

词条 郭宪光






[1] Guo X, Dai Xin, Chen D, Papenfuss TJ, Ananjeva NB, Melnikov DA, Wang Y, 2011. Phylogeny and divergence times of some racerunner lizards (Lacertidae: Eremias) inferred from mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene segments. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. In press.(SCI)

[2] Brandley MC, Wang Y, Guo X, Nieto Montes de Oca A, Fería Ortíz M, Hikida T, Ota H, 2011. Accommodating high rates of evolution in molecular dating methods: an example using inter-continental dispersal of Plestiodon (Eumeces) lizards. Syst. Biol. 60(1), 3–15. (SCI)

[3] Li C, Guo X, Wang Y, 2011. Tadpole types of the Chinese megophryid frogs (Anura: Megophryidae) with their implication on larval evolution. Current Zoology, 57(1), 93–100. (SCI).

[4] Cao D, Guo X, Chen D, Chen J, 2011. Species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships of Chinese Leishmania isolates reexamined using kinetoplast cytochrome oxidase II gene sequences. Parasitol. Res., 109 (1), 163–173. (SCI).

[5] Yang P, Tang Y, Ding L, Guo X, Wang Y, 2011. Validity of Pelodiscus parviformis (Testudines: Trionychidae) Inferred from Molecular and Morphological Analyses. Asian Herpetological Research, 2, 21–29. (SCI).

[6] Guo X, Chen D, 2010. Comparative evolution of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and nuclear S7 ribosomal protein gene intron 1 in sinipercid fishes and their relatives. Hydrobiologia 649(1), 139–156. (SCI)

[7] Chen D, Guo X, Nie P, 2010. Phylogenetic studies of sinipercid fish (Perciformes: Sinipercidae) based on multiple genes, with first application of an immune-related gene, the virus-induced protein (viperin) gene. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 55(3), 1167–1176. (SCI.

[8] Yang B, Guo X, Hu X, Zhang J, Liao L, Chen D, Chen J, 2010. Species discrimination and phylogenetic inference of 17 Chinese Leishmania isolates based on internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences. Parasitol. Res., 107(5), 1049–1065. (SCI).

[9] Brandley MC, Wang Y, Guo X, Nieto Montes de Oca A, Fería Ortíz M, Hikida T, Ota H, 2010. Bermuda as an evolutionary life raft for an ancient lineage of endangered lizards. PLoS ONE 5(6), e11375. (SCI)

[10] 李俊,郭宪光,王跃招,2010. 新疆东部叶城沙蜥五个居群线粒体ND4-tRNALeu基因序列变异与遗传分化. 动物学研究,31(4), 361–369.

[11] 郭宪光, 陈达丽,万宏富,王跃招,2010. 麻蜥属Eremias的系统学研究进展. 四川动物,29(1), 665–672.

[12] 刘莉,郭宪光,王跃招,2008. 若尔盖湿地青海沙蜥红原亚种线粒体ND4-tRNAleu基因的序列变异和遗传多样性。动物学研究, 29 (2),121-126.

[13] Guo X, Wang Y, 2007. Partitioned Bayesian analyses, dispersal-vicariance analysis, and the biogeography of Chinese toad–headed lizards (Agamidae: Phrynocephalus): a re-evaluation. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 45(2), 643–662. (SCI)

[14] Guo X, He S, Zhang Y, 2007. Phylogenetic relationships of the Chinese sisorid catfishes: a nuclear intron versus mitochondrial gene segment approach. Hydrobiologia 579(1), 55–68.(SCI)

[15] Chen D, Guo X, Nie P, 2007. Non-monophyly of fish in the Sinipercidae (Perciformes) as inferred from cytochrome b gene. Hydrobiologia 583(1), 77–89.(SCI)

[16] Guo X, He S, Zhang Y, 2005. Phylogeny and biogeography of Chinese sisorid catfishes re-examined using mitochondrial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA gene sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 35(2), 344–362. (SCI)

[17] Guo X, Zhang Y, He S, Chen Y, 2004. Mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequence variations and phylogeny of the Chinese sisorid catfishes. Chinese Sci. Bull. 49(15), 1586–1595. (SCI)




3.2007年国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国麻蜥属动物分类学、系统发育和生物地理学研究” (批准号30700062,2008.1.1—2010.12.31)。



6.国家自然科学基金对外合作交流项目:中亚荒漠麻蜥属蜥蜴的物种多样性和系统发育 (NSFC-RFBR合作项目),2010—2011

7.中科院生命科学与生物技术局青年科技专项:胎生与母体免疫系统的协同进化:以麻蜥属MHC I类基因为例,2011—2013





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