词条 | Balmorhea |
释义 | 简介是来自美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的Post-Rock团体,乐队起初由Rob Lowe,Michael Muller创建,2006年夏末开始演奏音乐。由于受到古典音乐、民间音乐和试验音乐的不同程度影响,Balmorhea希望了解并呈现给听者无数美丽与糟糕的境遇。 Balmorhea的发音为Bal-moor-ay。乐队受欧洲古典音乐影响较深,例如Ludovico Einaudi, The Six Parts Seven, Claude Debussy, Ludwig van Beethoven, Rachel's, Gillian Welch, Max Richter, John Cage的风格等。 发展历史2007年4月,Balmorhea自行发行了他们的第一张同名音乐集《Balmorhea》。随后,2008年2月发行了第二张《River Arms》,并在当年秋天发行了限量版的EP。乐队在2009年发行了他们第三张完整的专辑《All Is Wild,All Is Silent》。Balmorhea已经在美国巡演了三次,也即将开始他们的第一次欧洲之行。 成员Rob Lowe – 吉他,钢琴,口风琴,五弦琴 Michael Muller –吉他,五弦琴,钢琴 Aisha Burns– 小提琴 Nicole Kern – 大提琴 Travis Chapman – 低音提琴 风格Balmorhea的钢琴细致而和悦,声音永远落在最温柔的地点。记忆的河流似那涸泽,心灵是迂回。它诉说着的故事永远是年华中的美好与失落,缅怀默语。淡淡的忧伤,从伊始便踏入了这条生命之河,与爱意交织成串,亦成泪光。相知,相爱,相离,尔后的一个转身,顾盼的是过往的时光。相爱的人河畔拾沙,相恋的人魂牵梦吟。岁月不短也不长,恰好在诗词企及的地方。 熟悉的声音忽远忽近,寻找应答之时,却忘记了彼此之间那条隔着的忧伤之河。听Balmorhea描述故事,琴弦在心里,旁边还有支在梳理着光影的蜡烛。生命原本是件绝望的事,并且还寂寞,它让灵魂这样歌唱了。 音乐作品热门歌曲01 baleen morning 02 barefoot pilgrims 03 windansea 04 lament 05 the winter专辑专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情 Balmorhea Tour 2010-09-20 英语 专辑类型:EP唱片公司:Self-Released专辑曲目(5)01 limmat 02 san solomon 03 en route 04 we will rebuild with smooth stones 05 theme Guest Room 2009-09-29 唱片公司:Balmorhea Music专辑曲目(7)01 Intro 02 Parking Lot 03 Grown Man Theme 04 Waking 05 Guest Room Theme 06 Young Man Theme 07 End Credits All is wild,All is silent 2009-01-01 英语 专辑曲目(9)01 Settler 02 March 4, 1831 03 Harm and Boon 04 Elegy 05 Remembrance 06 Coahuila 07 Night in the Draw 08 Truth 09 November 1, 1832 Rivers Arms 2008-02-12 唱片公司:Western Vinyl 专辑介绍Rivers Arms(2008) 乐迷评点 如果你浮躁如我,建议来听听Balmorhea的这张《Rivers Arms》。 很久没接触后摇相关的东西,前两年独立和后摇大红,在国内网络上以各种形态被人们讨论的那段时光我好像并没在着意聆听相关音乐。那时候对沉静的音氛还没有太多深究感知的耐心,接受纯数码格式而无实物形式的媒体文件也还不是我的擅长。所幸在听到的动静还局限于那一百来张CD的时候我已逐渐养成了努力扩大资讯来源的习惯。对于后摇的关注便从那时开始保持了下来。 印象中后摇的东西大多以吉他为绝对主导乐器,配以某种给人雷同之感的编排与旋律后再低调地包装,放送。这是肤浅可笑的偏见我知道,源于我听音时的不够投入和耐心,但诸如此类的偏见对我近几年来对音乐的选择却产生了很大的影响。很多好音乐因此而错过,这其中不乏优秀的后摇作品。 那么何谓优秀?如《Rivers Arms》般在聆听之初便让我冷静放松下来的便是。 轻松温柔的编曲,没什么激烈的桥段,也沾不上竭尽全力折腾着抒情的边儿。几种乐器编排得不紧不慢,内敛美好。在受过良好古典音乐训练这一背景下,乐队营造出的这般流畅感觉显得理所当然。 新古典主义中惯常的钢琴表现在这张唱片中重现,还有适时加入的提琴,令这张器乐唱片奏出了我心中melody的模样。其实没那么伟大,但每当这种也许是歪打正着的音响传出,我都乐此不疲地被感动,从不厌倦。 我承认自己已经很久没有认真的做一件事情,哪怕是呼吸。我做不到把注意力安静地集中在某个事物上并坚持。也很少能够花费漫长的历程把心窗打开,把美好的事物放进去。但在这种清澈的Acoustic下任何不安躁动的想法都会被本能抑制。心中掠过的是不明亮的阳光、暗色发青的天空和残云、大光圈所能摄入的模糊远景以及露水划过草尖的快速重放。于是我只想躺在这般天空的阴影之下,什么都不去思考不去烦躁,认真的当一棵植物。关心根茎,关心阳光和水,关心所有在我身旁静态的所在。 All Is Wild,All Is Silent (2009) 英文介绍 "Balmorhea, an acoustic quartet from Austin, plays tender, bucolic instrumentals that waft and linger like the remnants of a summer afternoon." -- Time Out New York "Minimalist, cinematic music that combines modern, experimental acoustic sounds with classical qualities." -- Second Stage, NPR Austin's Balmorhea has always made beautiful music, but that pulchritude has often ... "Balmorhea, an acoustic quartet from Austin, plays tender, bucolic instrumentals that waft and linger like the remnants of a summer afternoon." -- Time Out New York "Minimalist, cinematic music that combines modern, experimental acoustic sounds with classical qualities." -- Second Stage, NPR Austin's Balmorhea has always made beautiful music, but that pulchritude has often belied the underlying sensuality that makes their music so inviting. The band takes a giant leap forward, embracing that sensuality, on their bold and variegated new album. Now a six-piece with drums and upright bass, the band known for understated simplicity and restraint has produced a album that is joyous, haunting, and even a little sexy. Throughout the album you can almost hear hearts pounding in the sun as the music swells and aches. Some of the most surprising moments manage to be both subdued and antagonistic, acting as a balm for the frazzled soul and as an impetus for revisiting (and reevaluating) some of the most magical and painful times of the past. Part of the band's metamorphosis was inevitable, with the addition of drums, upright bass, and the frequent use of wordless vocals provided by both band members and special guest Jesy Fortino of Tiny Vipers (Sub Pop). The way they incorporate these new elements is remarkable, but even more impressive is the growth and maturity of their songwriting skills. "Balmorhea flashes brilliance only to highlight a slow-burning constancy that's at the core of one of the year's early slow wonders." -- Pitchfork |
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