词条 | Barry Evans |
释义 | Barry Evans 巴瑞 埃文斯 Barry Joseph Evans (June 18, 1943 – February 10, 1997) was an English actor and television performer best known for his appearances in British sitcoms such as Doctor in the House and Mind Your Language. 巴瑞.约瑟夫.埃文斯(1943年6月16日---1997年2月10日),英国演员,代表作有英国情景戏剧《Doctor in the House》和《Mind your Language》。 早年生活Early lifeBorn in Guildford, Surrey and abandoned as a baby, Evans was educated at the orphanage boarding schools run by The Shaftesbury Homes, first at Fortescue House School in Twickenham and then at Bisley Boys' School in Bisley, Surrey. His acting ability was recognised at an early age and he often played the leading roles in school plays. Evans attended the Italia Conti Academy and later won a John Gielgud Scholarship to study at the Central School of Speech and Drama. 埃文斯生于吉尔福德,萨里郡,出生后即被遗弃。埃文斯在孤儿院的寄宿学校接受教育,先在特威克南的Fortescue House School,然后转到了比斯利男校。他的表演天赋在幼时就被发掘,他总是在学校戏剧中扮演主角。埃文斯又进入Italia Conti Academy学习,接着在18岁的时候获得了中央演讲与戏剧学院的John Gielgud奖学金,便离开了孤儿院。 职业生涯CareerHere we go around the Mulberry BushEvans appeared in the film Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (1967), where he was cast as a sex-starved boy who finds it difficult to lose his virginity. One of his first television credits was in the soap opera Crossroads in 1964. His first major role was in the sitcom Doctor in the House, based on Richard Gordon's series of novels that had already been adapted as feature films. Evans starred as the earnest but gullible Michael Upton. The series had a remarkable writing crew behind the scenes, including John Cleese and Graham Chapman (of Monty Python), and Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie (of The Goodies), as well as Barry Cryer. Both Graham Chapman and Graeme Garden studied medicine and were qualified doctors. Doctor in House埃文斯出演的首部电影是《Here we go around the mulberry bush》。在影片中他扮演了一个急于又难以摆脱处男生涯的小男生Jamie。他出演的第一部电视剧是1964年的肥皂剧《Crossroads》。他第一次在电视剧中出演主角是在著名英国情景喜剧《Doctor in the House》,来源于理查德戈尔登的著名小说系列,曾经被拍摄成为电影。埃文斯在其中出演了热心又容易受骗的迈克尔阿普顿。这个系列有着强大的幕后班底,包括John Cleese和Graham Chapman,还有Graeme Garden和Bill Oddie,Barry Cryer。Graham Chapman和Graeme Garden都曾经学习过医药学。 A sequel to that series quickly followed with Doctor At Large in 1971. Again, the writing talent behind the series was notable, with John Cleese writing some of the episodes - with one in particular providing some of the inspiration for Fawlty Towers, and another writer being Jonathan Lynn (co-writer of Yes Minister and its sequel Yes, Prime Minister). Evans enjoyed working with his fellow actors and later described this period as the best years of his life. During 1975 he had the lead role in Stanley Long's sex comedy Adventures of a Taxi Driver, but despite the film's success, Evans declined to appear in the sequel.出租车司机的冒险 Doctor系列的续集《Doctor At Large》在1971年推出。埃文斯很喜欢和这一帮同事们一起合作,之后,他说过,这段时期是他人生中最美好的时光。 1975年,他主演了Stanley Long的喜剧《出租车司机的冒险》,但尽管电影成功了,他还是没有出演续集。 Then, in 1977, he starred as Jeremy Brown in the ITV sitcom Mind Your Language, which was about an evening class tutor attempting to teach immigrants English. By today's standards it was perhaps not entirely politically correct, with most of the characters being foreign stereotypes. However, it was immensely popular - both in and outside the UK - especially in the countries the actors portrayed. The series was written by veteran TV scriptwriter Vince Powell, and was adapted for American TV as What a Country! in 1986. One of Evans' last appearances on British television was in 1982's Emery Presents episode Legacy of Murder, alongside Dick Emery. 1977年,他出演了《Mind Your Language》。他饰演的杰米里.布朗是一所夜校的英文老师,教一些外来移民英文。以现代的角度来看,因为大部分外国人的角色都相当的刻板化,这并不完全合理。但是这部电视剧却相当的成功,不管是在英国还是海外,特别是那些电视剧中有的国家。 