词条 | 杜仲骨科跌打丸 |
释义 | 杜仲骨科跌打丸 Wintex Tong Tieh Ta Wan 适应﹕ 跌打外伤、伤筋折骨、手足瘀搐、皮破肉裂、汤火电伤、各种气痛、紫黑瘀肿、瘀血冲心、各部气门、旧患复发。 用法﹕ 成人每次服一丸,小童服半丸、用开水送服,外用以酒开丸,擦敷患部。 忌用﹕ 孕妇及小产后忌服。破肉流血及有并发症忌服。 凡患有斯症者宜戒色欲及怒及怒气热毒虾蟹酸辣肥腻等。 规格﹕每粒3克 Directions: Adults: 1 pill each time. Infants: Half pill, to be taken with boiled water. For external application, dissolve the pill in spirits and rub vigorously to the effected parts. Contra Indications: Not to be used by expectant mothers and after abortion; wounds, bleedings and with complication of diseases are also forbidden for taking. 产品编号﹕WT065 售价︰28元 (港币/人民币)(网上订购) 永达堂“跌打丸”产品已透过香港标准及检定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 测试报告(Testing Report)为合格产品。 |
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