词条 | 博爱联盟 |
释义 | 博爱联盟一个新成立的社会团体声称自己的宗旨是在社会上重新树立真善美的形象。这个团体叫做博爱联盟。这个团体的组织者认为人们把太多的精力放在互相之间的竞争,财富和个人身上。他们认为当今世界最大的一个问题就是人们缺乏对别人的关心。他们这个团体的宗旨就是在那些爱好和平和捍卫人权的人们之间起到沟通的桥梁作用。 这个团体中包括两名诺贝尔和平奖得主和歌星里奇.马丁。该组织于12月在美属波多尼哥召开第一次会议。前副总统阿尔.戈尔也应邀发言。他参与讨论了环境问题。美联社报道说有两百人参加了这次会议。 A new group says its goal is to recapture kindness within societies. The group is called the Alliance for the New Humanity. Organizers say societies put too much value on competition, wealth and individualism. They say one of the main problems in the world today is a lack of concern for one another. The organizers say they seek to build bridges between those who want peace and those who defend human rights. The group includes activists, two Nobel Peace Prize winners and, among others, Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin. The alliance held its first conference in December in the United States territory of Puerto Rico. Former Vice President Al Gore was the guest speaker. He discussed environmental issues. The Associated Press reported that about two-hundred people attended the conference. 发起人这个组织的发起人之一是前哥斯达尼加总统奥斯卡.阿莱尔斯,他于1987年获得诺贝尔和平奖。另一位发起人就是1976年因在北爱和平中有重要贡献而获得诺贝尔和平奖。 还有一位发起人就是卓巴,著名的印裔健康和精神系列畅销书作家,卓巴说人的发展并不仅仅是积累财富的过程。还与人自身的精神境界的提升有关。 卓巴先生说现代人认识到需要更多的希望,充满爱心的社会和各种媒体影响力的减小。博爱社的目的就在于联合起这种人。他们的终极目标就是在全世界影响人们朝着更充满人性和爱心的社会发展。 One of the founding members of the alliance is former Costa Rican president Oscar Arias. He won the nineteen-eighty-seven Nobel Peace Prize. Another is Betty Williams, a winner of the peace prize in nineteen-seventy-six for her work in Northern Ireland. Also a founding member is Deepak Chopra. The Indian-born writer is known for his books about health and spirituality. Mister Chopra says development is not simply the creation of wealth. He says it also has to do with improvement of the human spirit. Mister Chopra says he believes that people today recognize the need for more hopeful thinking, more caring societies and less influential media. The Alliance for the New Humanity say its purpose is to unite these people. It says the goal is to influence national and international policy toward a more caring humanity. “和平细胞”该社团也给朝着这个目标奋斗的人们和团体起了一个名字。他们叫做“和平细胞”,那些为妇孺提供躲避暴力的场所的人就是和平细胞。那些为无家可贵的人们提供食物的团体也是一个“和平细胞”。该社团的组织者说他们的目标就是把这些人通过互连网联合起来。 The alliance has a name for individuals and groups that work toward these goals. It calls them “peace cells.” A person who provides shelter to a woman and her children to escape violence is a peace cell. A group that works to feed the homeless is a peace cell. Alliance organizers say their aim is to connect all these people and groups using the Internet. 未来打算博爱社表示他们计划筹措资金赞助人道主义工作。同时还希望媒体不是一味的揭露世界的阴暗面,而是突出解决这些问题的报道。 The Alliance for the New Humanity says it plans to raise money to support humanitarian work. The group says it also hopes to influence the media to report less on the world’s problems and more on answers to those problems |
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