之后的职业与死亡 Later career and deathBy the late 1980s, his youthful image was working against him, and he found it difficult to obtain mature acting roles in line with his age.His last role was as Bazzard in the film adaptation of The Mystery of Edwin Drood in 1993. By the late 1990s, he was a minicab driver in Leicestershire, where in 1997 he was found dead in a dilapidated bungalow at the age of 53. Police discovered the actor's body after going to his house to tell him they had recovered his stolen car. James Leadbitter (18) was arrested over the theft and later accused of attempted murder. He told police he was a friend of Evans, and had visited him on the day he died to say he would not be calling round again. Leadbitter said that the actor became upset and drank half a bottle of whisky. Recording an open verdict, coroner Martin Symington said there was insufficient evidence to prove Evans had intended to kill himself. The charge of attempted murder against Leadbitter was later dropped. 80年代后期,他的娃娃脸使他很难找到成熟的角色,尽管他已经40有余。他人生中最后的一个角色是1993年,在The Mystery of Edwin Drood里饰演的Bazzard。90年代后期,他在莱斯特做起了出租车司机。1997年,他被发现死于自己的公寓,享年53岁。 警察是在去他家调查他被偷的汽车的时候发现他的尸体的。詹姆斯里德比特(18岁)之后被怀疑谋杀而逮捕。詹姆斯对警察说他曾经是埃文斯的一个朋友,而在案发当日他去他家是告诉他他不会再来拜访他了。詹姆斯说埃文斯之后心情很不好,并且喝了半瓶威士忌。埃文斯的死因至今为得到定论,验尸官认为埃文斯并非自杀,但詹姆斯也因为证据不足而释放。 墓地 Grave墓地 埃文斯之后被火化,埋葬在: Golders Green Crematorium London, England 外界评论.....Barry的一生短暂而又悲剧性,他是一位出色的演员。他不仅是一个孤儿,也是一个弃婴。他总是很小心的检验着每一件事,因为他总是害怕再次被抛弃。---杰拉佛.戴维斯 .....Barry当年就是那个圆脸小男孩,我们剧组的每个女生都希望能拥有他.....我说的是做哥哥.... 琐事1,Barry是一个双性恋; 2,他终身未婚,终身也没有任何亲人,作为一个孤儿来到世界,临死之前也没有任何亲友在身边; 3,验尸官在他的尸体里验出超过正常标准4倍多的酒精浓度; 4,他的死因至今悬而未决。警方调查发现他临死前曾经拨出一个电话给一位朋友,说他非常的不开心。但是验尸报告表明他并非自杀,而是受到致命的攻击身亡。 生前作品1,The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1993) .... Bazzard 2,"Emery Presents: Legacy of Murder" (6 episodes,1982) ... aka Emery Presents: Legacy of Murder (UK: complete title) Dying to Meet You (16 February 1982) - Robin Bright Holy Smoke (23 February 1982) - Robin Bright Who Do You Voodoo? (2 March 1982) - Robin Bright Bang, Bang You're Dead (9 March 1982) - Robin Bright Bizarre Bazaar (16 March 1982) - Robin Bright Corpse in the Act (23 March 1982) - Robin Bright 3,"Crown Court" (1 episode,1978) Still Waters (24 October 1978) - Barry Sellars 4,"Mind Your Language" (29 episodes) The First Lesson (30 December 1977) - Jeremy Brown An Inspector Calls (6 January 1978) - Jeremy Brown A Fate Worse Than Death (13 January 1978) - Jeremy Brown All Through the Night (20 January 1978) - Jeremy Brown The Best Things in Life (27 January 1978) - Jeremy Brown Come Back All Is Forgiven (3 February 1978) - Jeremy Brown The Cheating Game (10 February 1978) - Jeremy Brown Better to Have Loved and Lost (17 February 1978) - Jeremy Brown Kill or Cure (24 February 1978) - Jeremy Brown Hello Sailor (3 March 1978) - Jeremy Brown A Point of Honour (10 March 1978) - Jeremy Brown How's Your Father (17 March 1978) - Jeremy Brown The Examination (24 March 1978) - Jeremy Brown All Present If Not Correct (7 October 1978) - Jeremy Brown Queen for a Day (14 October 1978) - Jeremy Brown Brief Re-Encounter (21 October 1978) - Jeremy Brown Many Happy Returns (28 October 1978) - Jeremy Brown Don't Forget the Driver (4 November 1978) - Jeremy Brown A Hard Day's Night (11 November 1978) - Jeremy Brown Take Your Partners (18 November 1978) - Jeremy Brown After Three (25 November 1978) - Jeremy Brown I Belong to Glasgow (27 October 1979) - Jeremy Brown Who Loves Ya Baby? (3 November 1979) - Jeremy Brown No Flowers by Request (10 November 1979) - Jeremy Brown Just the Job (17 November 1979) - Jeremy Brown Guilty or Not Guilty (24 November 1979) - Jeremy Brown Repent at Leisure (1 December 1979) - Jeremy Brown The School Fete (8 December 1979) - Jeremy Brown What a Tangled Web (15 December 1979) - Jeremy Brown 5,Under the Doctor (1976) .... Doctor Boyd, Psychiatrist/Mr Johnson/Lt Cranshaw/Colin Foster ... aka The Way You Smile 6,Adventures of a ......(1976) .... Joe North 7,"Crossroads" .... Trevor Woods (1 episode, 1975) - Episode #1.2450 (1975) TV episode .... Trevor Woods 8,"Doctor at Large" (29 episodes,1971) ... aka Doctor in the House Now Dr. Upton (28 February 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton You've Really Landed Me in It This Time (7 March 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton You Make Me Feel So Young (14 March 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Doctor Dish (21 March 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Modernising Major (28 March 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Congratulations - It's a Toad! (4 April 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Change