

词条 葛汉彬





1982.9-1986.7 华中工学院建筑结构工程系建筑结构工程专业,获工学学士学位

1986.9-1988.12 华中理工大学建筑结构工程系建筑结构工程免试硕士研究生

1989.1-1989.3 日本名古屋大学工学部特别研究生

1989.4-1991.3 日本名古屋大学工学研究科土木工学专业硕士研究生,获工学硕士学位

1991.4-1994.3 日本名古屋大学工学研究科土木工学专业博士研究生,获工学博士学位


1988.1-1988.12 华中理工大学助教

1994.4-1998.3 日本名古屋大学助教(1996.4起Assistant Professor)

1995.1-至今 华中理工大学(现华中科技大学)客座教授

1998.4-2008.3 名古屋大学副教授(Associate Professor,终身职位)

2002.12-2003.4 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)高级访问学者

2004.2-2004.4 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD)高级访问学者

2006.10-至今 东南大学城市工程科学国际研究中心兼职教授

2008.4-至今 日本名城大学教授


Member of Board of Directors, International Association for Experimental Structural Engineering.

Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Member of the Editorial Board, Progress in Steel Building Structures.

Guest Editor, International Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami.

Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Structural Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

Member of the International Activities Committee, Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

Member of Seismic Performance-based Design of Steel Bridges, Research Committee on Performance-based Design of Steel Structures, Japan Society of Steel Construction.

Member of the Scientific Committee, the International Forum on Advances in Structural Engineering.


Guidelines for Stability Design of Steel Structures (2nd edition), 2005, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (in Japanese).

Analysis and Design of Plated Structures, 2006, Woodhead Publishing Ltd & CRC Press.

Guidelines for Seismic and Damage Control Design of Steel Bridges, 2006, Gihodo Shuppan (in Japanese).

Standard Specifications for Steel and Composite Structures, 2008, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (in Japanese).


1. Gao, S. B. and Ge, H. B. (2005): 3-D Inelastic Analysis of Hollow and Concrete-filled Steel Columns, Invited Lecture, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Advances in Steel Structures, Shanghai, China, pp.555-564.

2. Ge, H. B. and Chen, Z. Y. (2006): Seismic Performance Upgrading of Steel Structures with Shear Panel Dampers, Keynote Lecture, Proc. The Ninth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, August 18-21 2006, Fuzhou & Xiamen, China, pp.99-106.

3. Ge, H. B. and Usami, T. (2007): Strain-based Verification Method for Seismic Design of Steel Bridge Structures, Invited Lecture, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng., March 5-6, 2007, Tokyo, Japan, pp.237-244.

4. Ge, H. B. (2008): Interim Report of the Questionnaires on International Students, in Panel Discussion Session of Expectations and Assistance to International Students in Japan, 2008 JSCE Annual Meeting, September 10, 2008, Sendai, Japan.

5. Ge, H. B., Kawashima, K., Takahashi, Y., Wu, Z.S. and Zhang J.D. (2008): Inspection Activities on Damaged Bridges in Seismic Region of Wenchuan Earthquake, Keynote Lecture, Proc. of The 10th International Summer Symposium, JSCE, September 18, 2008, Tokyo, Japan, pp.5-8.

6. Ge, H. B., Luo, X.Q. and Usami, T. (2008): Damage Control Design of Steel Bridges in Japan, Invited Lecture, Proc. The Tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, October 19-21, 2008, Changsha, China, pp.35-46.

7. Usami, T. and Ge, H.B.(2008): State-of-the-art Japanese Practice in Seismic Design of Steel Bridge Structures, Invited Lecture,Proc. Of Japan-China Conference on Structural Steel Construction, Tokyo, Japan, pp.61-75.

8. Usami, T. and Ge, H. B. (2009): Outline of Seismic Design Methodology in JSCE Standard Specifications for Steel and Composite Structures-2008, Invited Lecture,Proc. the 5th International Symposium on Steel Structures, Seoul, Korea, March 12-14.


