

词条 胡玉斐


胡玉斐(Hu Yufei),女,1978年2月出生,湖南邵阳人,博士,讲师。


· 1997.9-2001.6 西南师范大学化学化工学院,应用化学,本科;

· 2001.9-2004.6 西南师范大学化学化工学院,分析化学专业,硕士;

· 2004.9-2008.6 西南大学化学化工学院,分析化学专业,博士。


· 2008.7-2010.6 中山大学化学与化学工程学院分析科学研究所,师资博士后,讲师;

· 2010.7-至今 中山大学化学与化学工程学院分析科学研究所,讲师。






1. 国家博士后基金项目:分子印迹化学发光微流控芯片的研制及在植物激素检测中的应用.项目编号:20080440789,2009.01-2011.12

2. 中山大学青年教师起步资助基金项目:复杂生物样品中药物的化学发光分析法研究,2008.12-2009.11

3. 组织本科生参加科研活动,“化学发光法测定乳、肉片中的氯霉素.氟喹诺酮类抗生素残留”获得立项,2008.12-2009.11


1. 广东省自然科学基金重点项目“分子印迹微萃取介质及装置研制与生物样品痕量分析研究”(9251027501000004), 2010.1-2012.12;

2. 广东省科技计划项目“用于药残在线检测的低温微波辅助萃取-固相萃取-液相色谱联用装置的研制”(2009B010900021), 2010.1-2012.12;

3. 中山大学研究生教学改革项目“以学制与学期改革为契机,探索分析化学创新人才的培养模式》(ZGEI046)”, 2009.10-2011.9


指导学生参加2008学年度“开放式、研究性”实验教学活动, 研究报告获化学与化学工程学院“开放式、研究性”实验优秀论文三等奖。


1. Yufei Hu, Zhujun Zhang, Gongke Li*. A novel chemiluminescence method for the determination of ergometrine maleate in serum sample without chemiluminescence reagent. Talanta. 2009. 81(1-2): 499-504.2. Yufei Hu, Zhujun Zhang, Gongke Li*. A flow injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of lincomycin in serum using diperiodato-cuprate (III)-luminol system. luminescence. DOI 10.1002/bio.1230.

2. Zhigang Xu, Yufei Hu, Yuling Hu, Gongke Li*. Investigation of ractopamine molecularly imprinted stir bar sorptive extraction and its application for trace analysis of b2-agonists in complex samples. Journal of Chromatography A. 2010, 1217: 3612-3618.

3. Yuling Hu, YangyangWang, Yufei Hu, Gongke Li*. Liquid–liquid–solid microextraction based on membrane-protected molecularly imprinted polymer fiber for trace analysis of triazines in complex aqueous samples. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216: 8304-8311.

4. Yuling Hu, YangyangWang, Xiaoguang Chen, Yufei Hu, Gongke Li*. A novel molecularly imprinted solid-phase microextraction fiber coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for analysis of trace estrogens in fishery samples. Talanta. 2010, 80 (5): 2099-2105.

5. Yuling Hu, Jiawei Li, Yufei Hu, Gongke Li*, Development of selective and chemical stable coating for stir bar sorptive extraction by molecularly imprinted technique, Talanta, 2010, 81: 484-470.

6. 胡玉斐,李攻科*,分子印迹技术在化学发光分析中的应用,分析测试学报,2009,28 (8): 989-994.

7. 黄健祥,胡玉斐,潘加亮,许志刚,李攻科*,分子印迹样品前处理技术的研究进展. 中国科学B,2009,39(8): 733-746.

8. 钟启升,胡玉斐,李攻科*,胡玉玲,样品前处理-色谱分析在线联用技术的研究进展.色谱,2009, 27(5): 690-699.

9. Yufei Hu, Zhujun Zhang*, Yang Chunyan, A sensitive chemiluminescence method for the determination of H2O2 in exhaled breath condensate. Anal. Sci., 2008, 24(2): 201-205.

10.Yufei Hu, Zhujun Zhang*, Yang Chunyan, Measurement of hydroxyl radical production in ultrasonic aqueous solution by a novel chemiluminescence method. Ultrasoni. Sonochem., 2008, 15: 665-672.

11. Yufei Hu Zhujun Zhang*, Determination of free cholesterol based on a novel flow injection chemiluminescence method by immobilizing enzyme. Luminescence, 2008; 23: 338-343.

12. 胡玉斐,章竹君*, 以马铃薯组织为酶供体化学发光新方法测定血清中游离多巴胺,化学学报,2008, 66(7): 783-787.

