词条 | 哈夫先生 |
释义 | 人物简介英文名称:Gilbert Huph中文名称: 哈夫先生(大陆) 哈夫先生(台湾) 哈夫先生(香港) 首次登场2004 年 《超人总动员》 (The Incredibles) 角色性格刻薄、小气 哈夫先生(Mr. Gilbert Huph)是超能先生工作的保险公司的老板,他为人十分小气,只为了公司的利润,不愿意为公司的客户索赔。他 对员工也十分刻薄,经常把超能先生叫到办公室“教导”,他没完没了的告诉员工要为公司、为股东着想,後来超能先生终于受不了他的没完没了、斤斤计较甚至不肯为弱者提供帮助,把这位先生一下打成重伤。 演艺生涯超人总动员 | The Incredibles | 2004 你知道吗哈夫先生代表了吝啬的资本家,他甚至通过手段拒绝保险公司客户合理的索赔要求。 哈夫先生的保险公司英文名叫 Insuricare (Insurance - 保险 + Care 照顾),大陆国语版被翻译成了“爱心保险公司”,而新加坡国语版把公司名字翻译成“黑心保险公司” 幕后制作人物配音:Wallace Shawn、田二喜(大陆国配)、 人物制作:NA 人物名言 Gilbert Huph: I'm not happy, Bob. Not happy. Ask me why. Bob: Okay. Why? Gilbert Huph: Why what? Be specific, Bob. Bob: Why are you unhappy? Gilbert Huph: Your customers make me unhappy. Bob: Why? Have you gotten complaints? Gilbert Huph: Complaints I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings. They're experts! Experts, Bob! Exploiting every loophole! Dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy! Gilbert Huph: [in Huph's office] You know, Bob... a company... Bob: Is like an enormous clock. Gilbert Huph: ...Is like an enormous cl... Yes, precisely. It only works if all the little cogs mesh together. A clock must be clean, well lubricated, and wound tight. Bob: Did I do something wrong? Gilbert Huph: [begrudgingly] No. Bob: Are you saying we shouldn't help our customers? Gilbert Huph: The law requires that I answer, No. Bob: I thought we were supposed to help people. Gilbert Huph: You're supposed to help *our* people! Starting with our stockholders! Who's helping them out, Huh? |
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