

词条 高级网络管理


出版社: 高等教育出版社; (影印版) (2004年8月1日)

外文书名: Advanced Network Administration

平装: 1005页

正文语种: 英语

开本: 16

ISBN: 7040151103

条形码: 9787040151107

尺寸: 23.2 x 18.8 x 3.6 cm

重量: 1.3 Kg


Steve Wsniewski is currently working as a computer telephony engineer for Greenwich Technology Partners and has been in the internetworking and networking industry ofr more than 12 years.He is a 1972 Graduate of Marshall university,a 1995 graduate of De Vry Technical Institute,and has earned a master of science deree in telecommunications management from the Stevens Institute of Technology.


《高级网络管理(影印版)》由Steve Wisniewski著,Despite all the advances in technology,the old reliable architectures and protocolsare still being implemented in the internetworking arena today because they haveproven tO be reliable and have worked with many different products.Advanced Net-work Administration covers the concepts of routing,bridging,switching,and networkmanagement.This book iS recommended for novices who wish to further their knowl-edge ofinternetwork design.Chapters 1-3,OSI InternetworkingBasics,BridgingandSwitchingFundamentah,andRoutingBasics,shouldbetaughtas aunit.Chapters4 and5 cover Network ManagementFundamentals and Simple Network Management Proto-col.From Chapters 6 to 10,each of the main network architectures,along with thevarious protocols that comprise these architectures.are exposed.Chapters 11 and 12depart from the architectural viewpoint and discuss/nterdomain Routing Basics.OpenShortest Path First,explained in Chapter 11(OSPF),and Border Gateway Protocol,discussed in Chapter 12(BGP),are the main protocols being used in the Internet toprovide reliable routing from host to host.These two chapters should be tau#t as aunit.Chapter 1 3,Advanced IP Routing,provides a brief explanation of IP addressingand more advanced concepts such as VLSM andⅥANS,along with route summarization and redistribution.For a more thorough explanation on IP addressing refer toChapter 9,Digital Network Architecture(DNA)DEcnCt Phase IV.

Chapter 14 discusses Data Link Protocols and their importance in internet-working.Chapter 15,Internetworking Design Basics,is the capstone chapter dis-cussing how to design an internetwork using routmg and switching methods.


CHAPTER 1 Internetworking Basics 1

Introduction 2

What IS an Internetwork?3

The History of Internetworking 3

Internetworking Challenges 4

The Open System Interconnect (OSI) Reference ModeI 4

OSI lnformation Formats 12

The International Organization for Standardization (IOS)

Hierarchy of Networks 13

Connection Oriented and Connectionless Network Services 14

Internetwork Addressing 16

Comparing HierarchicaI and Flat Address Space 19

Flow Control,Error Checking,and Multiplexing 20

LacaI Area Networks:In.Depth Look 23

Wide Area Networks:An In-Depth Look 28

Summary 33

CHAPTER 2 Bridging and Switching Fundamentals 37

Introduction 3 8

Link Layer Devices:An Overview 39

Types of Bridges 40

Segmenting LANs 41

Why Segment LANs 41

Segmenting LANs Using Repeaters 42

Segmenting LANs Using Bridges 46

Segmenting LANs Using Switches 49

Bridging Technologies 53

Spanning Tree Algorithm(STA)67

What IS Spanning Tree ProtocoI and Why Use It 67

Summary 76

CHAPTER 3 Routing Basics 79

Introduction 80

Routing Components 80

Scaling Large Internetworks 80

Path Determination 83

Switching 84

Routing Algorithms 86

Distance Vector Routing Algorithms 90

Solutions 93

Implementing Solutions in Multiple Routes 97

Link State Routing Algorithms 98

Comparing Distance Vector Routing with Link State Routing 102

Network Layer ProtocoI Operations 104

Routing Metrics 107

Convergence Time 109

Congestion Overview 112

Traffic in an IP Network 112

Traffic in an IPX Network 113

Traffic in Other Multiprotocol Networks 113

Hybrid Routing 115

Snapshot Routing 117

Summary 119

CHAPTER 4 Network Management

Fundamentals 123

Introduction 124

Network Management Requirements 125

Background 126

OSI Management FunctionaI Areas 126

Network Management System(NMS)130

Network Management Configuration 130

Network Management Architecfure 132

Network Monitoring 136

Performance Monitoring 141

Fault Monitoring 148

Accounting Monitoring 150

Network Control 151

Configuration Control 151

Securitv Control 154

Security Management Functions 160

Summary 161

CHAPTER 5 Simple Network Management

Protocol 169

Introduction 170

TCP/IP 0rigins 170

TCP/IP and Network Management 171

Evolution Of SNMP 173

The SNMP Architecture 174

Trap-Directed Polling 178

Proxies 178

SNMP Management Information 179

SNMP and Abstract syntax NotatJon One(ASN.1) 183

ASN.1 Concepts 186

Basic Encoding Rules cBERl 192

Communities and Community Names 194

Lexicographic Ordering 200

SNMP Formats 201

Limitations of SNMP 210

Summary 211

CHAPTER 6 Systems Network Architecture 213

Introduction 214

Overview Of Corporate Networks 215

HierarchicaI Networks 215

Peer Networks 218

SNA Configuration 221

SNA Subarea Network 228

APPN Network 228

Foundation SNA Concepts 230

Network Components 231

Network Addressing 235

Routes 236

Class of Service Table 238

Layers 238

Sessions 240

Open Systems Interconnection and SNA 242

SNA Protocols 242

SNA/SDLC Frame Formats 245 IBM’S Advanced Communications Function/Virtual Communications Access Method(VTAM) 250

Network ControI Program(NCP) 252

Summary 253

CHAPTER 7 NetWare Protocols 255

Introduction 256

Concepts 257

Internet Packet Exchange(IPX) 258

IPX Routing Architecture 260

Routing Information ProtocoI (RIP) 271

SAP:Supporting Service Advertisements 277

Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX)279

Sequenced Packet Exchange II (SPX II) 281

NetWare Core Protocol(NCP) 282

NetWare Link Service Protocol (NLSP) 286

RIP Problems 287

NLSP Messages 288

Summary 297

CHAPTER 8 AppleTalk Protocols 299

Introduction 300

AppleTalk and OSI 302

The Physical Layer-AppleTalk Hardware 303

Media Considerations for AppleTalk 306

Data Link Functions 306

Link Access ProtocollLAPl Manager for LocalTaIk 307

AppleTalk Addressing 311

AppleTalk Network Components 313

AppleTalk Phase I and Phase II 317

AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP) 318

LSP Manager for EtherTalk and TokenTaIk 320

The AppleTalk Network Layer:Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP) 326

Routing Table Maintenance Program ProtocoI (RTMP) 334

AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP) 340

Names on AppleToIk 340

Transport Layer Services:Reliable Delivery of Data 347

AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP) 348

Printer Access Protocol (PAP) 349

AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP) 350

AppleShare and the AppleTalk File Protocol(AFP)357

Summary 358





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