

词条 曹金珍




教授,博士生导师,中国林学会木材学分会理事。中国林学会木材工业分会木材保护研究会副会长。国际木材保护研究会会员。国际科技合作重点项目计划同行评议专家。2003年获全国百篇优秀博士论文;获北京市人民政府颁发的北京市科学技术二等奖;获国家林业局颁发的首届林业青年优秀学术论文奖。2004年入选教育部的“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”;获北京共青团授予的北京市青年岗位能手称号;获国际木材保护研究会颁发的IRG Ron Cockcroft Award并受邀在该学术组织年会上发表论文;2006年获霍英东教育基金会第十届高等院校青年教师奖(研究类)三等奖;获第八届中国林业青年科技奖(文件:林人发[2006]12号);2007年获得北京市总工会颁发的教育创新标兵称号;2008年获得第二届梁希青年学术论文奖二等奖;

迄今为止已在国内外重要学术刊物和学术会议上以第一作者或责任作者发表论文90余篇,其中11篇论文被SCI收录(8篇第一作者,3篇责任作者),12篇被EI 收录,1篇被ISTP收录。承担国家自然科学基金、“十一五”科技支撑计划专题、教育部优秀博士论文专项基金等多项科研课题。(A19)



在美国密歇根州立大学从事博士后研究期间,参加了美国农业部专项基金资助的Advanced Technology Applications to Eastern Hardwood Utilization项目组, 完成了 “防腐处理木材的水分吸着特性”、 “微波后处理对Cu-EA在木材的抗流失性的影响”、“防腐处理南方松的水分吸着特性”、“非洲木材树种的耐侯性考察”等研究课题以及与美国OSMOSE公司的合作课题“防腐处理材中金属连接件的腐蚀现象”和“CCA处理材中砷含量检测”的研究。其中题为“CU-EA处理材中铜的微观分布与密度分布之间的关系”的研究论文获得了国际木材防腐研究小组IRG/WP颁发的Ron Cockcroft奖。

迄今为止已在国内外重要学术刊物和国际学术会议上发表论文29篇,其中7篇论文同时被SCI及EI 收录(本人均为第一作者),1篇被ISTP收录。目前教授的课程包括本科课程《木材学》、《专业英语》和研究生课程《木材解剖学》、《木质环境学》。曾参与编写《木质资源材料学》,《林业科学技术与发展》等书。


A potential Criterion to Evaluate Copper Adsorption in Wood Cell Wall

Contributions of Extractives and Lignin to the Fractal Geometry of Internal Wood Surfaces

Dielectric Relaxation of Adsorbed Water in Wood Cell Wall under Equilibrium and Non2Equilibrium State








1. 曹金珍,赵广杰,鹿振友. 热处理木材的水分吸着热力学特性. 北京林业大学学

报. 1997, 19(4): 26-33.

2. 曹金珍,赵广杰,鹿振友. 木材的机械吸湿蠕变.北京林业大学学报. 1998, 20

(5): 94-100.

3. 罗金洪,赵广杰,曹金珍.木质室内装饰材料的湿度调节特性1. 林业科学. 1998,

34(5): 103-111.

4. 曹金珍,赵广杰,罗金洪. 木质室内装饰材料的湿度调节特性2.林业科学.1999,

35(5): 87-93.

5. 曹金珍,赵广杰. 木质室内装饰材料的湿度调节特性3. 林业科学. 2000, 36

(4): 55-58.

6. 赵广杰,刘少华,曹金珍等.杉木表层密化及其变形固定处理技术.木材工

业.1999,13(1): 18-22.

7. 曹金珍,张壁光,赵广杰. 木质生物质在能源方面的开发和利用. 华北电力大学

学报. 2003,30(5): 102-104.

8. 曹金珍.国外木材防腐和研究现状.林业科学.2006,42(7):120-126.