Your Partners (11 April 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Trains and Notes and Veins (18 April 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Lock, Stock and Beryl (25 April 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Upton Sells Out? (2 May 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Saturday Matinee (9 May 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Where There's a Will... (16 May 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Students at Heart (23 May 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton No Ill Feeling! (30 May 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Let's Start at the Beginning (6 June 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton It's All in the Mind (13 June 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Cynthia Darling (20 June 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton A Little Help from My Friends (27 June 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Devon Is Lovely at This Time of Year (4 July 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Operation Loftus (11 July 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Mother and Father Doing Well (18 July 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton A Joke's a Joke (25 July 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Pull the Other One! (1 August 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton It's the Rich Wot Gets the Pleasure (8 August 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Things That Go Mump in the Night (15 August 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Mr. Moon (22 August 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton The Viva (29 August 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton Bewigged, Bothered and Bewildered (5 September 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton A Situation Full of Promise (12 September 1971) - Dr. Michael Upton 9,Die Screaming, Marianne (1971) .... Eli Frome 10,Journey to Murder (1971) .... Jimmy Rintoul (The Killing Bottle) 11,"Doctor in the House" (26 episodes) Why Do You Want to Be a Doctor? (12 July 1969) - Michael Upton Settling In (19 July 1969) - Michael Upton It's All Go... (26 July 1969) - Michael Upton Peace and Quiet (2 August 1969) - Michael Upton The Students Are Revolting! (9 August 1969) - Michael Upton Rallying Round... (16 August 1969) - Michael Upton If in Doubt - Cut It Out! (23 August 1969) - Michael Upton The War of the Mascots (30 August 1969) - Michael Upton Getting the Bird (6 September 1969) - Michael Upton The Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Casino (13 September 1969) - Michael Upton Keep It Clean! (19 September 1969) - Michael Upton All for Love... (26 September 1969) - Michael Upton Pass or Fail (3 October 1969) - Michael Upton It's All in the Little Blue Book (10 April 1970) - Michael Upton What Seems to Be the Trouble? (17 April 1970) - Michael Upton Take Off Your Clothes... and Hide (24 April 1970) - Michael Upton Nice Bodywork - Lovely Finish (1 May 1970) - Michael Upton Look Into My Eyes (8 May 1970) - Michael Upton Put Your Hand on That (15 May 1970) - Michael Upton The Royal Visit (22 May 1970) - Michael Upton If You Can Help Somebody - Don't! (29 May 1970) - Michael Upton Hot Off the Presses (5 June 1970) - Michael Upton A Stitch in Time (12 June 1970) - Michael Upton May the Best Man... (19 June 1970) - Michael Upton Doctor on the Box (26 June 1970) - Michael Upton Finals (3 July 1970) - Michael Upton 12,Alfred the Great (1969) .... Ingild 13,"Journey to the Unknown" .... Jimmy Rintoul (1 episode, 1969) ... aka Out of the Unknown - The Killing Bottle (1969) TV episode .... Jimmy Rintoul 14,"Love Story" (1 episode, 1968) - The Proposal (1968) TV episode 15,Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (1967) .... Jamie McGregor 16,Much Ado About Nothing (1967) (TV) .... Coffee boy 17,"Redcap" .... Tug Wilson (1 episode, 1965) - The Boys of B Company (1965) TV episode .... Tug Wilson Archive Footage: What the Pythons Did Next... (2007) (TV) (uncredited) .... Dr. Michael Upton |
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