1. Ge, H.B., K.A.S. Susantha, Satake Y., and Usami, T. (2003): Seismic Demand Prediction of Concrete-filled Steel Box Columns. Engineering Structures, Vol.25, No.3, pp.337-345.

2. Ma, X., Usmai, T., and Ge, H.B. (2007): Failure Mechanism of H-section Steel Beam-columns under Cyclic Loading, Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu A (J. of Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE), Vol.63, No.4, pp.673-684,2007.10 (in Japanese).

3. Ge, H.B., Kawahito, M., and Ohashi, M. (2007): Ultimate Strains of Structural Steels against Ductile Crack Initiation, Structural Eng./Earthquake Eng., JSCE, Vol.24, No.1, pp.13s-22s, 2007.11.

4. Koike, Y., Yanaka, T., Usami, T., Ge,H.B., Oshita,S., Sagou, D. and Uno, Y. (2008): An Experimental Study on Developing High-Performance Stiffened Shear Panel Dampers, J. of Structural Engineering,JSCE, Vol.54A, pp.372-381, 2008.3.

5. Chen, Z. Y., Ge, H. B. and Usami T. (2008): Analysis and Design of Steel Bridge Structures with Energy Absorption Members, Int. J. of Advanced Steel Construction, Vol.4, No.3, pp.173-183.

6. Gao, S.B. and Ge, H.B. (2008): Applicable Range of Steel Constitutive Models Under Cyclic Load, China Journal of Highway and Transport, Vol.21, No. 6, pp.69-76 (in Chinese).

7. Ge, H.B. and Tsumura, Y. (2009): Experimental and Analytical Study on the Evaluation of Ductile Crack Initiation in Steel Bridge Piers, J. of Structural Engineering,JSCE, Vol.55A, pp.605-616, 2009.3.

8. Ge, H.B., Fujie, W. and Tajima, R. (2009): Experimental Verification of an Evaluation Method for Predicting the Ductile Crack Initiation in Steel Structures, J. of Structural Engineering,JSCE, Vol.55A, pp.617-628, 2009.3.

9. Usami, T. and Ge, H.B. (2009): A Performance-based Seismic Design Methodology for Steel Bridge Systems, International Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, Vol.3, No.1, 2009.3.

10. Kawashima, K., Takahashi, Y., Ge, H. B., Wu, Z.S. and Zhang J.D. (2009): Reconnaissance Report on Damage of Bridges in 2008 Wenchuan, China Earthquake, to be published in International Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol.13, No.5, 2009.5.


1. Chen, X., Ge, H. B. and Matsui, N. (2008): Demand of Shear Panel Dampers for Passive Energy Dissipation, Proc. of The 10th International Summer Symposium, JSCE, September 18, 2008, Tokyo, Japan, pp.33-36.

2. Usami, T., Ge, H. B. and Kasai, A. (2008): Overall Buckling Prevention Condition of Buckling-Restrained Braces as a Structural Control Damper, Proc. the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, October 12-17, Paper No.05-05-0128.

3. Ge, H. B., Kaneko, K. and Usami, T. (2008): Capacity of Stiffened Steel Shear Panels as a Structural Control Damper, Proc. the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, October 12-17, Paper No.05-05-0129.

4. Usami, T., Ge, H. B. and K.A.S. Susantha (2009): Capacity and Demand Prediction Methods for Steel-Concrete Composite Columns under Severe Earthquakes, Proc. the 9th International Conference on Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures, Leeds, UK, 8-10 July, 2009.

5. Chen, X., Ge, H. B. and Itoh, Y. (2009): Demand of Shear Panel Dampers in Multiple Earthquakes, Proc. the 9th International Conference on Steel Concrete Composite and Hybrid Structures, Leeds, UK, 8-10 July, 2009.





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