词条 | 广州白云汉莎航空食品有限公司 |
释义 | 企业简介2004年3月31日,广州白云国际机场汉莎航空食品有限公司由广州白云国际机场股份有限公司和德国汉莎(亚洲)控股有限公司共同出资成立,总投资额1.5亿人民币。 Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport LSG Sky Chefs Co., Ltd, a joint venture between the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Interest Co .,Ltd and LSG Asia GmbH, was established on 31 March, 2004 with total investment of 150 Millions RMB. 公司的合资双方通过强强联合拥有丰富的航空配餐经验、精湛的航空餐食制作技术和有效的航空配餐经营管理办法。公司通过引进先进的餐饮设备,现已建成占地29000平方米的生产场所(其中配餐大楼占地达12066平方米),每日最大配餐量可达18000份。 With a long history in providing air catering services, both of our parent companies are experts in catering industry, which is enable us to share invaluable catering experience, superior food production technology and business operation management skill. Equipped with advanced equipments and glorious manufacturing building which covers 29,000 square metres (includes the catering building covering 12,066 square metres), our company reaches a maximum capacity of 18,000 meals per day. 公司位于中国首家按中枢机场理念设计和建设的新白云国际机场,这里迅速发展的民航业务为公司的腾飞打下了十分扎实的基础。 Our company locates in Baiyun International Airport, which is the first airport designed and built specifically around the “hub airport concept” in the mainland China . The rapidly developed commercial aviation service of the Airport has built a stable foundation for our future development. 琳琅满目的餐食品种Various meal options 在航空餐食品种开发方面,我公司主要有三大方向:一是根据国际市场需求,做出标准高、品质优、味道正的各国餐食。二是利用“中西合璧”的方法研制新口味,将中国的传统八大菜系和西餐结合,给旅客更多的选择。三是继续致力于推动粤菜,好使广东地方美食得以传播。 In terms of meal development, our company is aiming to achieve three different goals. They are: Firstly, to provide delicious meals with high standard, and excellent quality to our customers; Secondly, to develop different tastes and integrate some new elements into our menu by combining Chinese style and western style in our food production technology. We have already integrated the eight main local Chinese cooking styles into the western meals in order to offer more choices to our customers; Thirdly, to continue developing our specialty: Canton food. By providing local style food to different customers, Canton eating culture can then be spread around the world. 在为航空旅客提供普通餐食的同时,我公司还积极为旅客配送特种餐食。如:无糖餐、无乳糖餐、无面筋餐、低纤维餐、低热量低脂肪餐、低胆固醇餐、低蛋白餐、低盐餐、低嘌呤餐、高纤维餐、儿童餐、海鲜餐、生果蔬菜餐、西方斋、亚洲/印度斋、东方斋、印度教斋、穆斯林斋等。 In addition to providing ordinary meals, we also provide special-ordered meals to our customers. We provide many options for the special orders, which include: Diabetic Meal、No Lactose Meal、Gluten Free Meal、Low Calorie Low Fat Meal、Low Protein Meal、Low Sodium Meal、Purine Meal、Child Meal、Low Cholesterol Meal、High Fiber Meal、Seafood Meal、Fruit Plate Meal/ Raw Vegetable Meal Vegetarian-ovolacto Meal、Asian Vegetarian Meal、Hindu Meal、Oriental Vegetarian Meal、Muslim Meal. 前景展望Our vision 回眸过去,我们感叹万千,在公司的前进与发展过程中,在全体员工共同努力下航空配餐服务水平不断提高。立足今日,我们踌躇满志,新的国际航空配餐业务的开发为我们公司的发展壮大源源不断地输入了动力。展望未来,我们充满希望,三大公司的强强联合,将进一步盘活资源,实现优势互补,广州白云国际机场汉莎航空食品有限公司将不断拓展航空食品发展空间,将航空配餐服务越做越好。 Reviewing the past, we have had a wonderful and valuable experience. Owing to the great effort being put into our company by of all the staffs, our service standard have been raising continuously. In the future, we are full of hope. The combination of the power from the three parent companies provides us with an infinite potential, helps us to strengthen our competitiveness, optimizes our resources and becomes an expert in different aspects. These advantages will definitely help us in our business expansion in the foreseeable future. Above all, we will continue to do our best and bring true excellence to our customers in the coming years. 企业文化服务宗旨: 比客户的要求做得更多,比客户的期待做得更好。 Our principal: “accomplish more than what our customers require, do better than what our customers expect” 经营理念: 争创服务品牌,加强与国际接轨, 积极开拓市场,走质量效益道路。 Our guideline: “to create a super brand of our service, to align with the international standard, to develop new market and to gain high profit by providing outstanding quality products.” 质量方针:安全、稳定的品质保证 先进、严格的科学管理 优质、和谐的顾客服务 Guideline for quality pursuing: l Secure and stable quality guarantee; l Advanced and strict scientific management; l Outstanding and refined customer services. 经营范围Our business 经营范围: 航空餐食生产(含清真食品);中西餐、饮品、机上供应品、纪念品、食品加工销售;仓储业务,农副产品收购。 In-flight meal production (including Halal meal); Chinese and Western meals、drinks 、in-flight supplements、souvenirs、 storage service、food-related production purchase and distribution。 严格的原料采购Stringent purchasing standard 公司对供应商及其产品进行严格的评审和检验,只使用评审合格的供应商供应的检验合格原料,从第一工序确保航空餐食安全。公司采购部还综合考虑原料的消耗量、原料贮存情况、原料供应受季节变化影响情况及运输时间来准确计算鲜活原料的使用量,采取适量多次的订购方法严格控制采购数量,保证了原料的新鲜。 