词条 | 杜仲跌打酒 |
释义 | 杜仲跌打酒 Wintex Tong Medicated Wine 功能﹕ 每当你感到肌肉疼痛或疲劳,使用跌打酒能驱除疲劳减低肌肉疼痛,在运动或工作劳动前使用本跌打酒,可以防止抽筋和彻底治疗痛症,跌打酒有促进血液循环及消肿去湿之功效。而且还具有医治跌打扭伤、骨折脱臼之功,所以本品对各种肌肉和风湿骨骼痛症具有奇妙之医治功效。 用法﹕ 如有跌打扭伤,肌肉肿痛,使用药棉搽上本药品在患处,再配合适当的按摩以促进疗效,每天二至三次,每次二十分钟便可。 特点﹕ 本品渗透力强,不损皮肤,如搽上本药品在患处按摩,功效更加显著。 注意事项﹕ 不可内服,如患处有伤口,必须将伤口清理妥当,方可使用本药。本品应置于子孩不可取之地方,不宜置近高温及有火炉之处。 规格﹕每瓶50ml Action: When you feel muscles pain of fire. Medicated Wine can overcome tire and lower muscles pain, If you use Medicated Wine before physical exercises or labour work. It can prevent muscle contraction Medicated Wine can speed up blood circulation, and acts against muscle pain rheumatic, sprains-bone fractures and dislocation of joints. So this product have an outstanding medicated effect for all kinds of swelling, dislocation, fractures and strains. Direction: In case of bone fractures dislocation and swelling, soak the liquid with absorbent cotton and to be applied on effected area. Give it suitable massage to get a effective result. To be applied it 2-3 times daily each time about 20 mins. Special Qualities: This product is quick infiltrates. No Harm of skin. Put this product wounded area and massage it. To get more effective result. Attention: Not to be taken internally, if painful area had wounded it must be cleaned before use this product. This product keep out of reach of children and high temperature area. 产品编号﹕WT021 售价︰38元 (港币/人民币) (网上订购) 永达堂“跌打酒”产品已透过香港标准及检定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 测试报告(Testing Report)为合格产品。 |
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