词条 | 胡元亮 |
释义 | 基本信息:姓名:胡元亮 性 别:男 出生日期:1953年7月 籍 贯:江苏邳州 毕业院校:南京农业大学 研究方向:中兽医学与中西兽医结合 兽医中药学与中药药理学 目前主要从事新兽药研发、中药免疫和中药防治母畜不孕症研究。 个人简历:博士,教授,博士研究生导师,南京农业大学优秀中青年学术带头人。现任动物医学院临床兽医学系副主任,中兽医学研究室主任;中国兽药典委员会委员、中药专业委员会副主任委员,农业部兽药审评委员会委员;亚洲兽医传统医学会副理事长,中国畜牧兽医学会中兽医学分会副理事长,华东区中兽医研究会理事长,江苏省中西兽医结合研究会副理事长。 1978年3月至1982年1月南京农学院兽医专业学习,获学士学位;1987年9月至1989年12月兽医外科学硕士研究生,获硕士学位;1996年9月至1999年6月临床兽医学博士研究生,获博士学位。曾先后在南京中医药大学和北京农业大学进修中医学理论和兽医针灸,赴丹麦勃林格公司、日本赛马会和香港赛马会访问交流。 1982年2月本科毕业留校以来,一直从事中兽医学的教学和科研工作,主讲本科生、研究生课程多门,主持和参加国家自然科学基金、部省级和海内外合作课题20余项;主、参编教材、专著20余部,在国内外期刊发表论文175篇,其中SCI收录23篇;研制成功多项新中兽药;获省级科研奖5项、国家发明专利2项,申报国家发明专利5项。近十余年来,每年举办国际兽医针灸培训班,培养了一大批国外中兽医人才。 代表性论著:论文:(1)Effects of sulfated lentinan on cellular infectivity of avian infectious bronchitis virus. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010,79 (2):461-465. Corresponding author. (2)Lycium barbarum polysaccharide inhibits the infectivity of New castle disease virus to chicken embryo fibroblast International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2010,46 (2): 212-216. Corresponding author. (3)Astragalus polysaccharide and oxymatrine can synergistically improve the immune efficacy of Newcastle disease vaccine in chicken International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2010,46 (4):425-428. Corresponding author. (4)Sulfated modification can enhance the immune-enhancing activity of lycium barbarum polysaccharides Cellular Immunology, 2010, 263 (2): 219-223. Corresponding author. (5)Effects of sulfated polysaccharides and their prescriptions on immune response of ND vaccine in chicken. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010,82(1):9-13. Corresponding author. (6)Epimedium polysaccharide and propolis flavone can synergistically stimulate lymphocyte proliferation in vitro and enhance the immune responses to ND vaccine in chickens. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2010,47 (2):87-92. Corresponding author. (7)Sulfated modification can enhance the adjuvanticity of lentinan and improve the immune effect of ND vaccine. Vaccine,2009,27 (5):660-665. Corresponding author. (8)Study on the antiendotoxin action of Pulsatillae Decoction using an Affymetrix rat genome array. Cellular Immunology,2009,257 (1-2): 32-37. Corresponding author. (9)Pulsatilla Decoction and its active ingredients inhibit secretion of NO, ET-1, TNF-α and IL-1α in LPS-induced rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. Cell biochemistry and function, 2009,27: 284–288. Corresponding author. (10)Chinese herbal medicinal ingredients inhibit secretion of IL-6, IL-8, E-selectin and TXB2 in LPS-induced rat intestinal microvascular endothelial cells. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 2009, 31(4): 550-555. Corresponding author. (11)Compound Chinese herbal medicinal ingredients can enhance immune response and efficacy of RHD vaccine in rabbit. Vaccine, 2008, 26 (35) : 4451-4455. Corresponding author. (12)Effect of sulfated astragalus polysaccharide on cellular infectivity of infectious bursal disease virus. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2008, 42 (2): 166-171. Corresponding author. (13)Sulfated modification of epimedium polysaccharide and effects of the modifiers on cellular infectivity of IBDV. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2008, 71 (2): 180-186. Corresponding author. (14)Development of an RT-PCR for rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) and the epidemiology of RHDV in three eastern provinces of China. Journal of Virological Methods, 2008, 151 (1): 24-29. Corresponding author. (15)Sulfated modification can enhance the adjuvant activity of astragalus polysaccharide for ND vaccine. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2008, 73 (2): 303-308. Corresponding author. (16)Selection of component drug in activating blood flow and removing blood stasis of Chinese herbal medicinal formula for diary cow mastitis by hemorheological method. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2008, 116 (2): 313-317. Corresponding author. (17)Enhancement of the Immune Response to Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Vaccine in Young Rabbits by Advanced Vaccination and Chinese Herbal Adjuvants. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2008, 7 (10): 1274-1280. Corresponding author. (18)Immunopotentiating Effects of Four Chinese Herbal Polysaccharides Administered at Vaccination in Chickens. Poultry Science, 2007, 86 (12): 2530-2535.The second author. (19)Immunologic synergism with IL-2 and effects of cCHMIs on mRNA expression of IL-2 and IFN-γ in chicken peripheral T lymphocyte. Vaccine, 2006, 24 (49-50): 7109-7114. Corresponding author. (20)Chinese Herbal Ingredients Are Effective Immune Stimulators for Chickens Infected with the Newcastle Disease Virus. Poultry Science,2006(85):2169–2175. Corresponding author. (21)Immunologic enhancement of compound Chinese herbal medicinal ingredients and their efficacy comparison with compound Chinese herbal medicines. Vaccine, 2006, 24(13): 2343-2348. Corresponding author. (22)Establishment of porcine transgenic embryonic germ cell lines expressing enhanced green fluorescent protein. Theriogenology, 2006, 65(4): 713-720. The third author. (23)Comparative study on adjuvanticity of compound Chinese herbal medicinal ingredients. Vaccine, 2005, 23(28): 3704-3708. Corresponding author. (24)Effects of Ten ingredients from Chinese Herbal Medicine on Proliferation of Chicken Embryo Fibroblast. Journal of US-China Medical Science, 2005, 2(1): 52-58. The first author. (25)Effects of Chinese herbal medicinal ingredients on peripheral lymphocyte proliferation and serum antibody titer after vaccination in chicken. International Immunopharmacology, 2004, 4(7): 975-982. Corresponding author. 著作:(1)马病验方绝技. 中国农业出版社,2010. 主编. (2)新编中兽医验方与妙用. 化学工业出版社,2009. 主编. (3)家畜针灸技法手册. 化学工业出版社,2009. 主编. (4)小动物针灸技法手册. 化学工业出版社,2009. 主编. (5)兽医中药学(全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材).中国农业出版社,2007. 主编. (6)牛病诊疗与处方手册.化学工业出版社,2007. 主编. (7)中兽医学(“十五”国家重点图书出版规划).中国农业出版社,2006. 主编. (8)兽医针灸学(全国高等学校农林规划教材).高等教育出版社,2006. 副主编. (9)中药饲料添加剂的开发与应用.化学工业出版社,2005. 主编. (10)兽医处方手册(第二版).中国农业出版社,2005.主编. (11)巧法阉割畜禽. 中国农业出版社,2004. 主编. (12)实用动物针灸手册. 中国农业出版社,2003. 主编. (13)热门药用动物养殖技术. 江苏科学技术出版社,2001. 主编. (14)实用药用动物养殖技术. 中国农业出版社,2001. 主编. (15)兽医处方手册. 中国农业出版社,1999. 主编. (16)中西结合兽医学概论(全国高等农业院校教材). 中国农业出版社,1998. 副主编 (17)药用动物生产与病害防治. 海科学技术出版社,1996. 副主编 科研项目:(1)硫酸化修饰提高中药多糖的抗病毒和增强免疫活性及其作用机理研究.国家自然科学基金,2009~2011.主持. (2)中兽药免疫增强剂及疫苗佐剂的研制与开发. 国家科技支撑计划, 2008~2010.主持. (3)分子修饰提高中药多糖的生物活性和作用机理研究.国家自然科学基金,2006~2008.主持. (4)中药新促孕液的示范与推广.科技部农业科技成果转化资金.2005~2007.主持. (5)中药新促孕液防治母畜子宫内膜炎的机理研究.国家自然科学基金,2004~2006.主持. (6)中药成分的免疫增强作用和机理及新型免疫增强剂的研究.国家自然科学基金,2001~2003.主持. |
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