词条 | Beagle.x |
释义 | 病毒信息: 病毒名称: Worm.Beagle.x 中文名称: 恶鹰变种X 病毒长度: 37,977Bytes 威胁级别: 3A 病毒别名: Worm.BBeagle.ab [瑞星] W32/Bagle.z@MM w32.beagle.w@mm W32/Bagle-W Bagle.y 贝革热变种 恶鹰变种 雏鹰变种 病毒类型: 蠕虫、后门 受影响系统:???枪?ЁWin9x/WinNT/Win2000/WinXP/Windows Server 2003 破坏方式: · 利用自带的SMTP发信引擎疯狂发送病毒邮件,堵塞网络,导致邮件服务器不稳定; · 利用点对点共享软件进行传播; · 中止大量反病毒软件和个人防火墙,降低系统安全性。 系统修改: A、在系统目录中生成以下文件: %system32%\\\\Drvsys.exe (病毒复本) %system32%\\\\Drvsys.exeopen %system32%\\\\Drvsys.exeopenopen 该病毒还会创建多个文件名以“open”结尾的自身拷贝。 例如: Drvsys.exeopenopenopen Drvsys.exeopenopenopenopen Drvsys.exeopenopenopenopenopen (注意: %System%是Windows的系统文件夹,在Windows 95, 98, 和ME系统中通常是 C:\\\\Windows\\\\System,在WindowsNT和2000系统中是C:\\\\WINNT\\\\System32,在Windows XP系统中是C:\\\\Windows\\\\System32。) B、添加以下键值 Drvsys.exe = "%System%\\\\ Drvsys.exe" 到 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Run HKEY_USER\\\\.DEFAULT\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Run 以便可随机自启动; C、病毒在名称中含有“shar”字串的文件夹中释放复本,其名称可能为: ACDSee 9.exe Adobe Photoshop 9 full.exe Ahead Nero 7.exe Kaspersky Antivirus 5.0 KAV 5.0 Matrix 3 Revolution English Subtitles.exe Microsoft Office 2003 Crack, Working!.exe Microsoft Office XP working Crack, Keygen.exe Microsoft Windows XP, WinXP Crack, working Keygen.exe Opera 8 New!.exe Porno pics arhive, xxx.exe Porno Screensaver.scr Porno, sex, oral, anal cool, awesome!!.exe Serials.txt.exe WinAmp 5 Pro Keygen Crack Update.exe WinAmp 6 New!.exe Windown Longhorn ???枪?ЁBeta Leak.exe Windows Sourcecode update.doc.exe XXX hardcore images.exe D、中止大量反病毒软件和网络防火墙软件 E、病毒在感染系统的TCP端口2535创建后门,实后门病毒的能力; F、清除以前NETSKY病毒在注册表中创键的键值 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Run HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\\\Software\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows\\\\CurrentVersion\\\\Run 被删除的键值如下: 9XHtProtect Antivirus EasyAV FirewallSvr HtProtect ICQ Net ICQNet Jammer2nd KasperskyAVEng MsInfo My AV NetDy Norton Antivirus AV PandaAVEngine service Special Firewall Service SysMonXP Tiny AV Zone Labs Client Ex G、病毒利用自带的SMTP疯狂发送带毒邮件,病毒邮件特征如下: a.该病毒会从具有如下扩展名的文件中收集邮件地址: ADB ASP CFG CGI DBX DHTM EML HTM JSP MBX MDX MHT MMF MSG NCH ODS OFT PHP PL SHT SHTM STM TBB TXT UIN WAB WSH XLS XML b.病毒不会向含有如下字符串的邮件地址发送病毒邮件: @avp. @foo @hotmail @iana @messagelab @microsoft @msn abuse admin anyone@ bsd bugs@ cafee ???枪?Ё certific contract@ feste free-av f-secur gold-certs@ help@ icrosoft info@ kasp linux listserv local news nobody@ noone@ noreply ntivi panda pgp postmaster@ rating@ root@ samples sopho spam support unix update winrar winzip c.病毒所发送的邮件有如下的细节特征: 收件人: <收件人> (收件人使用收集到的地址所使用的域名,帐号名使以下之一) annie@ christina@ christy@ jessie@ lizie@ secretGurl@ 主题: (以下字符串其中之一) Fax Message Received Forum notify Hello! Hidden message I just need a friend I like you I\\'m a sad girl... I\\'m bored with this life Incoming message Let\\'s socialize, my friend! Let\\'s talk, my friend! Notify from a known person ;-) ???枪?ЁProtected message Re: Document Re: Hello Re: Hi Re: Incoming Fax Re: Incoming Message Re: Msg reply RE: Protected message RE: Text message Re: Thank you! Re: Thanks :) Re: Yahoo! Request response Site changes 内容: 第一部分 (其中之一 ) Hello &;lt;user name>, Dear &;lt;user name>, Dear &;lt;user name>, It\\'s me ;-) Hi &;lt;user name>, Hey &;lt;user name>, It\\'s me -> Hi &;lt;user name>, It\\'s me Hey &;lt;user name>, Hey, Hi, Hello, (注意:-是邮件地址中的用户名。例如:地址xxxxx@yyyyyy.com,用户名是xxxxx) 第二部分 (其中之一) I study at school, I like to spend time cheerfully even if not all so well, I hompe and trust, that all bad when nibud will pass and necessarily nastanet there would be a desire. I like to feel protected, to understand, that near to me the man, which both in sex, and in life knows what to do. It is possible to fall in love with such the man for ever. Cometime I write a poem, play the gitar. I love a traveling, I like a romantice and I want to meet, comeday, my big love! I am kind, fair, careful, gentle also want to create family. ???枪?