13. Li Liu, HuZhi Zheng*, Zhu-Jun Zhang, YuMing Huang, SuMing Chen, YuFei Hu,Photoluminescence from water-soluble BSA-protected gold nanoparticles, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2008, 69: 701–705.

14. Yufei Hu, Chunyan Yang ,Zhujun Zhang*, The determination of hydrogen peroxide generated from cigarette smoke with an ultrasensitive and highly selective chemiluminescence method. Anal. Chim Acta, 2007, 601(1-2): 95-100.

15. Deyong He, Zhujun Zhang*, Ying Huang, Yufei Hu, Chemiluminescence microflow injection analysis system on a chip for the determination of nitrite in food, Food Chemistry, 2007, 101, 667-672.

16. Suming Chen, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He, Yufei Hu, Huzhi Zheng, Chao He, Flow-injection-electrochemical oxidation fluorimetry for determination of methotrexate,Luminescence, 2007, 22(4): 338-342.

17. Deyong He, Zhujun Zhang*, Ying Huang, Yufei Hu, Houjiang Zhou, Dinglong Chen, Chemiluminescence microflow injection analysis system on a chip for the determination of uric acid without enzyme, Luminescence, 2005, 20(4-5): 271-275.

18. Houjiang Zhou, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He, Yufei Hu,Ying Huang, Dinglong Chen, Flow chemiluminescence sensor for determination of clenbuterol based on molecularly imprinted polymer, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2004, 523: 237-242.

19. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Zhengjun Gong, Yufei Hu, Deyong He, Determination and pharmacokinetics of ergometrine maleate in rabbit blood with on line microdialysis sampling and fluorescence detection,Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2005, 38: 29-33.

20. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Yufei Hu, Deyong He, Shuhua He, A novel chemiluminescence method for determination of terbutaline sulfate based on potassium ferricyanide oxidation sensitized by rhodamine 6G, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2003,32: 555-561.

21. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He, Yufei Hu, Flow-injection determination of ornidazole by chemiluminescence detection based on a luminol-ferricyanide reaction, Analytical sciences, 2003,19: 625-627.

22. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He , Yufei Hu, Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Determination of Polyhydroxy Phenols in the Presence of Rhodamine B as a Sensitiser, Chem. Anal. (Warsaw), 2003, 48: 959-966.

23. Yi Lv, Zhujun Zhang*, Deyong He, Yufei Hu, Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Method for Determination of Ribavirin Based on Enhancement of Luminol-Persulfate Reaction, Analytical Letters, 2003, 36(8): 1587-1595.

24. 胡玉斐,吕弋,何德勇,何树华,章竹君*,鲁米诺-铁氰化钾化学发光体系测定左旋多巴,分析试验室,2004,23(5):18-20.

25. 陈素明,章竹君*,杨春艳,胡玉斐,流动注射-电化学氧化荧光法测定叶酸,分析试验室,2006,25(11):15-19.

26. 黄英,章竹君*,何德勇,胡玉斐,微流动注射芯片化学发光法测定雨水中过氧化氢,分析化学,2005, 33(7): 958-960.

27. 何树华,吕弋,何德勇,胡玉斐,章竹君*,鲁米诺-过硫酸钠化学发光体系测定硝苯地平,分析化学,2004, 32(4): 474-476.

28. 何德勇,吕弋,胡玉斐,黄英,章竹君*,鲁米诺-铁氰化钾化学发光体系测定盐酸异丙肾上腺素,分析化学,2003, 31(10): 1247-1249.


1. 胡玉斐,章竹君,李攻科*,鲁米诺-二过碘酸合铜(III)体系化学发光法测定盐酸林可霉素,分析化学(FENXI HUAXUE) 增刊[第十届中国化学会分析化学年会暨第十届全国原子光谱学术会议论文],2009, 37, B033.

2. 胡玉斐,章竹君,李攻科*,二过碘酸合铜(III)碱性条件化学发光体系测定硫酸小诺霉素,第三届广东省分析化学研讨会会议论文,2008, p42.

3. 胡玉斐,郑鹄志,章竹君*,碳纳米管修饰电极表面鲁米诺电致化学发光行为研究,南昌大学学报(理科版)增刊[第九届中国化学会分析化学年会暨第八届全国原子光谱学术会议论文],2006, 30(3): 1172.

4. 胡玉斐,吕弋,何德勇,章竹君*,高锰酸钾-甲醛化学发光体系测定盐酸克仑特罗,广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)特刊[第八届中国化学会分析化学年会暨第八届全国原子光谱学术会议论文],2003, 21(1): 229.





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