9. 曹金珍,D. Pascal Kamdem. 不同水基防腐剂处理木材的表面自由能. 北京林业

大学学报. 2006, 28(4): 1-5.(EI收录)

10. 刘 智,曹金珍,黄晓丽.热空气干燥法对ACQ-D在木材内的固着的加速作用. 北京

林业大学学报. 2006,28(6):119-123.(EI收录)

11. 刘智,曹金珍. 改性处理在提高木材耐腐性方面的研究概况. 林产工业. 2006,33

(4): 11-16.

12. 于丽丽,曹金珍. 水载型木材防腐剂有效成分的加速固着方法. 木材工业,

2007,21(5): 。

13. 姜卸宏,曹金珍. 季胺盐类化合物(QAC)在木材防腐中的应用. 林产工


14. 刘智,曹金珍.ACQ-D处理后杉木的拉应力松弛,北京林业大学学报. 2008,30

(2): .

15. Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. Humidity-conditioning of wood and wood-

based interior decorative materials during water vapor changing process.

Forestry Studies in China.1999, 1(1): 54-60. (CA收录)

16. Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. Dielectric Relaxation of Adsorbed

Water in Wood Cell Wall under Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium State. Forestry

Studies in China. 2001, 3 (1): 71-77. (CA收录)

17. Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 2000. Dielectric relaxation based on

adsorbed water in wood cell wall under non-equilibrium state 1. Holzforschung.

54(3): 321-326. (SCI收录论文)(影响因子:0.939)

18. Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 2001. Dielectric relaxation based on

adsorbed water in wood cell wall under non-equilibrium state 2. Holzforschung.

55(1): 87-92. (SCI收录论文) (影响因子:0.939)

19. Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. 2002. Dielectric relaxation based on

adsorbed water in wood cell wall under non-equilibrium state 3. Holzforschung.

56(6): 655-662. (SCI和EI收录论文) (影响因子:0.939)

20. Jinzhen Cao, lv Ning and Guangjie Zhao. 2003. Contributions of

Extractives and Lignin to the Fractal Geometry of Internal Wood Surfaces.

Forestry Studies in China. 5(1): 39-43. (CA收录)

21. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2004. Moisture Adsorption

Characteristics of Copper-Ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated Southern Yellow Pine

(Pinus spp.) Holzforschung. 58(1): 32-38. (SCI和EI收录论文) (影响因子:0.939)

22. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2004. A potential criterion to

evaluate the copper adsorption in wood cell wall. Forestry Studies in China. 6

(2): 1-5.(CA收录)

23. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2004. Moisture Adsorption

Thermodynamics of Wood from Fractal-Geometry Approach. Holzforschung. 58

(3):274-279. (SCI和EI收录论文) (影响因子:0.939)

24. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2004. Microwave treatment to

accelerate fixation of copper-ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated wood.

Holzforschung.58(5):569-571. (SCI和EI收录论文) (影响因子:0.939)

25. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. 2005. Microdistribution of Copper

in Copper-Ethanolamine (Cu-EA) Treated Southern Yellow Pine (Pinus spp.)

related to density distribution. Holzforschung. 59(1):82-89. (SCI和EI收录论文)


26. Erni Ma,Guangjie Zhao, Jinzhen Cao. 2005. Hygroexpansion of Wood

during Moisture Adsorption and Desorption Processes. Forestry Studies in

China. 7(2):43-46. (CA收录)

27. Jinzhen Cao, Lidan Li, Zhi Liu. 2005. Effect of ACQ-D Treatment on

the Surface Free Energy of Chinese Fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata). Forestry

Studies in China.7(4):29-34. (CA收录)

28. Jinzhen Cao, Manhua Xie, Guangjie Zhao. 2006. Tensile stress

relaxation of copper-ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated wood. Wood Science and

Technology.40(5):417-426.(SCI和EI收录) (影响因子:0.803)

29. Zhi Liu and Jinzhen Cao. 2006. Review on preservative treatment of

wood-based composites and their decay resistance. Chinese Forestry Science and

Technology. 2006, 5(1): 14-20.

