词条 | 非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲第六卷 |
释义 | 基本信息中文名: 非洲通史:十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲第六卷 原名: General history of Africa, VI Africa in the nineteenth century until the 1880s 作者: J. F. A. Ajayi 图书分类: 历史 出版社: HEINEMANN-CALIFORNIA-UNESCO 书号: 9231017128 发行时间: 1989年 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 内容简介该书为联合国教科文组织编写的《非洲通史》第六卷,十九世纪八十年代以前的非洲。 该卷图书主要反映了西方殖民主义者对非洲的进一步入侵和非洲各族人民的反抗和斗争。书中分别讲述了非洲与世界经济、废除奴隶贸易、东非沿海和内地、大湖地区、马格里布地区、苏丹、西非伊斯兰革命、非洲海外移民等内容。 图书目录Contents Note on chronology ix Key for Maps xi List of figures xiii List of plates xv Acknowledgements for plates xix Preface xxiii AMADOU-MAHTAR M'BOW, Director-General of Unesco (1974- 1987) Description of the project xxix B. A. OGOT, President of the International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa (1978-1983) 1 Africa at the beginning of the nineteenth century: issues and pros- pects 1 J.F.A. AJAYI 2 Africa and the world-economy 23 I. WALLERSTEIN 3 New trends and processes in Africa in the nineteenth century 40 A. A. BOAHEN 4 The abolition of the slave trade 64 S. DAGET 5 The Mfecane and the rise of new African states 90 L.D. NGCONGCO 6 The impact of the Mfecane on the Cape Colony 124 E.K. MASHINGAIDZE 7 The British, Boers and Africans in South Africa, 1850-80 144 N. BHEBE 8 The countries of the Zambezi basin 179 A.F. ISAACMAN 9 The East African coast and hinterland, 1800-45 2I1 A. I. SALIM 10 The East African coast and hinterland, 1845-80 234 I.N. KIMAMBO v 11 Peoples and states of the Great Lakes region 270 D.W.COHEN 12 The Congo Basin and Angola 294 J. L. VELLUT 13 The renaissance of Egypt, 1805-81 325 A. ABDEL-MALEK 14 The Sudan in the nineteenth century 356 H. A. IBRAHIM with a contribution on the Southern Sudan by B.A. OGOT 15 Ethiopia and Somalia 376 R. PANKHURST with some notes on Somali history supplied by L. V. CASSANELLI 16 Madagascar 1800-80 412 P. M. MUTIBWA with a contribution by F. V. ESOAVELO-MANDROSO 17 New trends in the Maghrib: Algeria, Tunisia and Libya 448 M.H. CHERIF 18 Morocco from the beginning of the nineteenth century to 1880 478 A. LAROUI 19 New patterns of European intervention in the Maghrib 497 N. IVANOV 20 The Sahara in the nineteenth century 515 S. BAIER 21 The nineteenth-century Islamic revolutions in West Africa 537 A. BATRAN 22 The Sokoto caliphate and Borno 555 M.LAST 23 Massina and the Torodbe (Tukuloor) empire until 1878 600 M. LY-TALL 24 States and peoples of Senegambia and Upper Guinea 636 Y. PERSON 25 States and peoples of the Niger Bend and the Volta 662 K. ARHIN and J. KI-ZERBO 26 Dahomey, Yorubaland, Borgu and Benin in the nineteenth century 699 A. I. ASIWAJU Contents 27 The Niger delta and the Cameroon region 724 E. J. ALAGOA with contributions on the Cameroon by L. Z. ELANGO and on Gabon by M. METEGUE N'NAH 28 The African diaspora 749 F. W. KNIGHT with contributions by Y. TALIB and P. D. CURTIN 29 Conclusion: Africa on the eve of the European conquest 773 J. F. A. AJAYI Members of the International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa 792 Biographies of Authors 794 Bibliography 797 Index 833 |
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