, Monica C.A. Oliveira and Antonio C.M. Sousa, SPH simulation of transition to turbulence for planar shear flow subjected to a streamwise magnetic field, Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 217, pp. 485-501, 2006 12. Fangming Jiang and Antonio C.M. Sousa, SPH numerical modeling for ballistic-diffusive heat conduction, Numerical Heat Transfer B Vol. 50, pp. 499-515, 2006 13. Fangming Jiang, Solution and analysis of hyperbolic heat propagation in hollow spherical objects. Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 42, pp. 1083-1091, 2006 14. Fangming Jiang and Antonio C.M. Sousa, Analytical solution for hyperbolic heat conduction in a hollow sphere, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, (note) Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 595-598, 2005 15. Fangming Jiang, Monica C.A. Oliveira and Antonio C.M. Sousa, SPH simulation of low Reynolds number planar shear flow and heat convection, Materials Science and Engineering technology, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 613-619, 2005 16. S. Hardt, Fangming Jiang and F. Schoenfeld, A computational analysis of the hydrodynamic instability of a liquid jet focused into a converging microchannel, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 739-756, 2005 17. Fangming Jiang, K. S. Drese, S. Hardt, M. Kupper and F. Schoenfeld, Helical flows and chaotic mixing in curved micro- channels, AIChE Journal, Vol. 50, No. 9, pp. 2297-2305, 2004 18. Fangming Jiang, Dengying Liu and Jianhua Zhou, Non-Fourier heat conduction phenomena in porous material heated by microsecond laser pulse, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 331-346, 2002 19. Fangming Jiang, Dengying Liu and Ruixian Cai, Theoretical analysis and experimental evidence of non-Fourier heat conduction behavior, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2001, 9 (4): 359-368 |
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