Ё I love animal (cats, dogs), the literature, theatre, cinema, music, walks in park . I very much love productive leisure, to prepare for new exotic dishes, at leisure to leave with friends on the nature, to float, I like to go for a drive on mountain skiing, to visit excursions, travel. Very easy going. I have recently got demobilize from army and also I am going to act in a higher educational institution Searching for the right person,for real man, who will really cares and love me. I am a honest, kind,loving,with good sense of humor...etc.,looking for true love... or maybe for pen friend.I like cats. I am looking for a serious relationship. I am NOT interested in flirt and short-term love adventure. I love, as the good company, and I dream about romantic appointment at candles with loved. I still believe in love. I like an active life... and interesting people... i am honest, responsible, romantic person. iwould like to find my only love,to find my destiny. I\\'m a young lady of 20 years old i\\'d like to find my second part!!! I am simple girl who are looking for serious relation with responsible and confident man. I am ready to give all my love and carering for a right person who is going to love and respect me I am a beautiful, sexual girl with very big ambitions and dreams. I can make happy anyone man... I am a student. I\\'m studying international relationships. ???枪?Ё I would like to find an interesting and active man for serious relations. Sitting at home it is not for me. I like to go out to the theater, cinema, and nightclubs. I love productive leisure, to travel, communicate with friends. I very much love new acquaintances, I love music, meetings with friends. I go on night clubs, except for parties I sometimes visit theatres and I love cinema. In general I only shall be glad to new acquaintance and class dialogue... I\\'m so bored, let me talk with you... You are my prince :-) You are cool :-) < 第三部分 (其中之一) Read the attach. Your file is attached. More info is in attach See attach. Please, have a look at the attached file. See the attached file for details. Message is in attach Here is the file. For more information see the attached file. Attached file will tell you everything. For details see the attach. Attached file tells everything. Further details are in attach. 第四部分 (其中之一) Sincerely, Best wishes, Yours, Have a good day, Cheers, Kind regards, 可以是如下之一: ???枪?Ё lizie annie christina secretGurl jessie christy (注意:列出的名字被用在发件人一项) 第五部分 ( 如果附件为含有密码的zip文件,可以添加如下其中之一) For security reasons attached file is password protected. The password is For security purposes the attached file is password protected. Password -- Note: Use password to open archive. Attached file is protected with the password for security reasons. Password is In order to read the attach you have to use the following password: Archive password: Password - Password: (注意:如果是含有zip文件密码的.JPEG文件) 附件: 附件可使用如下的文件名: Details Details Document Information Message MoreInfo Readme 附件可使用如下的文件扩展名: COM CPL EXE HTA SCR VBS ZIP 病毒使用女孩的图片作为附件,图片文件为.JPEG格式,使用如下的文件名: image12 me2 me3 myphoto4 myphoto7 ???枪?Ё photo 解决方案: · 请使用金山毒霸2004年04月30日的病毒库可完全处理该病毒; · 请不要轻易点击陌生人的邮件以及下载和运行其所带附件,在运行可疑附件前最好先用毒霸扫描; · 手工解决方案 首先,若系统为WinMe,则请先关闭系统还原功能; (毒霸论坛:反病毒可能需要用到的方法及操作 > 如何禁用Win Me/XP的“系统还原”功能) 对于系统是Win9x/WinMe: 步骤一,删除病毒主程序 请使用干净的系统软盘引导系统到纯DOS模式,然后转到系统目录(默认的系统目录为 C:\\\\windows),分别输入以下命令,以便删除病毒程序: C:\\\\windows\\\\system\\\\>del Drvsys.exe C:\\\\windows\\\\system\\\\>del Drvsys.exeopen* 完毕后,取出系统软盘,重新引导到Windows系统。 如果手中没有系统软件盘,可以在引导系统时按“F5”键也可进入纯DOS模式。 步骤二,清除病毒在注册表里添加的项 打开注册表编辑器: 点击开始>运行, 输入REGEDIT, 按Enter; 在左边的面板中, 双击(按箭头顺序查找,找到后双击): HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run HKEY_USER>.DEFAULT>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run 在右边的面板中, 找到并删除如下项目: Drvsys.exe = "%System%\\\\Drvsys.exe" 关闭注册表编辑器。 对于系统是Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Sever: 步骤一,使用进程序管里器结束病毒进程 右键单击任务栏,弹出菜单,选择“任务管理器”,调出“Windows任务管理器”窗口。在任 务管理器中,单击“进程”标签,在例表栏内找到病毒进程“Drvsys.exe”,单击“结束进 程按钮 ”,点击“是”,结束病毒进程,然后关闭“Windows任务管理器”; 步骤二,查找并删除病毒程序 通过“我的电脑”或“资源管理器”进入系统目录(\\\\Winnt或\\\\windows), 找到文件“Drvsys.exe”和所有的“Drvsys.exeopen*”将它们删除。注意清空回收站内的内容; 步骤三,清除病毒在注册表里添加的项 打开注册表编辑器: 点击开始>运行, 输入REGEDIT, 按Enter; 在左边的面板中, 双击(按箭头顺序查找,找到后双击): HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run HKEY_USER>.DEFAULT>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run 在右边的面板中, 找到并删除如下项目: ???枪?Ё Drvsys.exe = "%System%\\\\Drvsys.exe" 关闭注册表编辑器. |
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