词条 | 核电专业英语 |
释义 | 图书信息出版社: 中国电力出版社; 第1版 (2010年7月1日) 丛书名: 普通高等教育核工程与核技术专业规划教材 平装: 279页 正文语种: 英语, 简体中文 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787512302495, 7512302495 条形码: 9787512302495 尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 1.4 cm 重量: 721 g 内容简介《核电专业英语》为普通高等教育核工程与核技术专业规划教材。《核电专业英语》的内容涵盖了与核电有关的基础理论知识和专业知识,介绍了反应堆结构、核动力系统和设备,也包括了近年来核电的新发展,例如第三代和第四代反应堆的介绍。书中涉及的核电专业词汇广泛、内容丰富、知识性强。 为了便于读者掌握专业词汇,每课课文后对重要的关键词作了英、中文两种解释,同时还列出了重要的词汇解释、课文中的难点注释。为了加深读者对课文内容的理解,课后还附有习题和答案。 《核电专业英语》可作为普通高等教育本科核工程与核技术专业的英语阅读教材,也可作为核电工程技术人员的培训和自学用书,同时可作为能源动力类等相关专业人员的阅读材料。 目录前言 Unit 1 The Basic Concepts for Nuclear Physics 1.1 Atoms and Nuclei 1.2 Isotopes 1.3 Mass Defect 1.4 Binding Energy 1.5 Energy Levels 1.6 Fission Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 2 Radiation 2.1 Radioactivity 2.2 Excitation and Ionization by Electrons 2.3 Heavy Charged Particle Slowing by Atoms 2.4 Heavy Charged Particle Scattering by Nuclei 2.5 Gamma Ray Interactions with Matter 2.6 The Properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 3 Nuclear Materials 3.1 Fuels 3.2 Moderators 3.3 Coolants 3.4 Cladding Materials 3.5 Control Materials Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 4 The Theory of Nuclear Reactors 4.1 The Chain Reaction 4.2 The Neutron Cycle in a Thermal Reactor 4.3 Conversion and Breeding 4.4 Fuel Cycles Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 5 Nuclear Reactor Concepts 5.1 Power Reactors 5.2 Consumption of Nuclear Fuels 5.3 Reactor Control 5.4 Other Effects on Reactor Operation 5.5 The Fast Breeder Reactor 5.6 Uranium as an Energy Resource Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 6 Nuclear Reactor Thermohydraulics 6.1 Methods of Heat Transmission 6.2 Conduction in Reactor Fuel 6.3 Heat Removal by Coolant 6.4 Boiling Heat Transfer Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 7 Pressurized water Reactor 7.1 General 7.2 Pressurized Water Reactor Components 7.3 Introduction to the Nuclear Steam Supply System 80+ Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 8 Reactor vessel and Internals 8.1 Reactor Vessel 8.2 Reactor Vessel Internals Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 9 Reactor Core and Fuel 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Core 9.3 Fuel Rod 9.4 Fuel Assembly 9.5 Control Element Assemblies and Drive Mechanisms 9.6 Control Element Drive Mechanisms (CEDM) 9.7 Neutron Sources 9.8 Burnable Absorber Rod Assembly Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 10 The Main Components in PWR Coolant System 10.1 Steam Generators 10.2 Pressurizer 10.3 Reactor Coolant Pumps and Motors Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 11 Pressurized Water Reactor Systems and Containment 11.1 Plant Heat Balance and the Steam Cycle 11.2 PWR Primary and Secondary Loops 11.3 Auxiliary system for Primary Loop 11.4 Containment Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 12 The Steam Turbine 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Classification of Turbines 12.3 Impulse and Reaction Blading 12.4 Velocity Compounding Curtis Stage 12.5 The Reaction-Turbine Principle 12.6 Reaction Blading 12.7 Sealing Arrangement 12.8 Twisted and Tapered Blades 12.9 Erosion Control and Moisture Removal 12.10 Other Blade Features 12.11 Low Pressure Turbine 12.12 Turbine Control Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 13 Main Steam, Feed and Condensate Systems 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Main Steam and Feedwater Piping 13.3 Main Steam Piping System Flow Restfictor 13.4 Safety Requirements 13.5 Feed and Condensate System Description 13.6 Transients 13.7 Controls Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 Unit 14 Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Plant Safety 14.3 Plant Operations 14.4 Normal Mode 14.5 Abnormal Mode 14.6 Off-Normal (Upset) Mode 14.7 Control Rooms and Instrumentation 14.8 System Parameters Self-test 关键字解释 词汇 课文注释 …… Unit 15 Radiation Hazards and Shielding Unit 16 Nuclear Safety Unit 17 Westinghouse APl000 Advanced Passive Plant Unit 18 European Pressurized Water Reactor(EPR) Unit 19 The Heavy-Water-Moderated Reactor Unit 20 Generation IV Nuclear Power 参考文献 |
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