

词条 黄琪琳



2006 – 至今 华中农业大学食品科技学院,副教授。

2001 – 2006 武汉大学化学与分子科学学院高分子化学与物理专业,导师:张俐娜 教授,获理学博士学位。

1997 – 2001 百威(武汉)国际啤酒有限公司,品质部

1993 – 1997 华中理工大学,化学工程专业。


1. 主讲课程:

天然产物化学 32学时(研究生)

食品化学与分析 80学时(本科生)

食品标准与法规 40学时(本科生)

功能食品 24学时(本科生)

绿色食品与有机食品 16学时(本科生)

食品化学与分析实验 50学时(本科生)

2. 参加优质精品课程建设情况:



1、 主持教育部博士点基金(新教师基金)“酵母葡聚糖控制性酶解片段的分子尺寸和链构象的研究”;

2、 主持武汉市青年科技晨光计划“茯苓多糖及其衍生物与蛋白质的相互作用”;

3、 主持青年教师科技创新专项“基于新型水解酶作用下的酵母葡聚糖酶解片段的高级结构与抗肿瘤活性的研究”;

4、 主持人才科研启动基金“茯苓多糖及其衍生物的构效关系”;

5、 主持创新性实验教学项目“利用小龙虾加工副产品制备新型调味料”

6、 参加香港卓越学科领域(AoE)重大项目“植物与真菌生物技术”的境外合作子课题“茯苓菌丝体多糖链构象及生物活性研究”;

7、 参加了国家科技支撑计划重点项目“生鲜农产品现代物流保鲜技术研究”;

8、 参加了国家科技支撑计划重大专项“大宗低值鱼加工新产品与超低温急冻装备开发及产业化示范”;

9、 参加了国家自然科学基金项目“玉米肽的醒酒保肝功能及其分子机制研究”


Journal papers

1. Qilin Huang, Lina Zhang. Preparation, Chain Conformation andAntitumor Activities of Water-Soluble Phosphated (1®3)-a-D-Glucan from Poria cocos Mycelia.Carbohydr. Polym.,2011, 83(3), 1363-1369. (SCI, IF=3.167).

2. JunzhouDing, Qilin Huang.Extraction Technology Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Alkali forProtein-Polysaccharide Complex from PolyodonSpathula Cartilage. Journal of Fisheries of China,2011, 35(1), 139-144.

3. YueWu, Qilin Huang.Optimal Enzymatic Degradation ofCartilage Protein from Polyodon spathula.Food Science,2010, 31(22), 160-163.

4. Qilin Huang, Ruowen Chen. Preparation and Properties ofPolysaccharide from Acipenser schrenckii Skull. Food Science, 2009, 30(12), 123-127.

5. QilinHuang, Xiaobo Zhang, Siming Zhao.Effect of the Drying Approachon the Quality of Yam Slice. Food Science and Technology, 2009, 34(5), 81-85.

6. Qilin Huang, Yong Jin, Lina Zhang, Peter C. K. Cheung, John F.Kennedy. Structure, Molecular Size and Antitumor Activities of Polysaccharidesfrom Poria cocos Mycelia Produced in Fermenter. Carbohydr. Polym.,2007,70(3), 324-333. (SCI, IF=3.167)

7. Qilin Huang, Lina Zhang, Peter C. K. Cheung, Xinti Tan. Evaluationof Sulfated a-Glucans from Poria cocos Mycelia as Potential Antitumor Agent.Carbohydr. Polym., 2006, 64(2), 337-344. (SCI, IF=3.167)

8. Qilin Huang, Lina Zhang.SolutionProperties of (1®3)-a-D-Glucan and Its Sulfated Derivative from Poria cocos Myceliavia Fermentation Tank. Biopolymers, 2005, 79(1), 28-38. (SCI, IF=2.836)

9. Qilin Huang, Guang Yang,LinaZhang, Jinping Zhou, Shanjun Gao.Miscibilityand Properties of Blend Materials from Waterborne Polyurethane andCarboxymethyl Konjac Glucomannan.J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,2004,92, 77-83.(SCI, IF=1.306)

10. Dong Ruan, Qilin Huang, Lina Zhang. Structure and Properties of CdS/RegeneratedCellulose Nanocomposites. Macromol. Mater. Eng.,2005, 290(10), 1017-1024.(SCI, IF=1.925)

11. Shanjun Gao, Lina Zhang, Qilin Huang. Effect of the Synthesis Route onthe Structure and Properties of Polyurethane/Nitrokonjac Glucomannan Semi-InterpenetratingPolymer Networks. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2003,90, 1948-1954.(SCI, IF=1.306)

12. Junzhou Ding, Qilin Huang. Carboxymethylationof (1→3)-β-D-glucan from Saccharomycescerevisiae and the positive effect of ball-milling pretreatment. Carbohydr. Polym., under review.

Meeting papers

13. QilinHuang, Lina Zhang.“Solution Properties of a-D-Glucan from Poria cocos Mycelia and Its Sulfated Derivative”. The 4th forum ofcharacterization of polymer molecules, Hangzhou, China,Oct. 2004, C-30.

14. Yue Wu, Qilin Huang.Optimal EnzymaticDegradation of Cartilage Protein from Polyodon spathula.The 6th food science international symposium,Beijing, China, Aug. 2010, 31(22), 160-163.


1. “茯苓菌丝体葡聚糖硫酸酯化衍生物及其制备方法和用途”,中国专利,专利号:ZL 200510019181

2. “茯苓葡聚糖磷酸酯化衍生物及其制备方法和用途”,中国专利,专利号:ZL 200810047307


1. 指导的吕桃群同学本科毕业论文《改性方式对酵母葡聚糖溶解性的影响》获得湖北省2007年优秀学士学位论文一等奖

2. 2009年获得教学质量三等奖





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