

词条 分泌囊

在柑桔类的叶和果皮以及桉树叶等植物上,所见到的常称为“油点”的分泌囊.它们是由一些分泌细胞形成的腔室(囊),所以亦称“分泌腔”。这些腔室内的分泌物,大多是挥发油,故又称“油室”。分泌囊可分为两类:(1)裂生式,在分泌细胞层当中裂开、彼此分离形成,分泌细胞完整地围绕着腔室,如当归、金丝桃、漆树等.(2)溶生式,分泌细胞因分泌物累积增多,原生质减少,使细胞壁破裂溶解,腔室周围的细胞常破碎而不完整,常见于陈皮、棉、桉树以及柑桔类等的叶和果皮上.GOOGLE英文翻译:In citrus leaves and peel and eucalyptus leaves, plants, seen often referred to as "oil spot" sac secretion. They are formed by a number of chamber-secreting cells (capsule), so also known as "secretion cavity. " The chamber of secretions, mostly volatile oil, so called "oil-room." Secretory sac can be divided into two categories: (1) cleavage-type, in the secretory cell layer were split, mutual separation of the formation of secretory cells surrounded by a full chamber, such as angelica, Hypericum, sumac, etc.. (2) dissolved Health type, secretory cells due to accumulation of secretions increase, protoplast reduced, and thus rupture the cell wall dissolves chamber surrounding the cells often broken and not complete, is commonly found in tangerine peel, cotton, eucalyptus, and citrus peel on the leaves and so on.





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