

词条 耿献国


耿献国,博士,教授,博士生导师。现任郑州大学数学系主任, 中国工业与应用数学学会理事,中国数学会理事,河南省数学会理事长。美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员,德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt Math)评论员。研究方向: 孤立子与可积系统。



1. X.G. Geng and B. Xue, An extension of integrable peakon equations with cubic nonlinearity, Nonlinearity22, 8 (2009) 1847–1856

2. X.G. Geng, H.F. Ren and G.L. He, Darboux transformation for a generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled Korteweg–de Vries equation, Physical Review E 79, 5 (2009) 056602

3. X.G. Geng, H.H. Dai and J.Y. Zhu, Decomposition of the discrete Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy, Studies in Applied Mathematics 118, 3 (2007) 281-312

4. X.G. Geng and T. Su, Discrete coupled derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equations and their quasi-periodic solutions, Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 40, 3 (2007) 433-453

5. X.G. Geng and H.H. Dai, Nonlinearization of the Lax pairs for discrete Ablowitz–Ladik hierarchy, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 327, 2 (2007) 829-853

6. H.H. Dai and X.G. Geng, Explicit solutions of the 2+1-dimensional modified Toda lattice through straightening out of the relativistic Toda flows,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan72, 12(2003) 3063-3069.

7. X.G. Geng, H.H. Dai and C.W. Cao, Algebro–geometric constructions of the discrete Ablowitz–Ladik flows andapplications, Journal of Mathematical Physics 44, 10 (2003) 4573-4588.

8. X.G. Geng, Algebraic-geometrical solutions of some multidimensional nonlinear evolution equations, Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen. 36, 9 (2003) 2289-2303.

9. X.G. Geng and H.H. Dai, Quasi-periodic solutions for some 2+1-dimensional discrete models, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 319, (2003) 270-294.

X.G. Geng and C.W. Cao, Decomposition of the (2 + 1)- dimensional Gardner equation and its quasi-periodic solutions, Nonlinearity 14, 6 (2001) 1433-1452.








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