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释义 | 图书信息出版社: 华中科技大学出版社; 第1版 (2010年2月1日) 丛书名: 英美文化精粹 平装: 228页 正文语种: 简体中文, 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787560959276, 756095927X 条形码: 9787560959276 尺寸: 25.6 x 18.4 x 1.4 cm 重量: 358 g 内容简介《英美文化精粹》吸收了国内外英美文化研究的最新成果,广泛而精炼地介绍了英美文化的方方面面,包括历史、地理、政治、语言、节日、价值观、重大事件、教育、文学、音乐、美术及《圣经》等,并从跨文化交际的角度对一些现象进行了理论阐述和解释。《英美文化精粹》既可以作为高校英语文化素质培养的教材,也可以作为正在参与或将要参与跨文化交际人士的知识性读物。 目录Chapter 1 UK & USA 1. UK 2. USA Chapter 2 The English Language 1. History of the English Language 2. Varieties of English 3. Differences Between British English and American English 4. Chinese and English Chapter 3 Politics 1. Great Britain 2. The United States Chapter 4 World Views and Core Values 1. Dividedness Between Man and Nature 2. Individualism 3. Pursuit of Change 4. View of Time 5. Materialism Chapter 5 Great Events 1. The Industrial Revolution 2. Civil Rights Movement in the United States Chapter 6 The Bible 1. A Brief Introduction to the Bible 2. The Influence of the Bible on British Literature 3. Allusions——Adam and Eve 4. Christianity Chapter 7 Education 1. Education in the United Kingdom 2. Education in U.S. 3. Two Famous Universities Chapter 8 Literature 1. British Literature 2. American Literature 3. Two Famous Writers in U.K. and U.S. Chapter 9 Art——Music & Paintings 1. Music 2. Paintings Chapter 10 Verbal Communication and English Culture 1. Word Meaning and Culture 2. Pragmatic Rules and Culture 3. Compliments and Responses to Compliments 4. Taboos and Euphemism 5. Communication Style and Culture Chapter 11 Non-verbal Communication and English Culture 1. Body language 2. Paralanguages 3. Object Language 4. Environmental Languages Chapter 12 Western Festivals and Holidays 1. Christmas 2. Halloween 3. Thanksgiving Day 4. Valentin's Day References |
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