词条 | 福建锐翔体育用品有限公司 |
释义 | 品牌文化品牌起源FLYER,诞生在意大利北部小镇Meda。 退伍的飞行员Robert,在退伍的十几年时间里,一直怀念空中飞翔的自由之风——自由、自然、自在。平时热爱服饰设计的他,十几年来手绘了大量的服装设计图稿,装满着自己的房间。1975年,在自己的家乡,Robert开设了一家以服务当地退伍飞行员与酷爱户外生活的店。店取名FLYER,包含着“自由飞翔,拥抱蓝天”的飞行员情怀。 品牌历史FLYER诞生在意大利北部小镇Meda。是一间以“飞行服风格”为服装卖点的服饰店。创办之人是退伍的飞行员Robert,在退伍的十几年时间里,一直怀念空中飞翔的自由之风——自由、自然。1975年,Robert把十几年来手绘了大量的服装设计图稿送到了自己的好友工厂,进行手工制作。同年年底,Robert开设了一家以服务当地退伍飞行员与酷爱户外生活的店,店取名FLYER,包含着“自由飞翔,拥抱蓝天”的飞行员情怀。 1979年,Robert将FLYER店铺进行重新装修,逐渐摒弃飞行服风格,引进了更多的休闲服饰。 1983年,时值欧洲户外风兴盛,Robert被户外产品先进的科技感深深打动,于是FLYER增加了产品线,包含户外冲锋衣、防水衬衫等产品。 1988年,竞争让FLYER受到莫大的打击,Robert认识到只有自我研发与生产方能赢得竞 争。这年,FLYER推出功能性科技系列——K W(Keep warm)系列,不仅功能性突出,品味与时尚更是无以伦比。 80年代末,FLYER逐渐从一个小店转变成拥有研发室、工厂为一体的品牌雏形。 1995年,Robert 75岁那年,推出了以“75”命名的户外冲锋衣系列,其特殊的制作工艺与专属的图形立刻成为世人追崇的对象,可此时,FLYER仍旧停留在家族作坊的运营模式。 2004年,FLYER开始了品牌整改之路,从一个家族作坊的公司开始转型为品牌化运作的企业与品牌。其30周年推出的概念款赢得了国际大奖,并成为FLYER历史上最重要的篇章。 此时的中国,进入了运动鞋服品牌的黄金时期,户外用品行业也开始崭露头角,若干国际户外品牌逐渐进入中国。而作为专为国际品牌代工的福建省锐翔体育用品有限公司来说,也将目光放在了国际品牌中国化运营的模式,一直不断的寻觅着合适的品牌。 2009年,福建省锐翔体育用品有限公司的一次欧洲服饰考察之旅,将目光锁定在了几个户外品牌上。经过考察与思考,最终与理念一致但还未进行全球扩展的FLYER达成一致。 2010年,伴随着中国户外趋势的空前高涨,FLYER正式进入中国,开始重新梳理在中国的定位、市场、商品等。 2011年,FLYER品牌梳理完毕,首批独特的产品风格,也获得同行高度认可。这也标志着FLYER在中国的渠道建设开始了。 2012年,FLYER全面进入中国户外市场,掀起一股“飞的旋风”。 BRAND ORIGINFLYER ,to be originate from a little town in north ITALY ! A demobilized pilot name ROBERT,keeping on missing and cherishing the time when he was flying the plane after so long time he demobilized !He is so cherished the feeling of the flying ,freedom,nature and ease that he put his whole hearted emotions of the Flying into his other interests—Design of garments !! He himself hand-drawing plenty of garment design in those 10 years after he leave the amy .In the year 1975,He open his own little shop named FLYER ,just want to service the demobilized pilots and expressed his emotions of Flying .As he told FLYING ,FREEDOM and to EMBRACE THE SKY !! BRAND HISTORY In the year 1975s ,Robert opened his first little shop named FLYER In the year 1979s, Robert redecorated the shop ,gradually ,The shop not only serviced for the pilots , but also bought in more fashional leisure garments for people! In the year 1983s,the time when OUTDOORS PRODUCTS was so popular in Europe,Robert was being touched by the advanced technology of the outdoor products ,then ,FLYER opened the other stitching line ,including outdoor jackets and waterproof shirts in order to meet the market!!but at that time he not design himself, but put energy on workshop ,for control the quality of the stitching !! In the year 1988s. With the strong competion of the market,FLYER was badly hurt! Robert was suddenly realized only if do self-design ,self-development and production then can struggle from the situation! The same year ,FlYER launched their own designs with functional ,scientific and technical KW (Keep warm) collection ! The collection was not only stresson on funtions of the garments but also gave consideration of fashion and garment standard! In the late 1980s, FlYER gradually found its way ,developed itself to be a factory with their own research and development room ! Time come to then ,FLYER show its model of to be a BRAND ! but the operating internal of the factory at that time , just still FAMILY workshop!! In the year 1995s.The year Mr Rober’s 75-year-old ,he launched another outdoor jackets and giving the collection named 75,the special design elements,the excellent way of stitching and also the meaning 75 was giving a different thinking to people!It’s the sign that FLYER started the way set up their own BRAND! In the year 2004s,FLYER started adjusting their management internal, Reforming and remanagement its factory from family workshop operation to be BRAND OPERATION !! this is is so important in the history of FLYER ,Brand to be an idea to this enterprise!! At this time of CHINA ,have already come into a golden period of brand consciousness. OUTDOOR INDUSTRY gradually popular .China with so big of population in the world at the same time with so big of market that attracted some international outdoor brands come and invest! YUANCHANG GARMENT CO.LTD (FUJIAN FLYER SPORTS CO.,LTD)is a company that helping so many international big brands for order doing!They caught the opportunity and eyed on searching suitable international brands to cooperate together and let internaltion brand china local operating ! In the year 2009s,The company went for a business trip , searching some international brands for development together. after deep consideration and on the basis on the same idea of developping ,finally they choosed FLYER,although at that time FLYER just planed for opening Chinese market but not detailed execute yet! In the year 2010s,with the hot prevailing trend of the outdoor products in CHINA ,FLYER formal entry into China starting for the market positioning and products ! In the year 2011s ,FlYER finishing its market researching ,its first proforma of products designed for meeting Chinese market was been highly recognized by the people of the same job.this means the way to open Chinese market started with a good success ! In the year 2012,FLYER started flying for the dream Mr Robert expected FOR FREEDOM ,NATURE and EASE in CHINA |
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