30. Jinzhen Cao and Pascal D. Kamdem. 2007. Surface energy of

preservative-treated southern yellow pine (Pinus spp.) by contact angle

measurement. Front. For. China 2007,2(1): 99-103.

31. Jinzhen Cao, Lili Yu, Xiaodi You, and Pascal D. Kamdem. Dielectric

properties of copper-ethanolamine treated Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata

Hook.). Forestry Studies in China, 2007, 9(4): 239-245.

32. Guangjie Zhao and Jinzhen Cao. Technology of improving the surface

hardness of China Fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata) and its deform fixation.台湾论文

集. 1999.

33. Guangjie Zhao and Jinzhen Cao. Dielectric relaxation based on

adsorbed water in wood cell wall under non-equilibrium state within high-

humidity region. 瑞典论文集. 1st RILEM Symposium on Timber Engineering.

1999:347-356, Stockholm, Sweden.

34. Jinzhen Cao, Guangjie Zhao and T. Furuno. Dielectric relaxation based

on adsorbed water in wood cell wall during adsorption process.第50回日本木材学

会大会 (WOOD 2000 KYOTO). 2000: 80. Kyoto, Japan.

35. Guangjie Zhao and Jinzhen Cao. Model of dielectric relaxation based

on the reorientation of adsorbed water in wood cell wall. 6th World Conference

on Timber Engineering. 2000: 8.5.4, Whister, Canada. (ISTP收录论文)

36. Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. Application of Clausius-Clapeyron

equation on non-equilibrium wood-water system. Symposium on Utilization of

Agricultural and Forestry Residues. 2001: 312-315. Nanjing, P.R. China.

37. Jinzhen Cao and Guangjie Zhao. Contributions of extractives and

lignin to the wood sorption fractality. Progress in woodfibre-plastic

composites. 2002: Toronto, Canada

38. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. Evaluation of copper adsorption in

wood cell wall from moisture sorption data. Poster presentation. FPS Annual

Meeting, 2003: Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

39. Jinzhen Cao, D. Pascal Kamdem and Eugene Pasek. Microdistribution of

Copper in Copper-Ethanolamine (Cu-EA) Treated Southern Yellow Pine (Pinus

spp.) related to density distribution, Doc. No. IRG/WP 04-40270, IRG/WP 2004,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6-10 June 2004

40. Jinzhen Cao and D. Pascal Kamdem. Microwave treatment to Accelerated

fixation of copper-ethanolamine (Cu-EA) treated wood, Doc. No. IRG/WP 04-

40271, IRG/WP 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6-10 June 2004

41. Jinzhen Cao,D. Pascal Kamdem and Pascal Nzokou. Surface Energy of

Preservative-Treated Southern Yellow Pine (Pinus spp.) by Contact Angle

Measurement,7th Pacific Rim Bio-based Composites Symposium, Nanjing, China,

October 31st-November 2nd, 2004

42. 曹金珍,黎丽丹,刘智 ACQ处理杉木人工林木材的表面特性研究. 中国林学会第


43. 刘智,曹金珍,黄晓丽. 热空气干燥在加速ACQ固着上的应用. 中国林学会第十


44. Jinzhen Cao, Lili Yu. Copper fixation in ACQ-D treated Chinese fir at

various temperature and relative humidity conditions, Doc. No. IRG/WP 07-

30436, IRG/WP 2006, Jackson Hole, USA, 20-24,May 2007

45. Jinzhen Cao, Zhi Liu. Preliminary study on the possibility of

accelerated decay test by using stress relaxation method, IRG/WP 2006, Jackson

Hole, USA, 20-24,May 2007

46. 郑兴国,曹金珍. 纳米技术在木材水基防腐处理中的应用初探,中国林学会木材


47. 姜卸宏,曹金珍. 季铵盐(QAC)在木材/蒙脱土复合材料中的应用----制备及抗水



48. 于丽丽,曹金珍. 蒸汽后处理对ACQ-D处理杉木中铜的固着的加速作用,中国林






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