

词条 机电一体化及数控专业英语


作 者:杨宏 主编

出 版 社:人民邮电出版社


版 次:2

页 数:192

字 数:307000


开 本:16开

纸 张:胶版纸

印 次:1

I S B N:978711525679

9包 装:平装


本书是针对高职院校机电一体化和数控专业而编写的专业英语教材,内容包括基础模块、机电一体化模块、数控技术模块及应用写作模块。书中的每个教学单元分为课文和阅读材料两个部分,其中,课文部分中的Text 1侧重于基础知识,Text 2侧重于实践与实验知识,Text 3、Text 4侧重于教学知识的拓展。每个教学单元都配有针对性的练习,书末附有参考译文及参考答案。本书在材料选取上十分注重体现教材内容的广泛性、灵活性和实用性,且在编写上把易于教学、讲究实效放在首位。



Unit 1

Basic Knowledge(I) Text 1 Lathe and Turning

Text 2 Vitrified Bond & Vitrified Grinding Wheel

Text 3 Integrated Circuit

Text 4 Heat Treatment of Steel

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

1-1 Cutting Processes and Tools

1-2 Properties & Selection of Materials

1-3 Computers

1-4 Tapping Tools and Tapping

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 2

Basic Knowledge(Ⅱ)

Text 1 Circuit

Text 2 The Construction and Components of a Typical Electric Motor

Text 3 DC Motors

Text 4 Transformers

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

2-1 Circuit Diagram

2-2 Electric Motors

2-3 Stepper Motor

2-4 Electrical Circuit of Electronic Photo Flash

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 3

CAD and General Knowledge of Drafting

Text 1 Computer-Aided Design

Text 2 Engineering Graphics

Text 3 Solid Modeling

Text 4 Dimension Tolerances of Parts

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

3-1 The Importance of Sketches

3-2 Form of Three-view Drawings

3-3 The User Interface of AutoCAD 2004 System

3-4 To draw the teeth of a Spur Gear

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 4

Mechanical Design and Machine Parts

Text 1 What Is “Mechanical Design”?

Text 2 Spur Gears

Text 3 Ball Bearings

Text 4 Introduction to HY electric multi-way valve

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

4-1 Introduction to Machine Design and Elements

4-2 V Belts and Couplings

4-3 Keys and Pins

4-4 The Mechanical Design Process

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 5


Text 1 What Is “Mechatronics”?

Text 2 A Brief Introduction

Text 3 Digital Optical Encoder

Text 4 Touch Screens

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

5-1 Introduction to Sensors and Transducers

5-2 Resistive Tactile Sensor

5-3 Logic Gates

5-4 Resistive Tactile Sensor

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 6


Text 1 Programmable Logic Controllers

Text 2 Temperature Control

Text 3 Open-Loop Control and Closed-Loop Control

Text 4 MCS-51 Memory Structure

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

6-1 PLC System Overview

6-2 Chips

6-3 Structure of Supervisory Control System

6-4 Optical Fibers and Fiber Optic Sensing

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 7


Text 1 Robots

Text 2 List of Various Mechatronic Systems

Text 3 Bar Code Scanners

Text 4 Remote-reading Shaft-revolution Counter and Radio Telemetry

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

7-1 Levitation Principle of Maglev

7-2 List of Mechatronic Systems for Industrial Use

7-3 Monitoring System for a Machine Tool

7-4 Control Subsystem of a Robot

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 8

CNC Machine and NC Programming(Ⅰ)

Text 1 CNC and CNC Machine Tools

Text 2 Product Directions of Component Parts

Text 3 Company Brief Introduction

Text 4 Wire Electrical Discharge Machining

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

8-1 Principles of NC Machines

8-2 Preparatory Functions (G Codes)

8-3 On-line Inspection System

8-4 M Codes and M06 Code

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 9

CNC Machine and NC Programming(Ⅱ)

Text 1 Common Types of CNC Machine Tools

Text 2 Writing an NC Part Program

Text 3 CNC Safety

Text 4 Program and Machine Control Unit for CNC Machine

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

9-1 VMC & HMC

9-2 Automatic Tool Changer

9-3 Just-in-time Production

9-4 F Code and S Code

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 10

CNC Machine and NC Programming(Ⅲ)

Text 1 CAD/CAM

Text 2 Scope of CAD/CAM

Text 3 Computer-integrated Manufacturing

Text 4 What is A Flexible Manufacturing System?

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

10-1 CAD/CAM Software

10-2 Geometry vs. Toolpath

10-3 CAD/CAM Modules

10-4 FMS Applications

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill

Unit 11

English for Job Applying

Text 1 Advertisement

Text 2 Cover Letters

Text 3 Resume

Text 4 Interview

Exercises to the text

Reading Material

11-1 Job Advertisements

11-2 Job Interview

11-3 Student’s Academic Transcript

11-4 Electrical & Mechanical Installation Supervision

Exercises to the material

Practical Skill




杨宏,1963年生 博士、教授、博士生导师 。





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