

词条 黄安平

黄安平:男,博士(后),北京航空航天大学副教授,美国Stanford大学访问学者,2008年度教育部新世纪人才计划入选者,2007年度“蓝天科技新秀”,3rd IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference (INEC-2010)纳米电子学分会主席。长期从事新型半导体薄膜物理与器件研究,在薄膜材料的合成制备、分析测试、性能研究等方面积累了一定的工作经验,在教学科研等方面取得了一些成果。承担两门北京市精品课程的教学工作,目前已发表SCI检索学术论文51篇,英文论著(Book Chapter)2篇,国际会议论文11篇,国际会议大会邀请报告1次。部分研究成果被全球最大的专业电信咨询公司之一Frost & Sullivan公司在其"Technical Insights"网站上以“新技术亮点”为题专门撰文评述。






1. A. P. Huang, Z. S. Xiao, X. Y. Liu, L. Wang and P. K. Chu, Role of fluorine in plasma nitridated ZrO2 thin films under irradiation, Applied Physics Letters, 93 (2008) 122907-1–122907-3

2. A. P. Huang and P. K. Chu, Interfacial Compound Suppression and Dielectric Properties Enhancement of F-N-codoped ZrO2 Thin Films, Applied Physics Letters, 90 (2007) 082906-1–082906-3

3. A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu and X. L. Wu, Enhanced Electron Field Emission from Oriented Columnar AlN and Mechanism, Applied Physics Letters, 88(2006) 251103-1-251103-3

4. A. P. Huang, S. L. Xu, M. K. Zhu, B. Wang, H. Yan and T Liu, Crystallization control of sputtered Ta2O5 thin films by substrate bias, Applied Physics Letters, 83 (2003) 3278-3280

5. A. P. Huang, L. Wang, J. B. Xu and P. K. Chu, Plasma Nitridated High-k Polycrystalline Array Induced by Electron Irradiation, Nanotechnology, 17 (2006) 4379-4383

6. A. P. Huang and P. K. Chu, Improvement of Interfacial and Dielectric Properties of Sputtered Ta2O5 Thin Films by Substrate Biasing and the Underlying Mechanism, Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (2005) 114106-1–114106-5.

7. A. P. Huang, S. L. Xu, M. K. Zhu, G.H. Li, T. Liu, B. Wang, and H. Yan “Oriented growth of Ta2O5 films induced by substrate bias” Journal of Crystal Growth 2003, 255: 145~149;

8.A. P. Huang, G. J. Wang, S.L. Xu, M. K. Zhu, G. H. Li, B. Wang, H. Yan “Oriented AlN films prepared with solid AlCl3 source by bias assisted Cat-CVD” Materials Science and Engineering B 2004, 107:161~165;

9.A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu “Crystallization Improvement of Ta2O5 Thin Films by Addition of Water Vapor” Journal of Crystal Growth 2005, 274: 73~77;

10.A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu, H. Yan, and M. K. Zhu “Dielectric Properties Enhancement of ZrO2 Thin Films Induced by Substrate Biasing” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 2005, 23(2): 566~569;

11.A. P. Huang, Ricky K. Y. Fu, Paul K. Chu,L. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu, and S. P. Wong “Plasma Nitridation and Microstructure of High-k ZrO2 Thin Films Fabricated by Cathodic Arc Deposition” J. Crystal Growth 2005, 277: 422~427;

12.A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu “Microstructural Improvement of Sputtered ZrO2 Thin Films by Substrate biasing” Materials Science and Engineering B 2005, 121(3): 244~247;

13.A. P. Huang, and Paul K. Chu “Characteristics of Interface between Ta2O5 Thin Film and Si (100) Substrate” Surface and Coatings Technology 2005, 200: 1714~1718;

14.A. P. Huang, Paul K. Chu L. Wang, W. Y. Cheung, J. B. Xu, and S. P. Wong “Fabrication of Rutile TiO2 Thin Films by Low-Temperature, Bias-Assisted Cathodic Arc Deposition and Their Dielectric Properties” J. Mater. Res. 2006, 21(4):

15.A. P. Huang, Z. F. Di, Paul K. Chu “Microstructure and Visible-Photoluminescence of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Fabricated by Dual Cathodic Arc and Nitrogen Plasma Deposition” Surface and Coatings Technology 2007, 201: 4897~4900;

16.A. P. Huang, Z. F. Di, Ricky K. Y. Fu, Paul K. Chu “Improvement of Interfacial and Microstructure Properties of High-k ZrO2 Thin Films Fabricated by Filtered Cathodic Arc Deposition Using Nitrogen Incorporation” Surface and Coatings Technology 2007, 201:8282-8285;

17.A. P. Huang and P. K. Chu, “Thermal Stability and Electrical Properties of High-k Gate Dielectric Materials”, Proceedings 6th International Workshop on Junction Technology (IWJT), Paper 5.4, 2006: 214~ 219(Invited talk)





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