

词条 胡明列


1996.9-2000.7 天津大学精仪学院光电子专业;

2000.9-2005.2 天津大学精仪学院物理电子学和光学工程硕博连读研究生;

2005.3-2007.1 天津大学仪器科学与工程流动站博士后;

2006.7-2006.10 德国弗里德里希希勒-耶拿大学访问学者;

2009.12-2010.3 香港中文访问学者;

2006.3-2010.6 天津大学精仪学院副教授;

2010.6-今 天津大学精仪学院教授;







1.Ming-Lie Hu, Yan-Feng Li, et al. Two-dimensional coherent superposition of blue-shifted signals from an array of highly nonlinear waveguiding wires in a photonic-crystal fiber, Opt. Express, 2008,16(15):11176-11181.

2.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al. A hollow beam from a holey fiber, Opt. Express, 2006,14(9), 4128-4134.

3.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al. Tunable supercontinuum generation in a high-index-step photonic-crystal fiber with a comma-shaped core, Opt. Express, 2006, 14(5): 1942-1950.

4.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al. Mode-selective mapping and control of vectorial nonlinear-optical processes in multimode photonic-crystal fibers, Opt. Express, 2006, 14(3): 1189-1198.

5.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al, Wavelength-tunable hollow-beam generation by a photonic-crystal fiber, Laser Phys. Lett., 2006,3(6):306-309.

6.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al., Polarization-demultiplexed two-color frequency conversion of femtosecond pulses in birefringent photonic-crystal fibers, Opt. Express, 2005,13(16): 5947-5952..

7.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al. Polarization- and mode-dependent anti-Stokes emission in a birefringent microstructure fiber, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., 2005, 17(3): 630-632.

8.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al. Multiplex frequency conversion of unamplified 30-fs Ti: sapphire laser pulses by an array of waveguiding wires in a random-hole microstructure fiber, Opt. Express, 2004,12(25): 6129-6234.

9.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al. Frequency-tunable anti-Stokes line emission by eigenmodes of a birefringent microstructure fiber, Opt. Express, 2004, 12(9): 1932-1937.

10.Ming-Lie Hu, Ching-yue Wang, et. al. An anti-Stokes-shifted doublet of guided modes in a photonic-crystal fiber selectively generated and controlled with orthogonal polarizations of the pump field, Appl. Phy. B, 2004, 79(7): 805-809.

11.Xiao-Hui Fang, Ming-Lie Hu*, et al, "High pulse energy mode-locked multicore photonic crystal fiber laser,", Opt. Lett., 2011,36(6):1005-1007.

12.Zhong-Xiang Zhang, Ming-Lie Hu*, et al, Plasmonic waveguiding in a hexagonally ordered metal wire array, Opt. Lett., 2010,35(23): 3901–3903.

13.Xiao-Hui Fang, Ming-Lie Hu*, et al, Generation of 150 MW, 110 fs pulses by phase-locked amplification in multicore photonic crystal fiber, Opt. Lett., 2010,35(14): 2326-2328.

14.Xiao-Hui Fang, Ming-Lie Hu*, et al, Hybrid multi-core photonic crystal fiber for in-phase supermode selection, Opt. Lett., 2010,35(4):493-495.

15.Feng Liu, Youjian Song, Qirong Xing, Ming-Lie Hu*, et al, Broadband terahertz pulses generated by a compact femtosecond photonic crystal fiber amplifier, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 2010,22(11): 814-816.

16.Huagang Liu, Ming-Lie Hu*, et al, A compact high-power multiwavelength photonic- crystal-fiber-based laser source of femtosecond pulses in the infrared-visible-ultraviolet range, JOSA B, 2010,27(11): 2284-2289 .

17. Yu-ying Zhang, Chi Zhang, Ming-Lie Hu*, et al, High Energy Sub-picosecond Pulse Generation from A Mode-locked Yb-doped Large-Mode-Area Photonic Crystal Fiber Laser with Fiber Facet Output, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.,2010,22(5):350-352.

18.You-Jian Song, Ming-Lie Hu*,, et al, Mode-locked Yb-doped large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber laser operating in the vicinity of zero cavity dispersion," Laser Physics Letters, 2010, 7(3):230-235.

19.B.W. Liu, Ming-Lie Hu*,, X.H. Fang, Y.F. Li, L. Chai, C.Y. Wang, W.J. Tong, J. Luo, A. A. Voronin, and A. M. Zheltikov, "Stabilized soliton self-frequency shift and 0.1-PHz sideband generation in a photonic-crystal fiber with an air-hole-modified core," Opt. Express, 2008,16(19), 14987-14996.

20.B.W. Liu, Ming-Lie Hu*,, et al. High-power wavelength-tunable photonic-crystal-fiber- based oscillator-amplifier-frequency-shifter femtosecond laser system and its applications for material microprocessing, Laser Phys. Lett.2009,6(1):44-48.

21.You-Jian Song, Ming-Lie Hu*,, et al. Environmentally stable, high pulse energy Yb-doped large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber laser operating in the soliton-like regime, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 2008, 20(13):1088-1090.

22. Bo-Wen Liu, Ming-Lie Hu*,, et al. Tunable bandpass filter with solid core photonic bandgap fiber and Bragg fiber, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 2008, 20(8):581-583.

23.Ming-Lie Hu, Yan-Feng Li, et al. Two-dimensional coherent superposition of blue-shifted signals from an array of highly nonlinear waveguiding wires in a photonic-crystal fiber, Opt. Express, 2008,16(15):11176-11181.

奖励、荣誉和 学术兼职







2010 金国藩青年学子奖。





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