Stringent standard and evaluation system have been applied to our suppliers and their products. Only qualified products supplied by qualified suppliers will be accepted. We emphasize the food safety from the very beginning. Meanwhile, by correcting and analyzing various specific data which includes material consumption, inventory documentation, seasonal influence and transportation timing, our purchasing department is able to calculate accurate figures on the actual consumption for different materials. We also adopt the strategy of “attaining accurate quantity by frequent ordering” to guarantee the freshness of our raw materials. 标准的餐食制作Standard meal production 岗位分工合理明确是保证生产部高效率运转的前提,生产部下设 “预加工”“中厨房”、“西厨房”、“冷厨房”、“面点加工间”、“甜品间”、“清真房”、“日本厨房”“中厨摆餐间”“综合摆餐间”等专门的配餐间,在每个配餐间里,又有专门的岗位分工,并形成了工作标准,厨房员工各司其职。 Owing to an effective division of labour, we are enjoying high efficiency in our production department. The work has been divided among different sections which consist of pre-production department, Chinese kitchen, Western kitchen, cold kitchen, pastry, dessert kitchen, Halo kitchen, Japanese kitchen, Chinese trays setting department and general tray setting department. In addition, our staffs are being assigned with different areas of responsibility in each department to create an efficient and effective workforce. 日益健全的品质控制Integrated quality control system 品质控制一直是公司的重要工作之一,公司设有专门负责质量管理工作的品质控制部。目前,公司已建立ISO9001:2000质量管理体系以及HACCP食品安全管理体系并积极加入汉莎全球质量体系(简称GQS)。加入GQS将使我们的服务与航空公司(特别是国外航空公司)需求和标准更加吻合。(品控部、检验室图) Quality control is always the key point emphasized by the administrators. Thus, we have established the quality control department- QA department. As a result, our production system are running under the regulation of ISO9001 standard, 2000 quality management system and HACCP food safety management system. Furthermore, we have joined the Lufthansa global quality control system (GQS), which has greatly shifted our service level beyond the requirement of our customers (especially those of our foreign airline companies). 公司对餐食质量的管理主要从安全和品质两大方面入手。 1、食品安全方面。通过建立HACCP食品安全体系,确定了6个关键控制点,10个控制点,确保食品安全。 2、品质方面。通过制定和执行采购规格书、餐谱、餐食装机图,进行餐食重量检查和餐食品评,保证成品餐食符合航空公司的要求。 In terms of food quality management, great attention has been paid to two different aspects: food safety and quality: 1. Food safety. By introducing HACCP food safety system, we have established 6 key control points and 10 normal control points to guarantee food safety; 2. Food quality. By following the purchasing specification, menu specification and loading diagram, executing periodic meal weight checking and food quality inspection, we have built up a solid regulation base for providing qualified food to the airline companies. 高效快捷的餐食配送Efficient and effective meal delivery 准确快捷的离港系统:保证航班信息及时有效传达到公司生产部门。 强大的配送协调能力:装备齐全、数量巨大的食品配送车,耐心细致、训练有素的食品配送人员。 Accurate and efficient flight departure system: play an important role in distributing flight information to different departments. Strong capacity in meal delivery: the dispatching department has introduced fully equipped delivery trucks and a well-trained drivers’ team. 高雅清幽的试餐环境Elegant meal-tasting environment 贵宾室内,格调高雅、环境清幽。展厅南连备餐房,北接试餐室。窗明几净,帷外风光争入镜;回廊曲折,架上航模竞先飞。紫屏之后,芭蕉展翠;博古架上,水晶现紫。好一个品尝美食的好地方! A lofty environment created in our VIP room is provided to our distinguished guests for enjoying the meal tasting. 全面细致的安全监控Comprehensive safety monitoring system 安检门:通过设立金属物品探测仪,对进入配餐大楼的人员进行检测,防止外来人员带入影响航空餐食安全的物品。 Metallic detector: by installing the metallic detecting system, we have implemented stringent checking process to each entering person. The system can effectively prevent the outsider from bringing in forbidden items affecting our food safety. 监控室:对整栋配餐大楼进行全面监控,有效地掌握着配餐大楼的安全情况。 Monitoring control room: we have implemented a general monitoring system in the building that each and every corner is under surveillance at all times. The adoption of this system guarantees the safety of our food production building. Advanced catering facilities 为更好地满足日益增长的市场需求,公司不断引进国内外航空配餐领域的先进设备, 至今为止设备总价值达7千万元人民币。一系列的烹饪、清洗、蒸汽、搅拌、包装、配电、软水、空调、冷库、抗菌风道、弱电监控等设备和品控实验室、洗衣房配套设备提高了工作效率,提供了品质保证,提升了配餐水平。 In order to become a leader in the in-flight catering service industry and to fulfill the needs of the expanding market, our company has been sourcing advanced equipments from all over the world. Until now, the total value of our equipment amounts to 70 million RMB. Our equipments include a series of cooking, baking, washing, steam-handling, stirring, packing, power supplying, soft water, air-condition, chiller controlling, anti-bacteria ventilation channel and the electricity level monitoring facilities. The quality control laboratory and the supplementary laundry facility have also greatly enhanced our working efficiency and raised our service level. |
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