

词条 段昌奎

段昌奎 中国科学技术大学物理系教授、博士生导师

1990.9-1998.6 中国科学技术大学物理系 本科、硕士、博士

1998.9-2011.2 重庆邮电学大学 讲师、教授(2003.11)


1999.3-2003.8 新西兰Canterbury大学物理与天文系 博士后

2006.11-2008.10 & 2009.11-2010.8 & 2010.9-2011.2 香港城市大学生物与化学系 访问学者

2011.2- 中国科学技术大学物理系 教授

主要从事固体发光材料相关理论研究。先后主持和协作开展国家自然科学基金项目6项、教育部重点项目1项及多项重庆市科研项目;先后在物理学、化学及材料科学领域国际期刊发表SCI录论文90余篇, 被SCI论文引用累计800次;2005年获重庆市自然科学二等奖(第四完成人),2007年获重庆市自然科学一等奖(第一完成人)。


1. Chang-Kui Duan, Peter A. Tanner, Vladimir Makhov and Nicholas Khaidukov, Emission and excitation spectra of Ce3+ and Pr3+ ions in hexafluoroelpasolite lattices, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115 (2011), 8870–8876

2. Chang-Kui Duan, Peter A. Tanner, Andries Meijerink, and Vladimir Makhov. 4f-5d transitions of Tb3+ in Cs2NaYF6: the effect of distortion of the excited state configuration. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 115 (2011), 9188–9191

3. C.K. Duan, H.L. Wen and P. A.Tanner.Local-field effect on the spontaneous radiative emission rate, Physical Review B 83 (2011) 245123

4. C.K. Duan and P.A. Tanner. Theoretical Study of the Crystal-Field Energy Levels and Two-Photon Absorption Intensities of Tb(3+) in Cubic Host Lattices, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (2011): 1922-1932

5. L. Hu, M.F. Reid, C.K. Duan, S. Xia, M. Yin, Extraction of crystal-field parameters for lanthanide ions from quantum-chemical calculations, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter23(2011) 045501

6. P.A. Tanner, C.K. Duan, Luminescent lanthanide complexes Selection rules and design. Coord. Chem. Rev. 254 (2010): 3026-3029

7. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, What use are crystal field parameters? A Chemist's viewpoint. J. Phys. Chem. A 114 (2010): 6055-6062

8. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, A. Meijerink, V. Babin, Synchrotron excitation, emission and theoretical simulation of lanthanide ions in hexachloroelpasolite crystals, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. 21 (2009) 395501.

9. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, V. Babin, A. Meijerink, Theoretical Simulation and Synchrotron Excitation Spectra of Lanthanide Ions in Hexafluoroelpasolite Lattices, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (2009) 12580-12585.

10. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, Simulation of 4f-5d transitions of Yb2+ in potassium and sodium halides, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter. 20 (2008) 215228.

11. C.K. Duan, P.A. Tanner, V.N. Makhov, M. Kirm, Vacuum ultraviolet spectra and crystal field analysis of YAlO3 doped with Nd3+ and Er3+, Physical Review B. 75 (2007).

12. C.K. Duan, M.F. Reid, Z.Q. Wang, Local field effects on the radiative lifetime of emitters in surrounding media: Virtual- or real-cavity model?, Physics Letters A. 343 (2005) 474-480.

13. C.K. Duan, G. Ruan, M.F. Reid, Calculation of single-beam two-photon absorption rate of lanthanides: Effective operator method and perturbative expansion, Journal of Chemical Physics. 121 (2004) 8183-8186.

14. C.K. Duan, M.F. Reid, A simple model for f -> d transitions of rare-earth ions in crystals, Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 171 (2003) 299-303.

15. C.K. Duan, M.F. Reid, G.W. Burdick, Many-body perturbation theory for spin-forbidden two-photon spectroscopy of f-element compounds and its application to Eu2+ in CaF2, Physical Review B. 66 (2002).

16. C.K. Duan, M.F. Reid, Non-Hermitian perturbative effective operators: Connectivity and derivation of diagrammatic representation, Journal of Chemical Physics. 115 (2001) 8279-8284.

17. K. Yan, C.K. Duan, Y. Ma, S.D. Xia, J.C. Krupa, Photoluminescence lifetime of nanocrystalline ZnS : Mn2+, Physical Review B. 58 (1998) 13585-13589.

18. W.P. Zhang, P.B. Xie, C.K. Duan, K. Yan, M. Yin, L.R. Lou, et al., Preparation and size effect on concentration quenching of nanocrystalline Y2SiO5 : Eu, Chemical Physics Letters. 292 (1998) 133-136.

19. C.K. Duan, S.S. Yang, Synchronizing hyperchaos with a scalar signal by parameter controlling, Physics Letters A. 229 (1997) 151-155.





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