词条 | 第四届黄河国际论坛论文集 |
释义 | 基本信息书名:第四届黄河国际论坛论文集(套装全5册) [平装]作 者: 尚宏琦,骆向新 书 号: 9787807347972 出 版 社: 黄河水利出版社 出版日期: 2010-2-1 定 价: 980.0 元 内容简介Since 2003, we have hosted three IYRFs successfully in Zhengzhou and Dongying respectively, which have got high attentions and great supports from water field around the world. Through the communication platform provided by IYRFs, delegates have sufficiently carried on wide exchanges and discussions on their latest research achievements and shared experiences on river harnessing and basin management from different aspects. Therefore, the IYRFs have promoted the river basin management and scientific researches for keeping healthy lives of the rivers actively. All the scientific and technological literatures ( proceedings of IYRF, etc. ) published by IYRF, have been totally accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index ( CPCI - S, formerly called ISTP) and can be used for reference to managers and researchers engaged in river basin management and scientific research on water conservancy all over the world. The central theme of the 4th IYRF is ecological civilization and river ethics. Nine sub - themes have been convened as: ( 1 ) social and environmental impact of climate change; (2) climate change and sustainable water resources management; (3) cases of watershed rehabilitation; (4) scientific meanings of ecological civilization, pathway and key methodologies of river restoration; (5) ecological civilization, modem fiver basin management and restoration; (6) river ethics and healthy life of rivers; (7) application of experiences and new technologies of water resources management; (8) sediment management of high silt - laden rivers and reservoirs; and (9) water fight transfer, water safety, water environment, water market and water saving. The Forum also arranges 10 special sessions hosted jointly by YRCC, governments of some countries and famous international organizations including WWF Session: Master Plan towarding Integrated River Basin Management; International High - level Forum of River Basin Management; High - level Dialogue on Sino- EU River Basin Management; Sino -Australian Cooperation Project Session; Sino -Hungarian Water Resources Session; INBO Special Session; The24th Sino -Japanese Water Resources Communication Meeting; UNESCO Special Session; GWP Yellow River Session: Water Allocation and Water Diversion Project in the Yellow River Basin, etc. 文集目录River Ethics Li Guoying The Flow and Sediment Transport Coupling Regulation on the Yellow River Li Guoying The Effect Analysis of Water Regulation for the Yellow River Estuary Delta Ecosystem Su Maolin and An Xindai Researches and Practices on River Ethics, Ecological Civilization and Keeping Healthy Life of the Yellow River Xue Songgui and Hou Quanliang Experiences with Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in the Netherlands Jos Peters and David Ji Strategies and Scientific Issues for the Yellow River Management Wang Hao, Liu Jiahong and Yang Zhiyong Promoting Sustainable River Basin Development through Ecosystem - based IRBM Approach Georg Sehwede The "Harmony between the Heaven and Human" and the Ecological Protection of Yellow River Dong Zheren Simulation of Soil Erosion in the Yellow River Basin Wang Guangqian and Li Tiejian River Ethics Oriented to Ecological Civilization Hou Quanliang A. Social and Environmental Impact of Climate Change Ronald Loeve and Walter Immerzeel Forecasting of Climate Changes in the 21st Century and its Influences on River Basin Planning Gao Zhiding, Lei Ming and Wang Li etc. Developing Integrated Basin Information Systems: Improving Knowledge of Water Resources, Environments and their Uses is Necessary for Decision- making and for Sustainable Management Jean - Francois DONZIER 《第四届黄河国际论坛论文集第2册》目录: Economic Instruments in Water Management:Application of the Polluter Pays Principle -examples in the Rhine Basin Patrick Weingertner Analysis on Floodplain Wetlands and Ecological Water Demand of the Yellow River Huang Jinhui, Wang Ruiling and Chen Haoyuan etc. Water Pollution Reduction by the Industry in the Catchment Area of the Rhine River: Permitting and Enforcement Stefan Hill, Peter Diehl and Ben van de Wetering Wetland Ecosystem Restoration and Reconstruction Based on the Rational Allocation of Water Resources: A Case Study in Tangshan City Hu Xiaohan, Ji Changming and Wang Mingna etc. Quasi 3 -D Refined Flow and Contaminant Transport Software and its Application in River Water Mixing in the Amazon River Liren Yu and Jun Yu Influence of Water and Sediment Regulation in the Yellow River on the Delta Wetland Ecosystem Jiang Xiaohui,Lei Hongjun and Jiang Zhen Quantification of Sedimentation Processes in the Gezira Irrigation Scheme - Sudan Siddig Eissa Ahmed Research on the Project Dregs Disposal in the Hilly Area and Valley Environment Restoration along the Line in Shanxi Province Yang Wenjun and Hong Baoning Coastal Reservoir in Murray - Darling River and its Useful Experience for Yellow River Shu - Qing Yang Preliminary Study on Ecological Bank (Island) Protection and its Impact on Flood Discharge Li Jianbing, Hao Pinzheng and Pu Xiaogang The Use of Advanced Analytical Technology to Monitor Global Water Quality Zhaoguang Yang, Lifeng Zhang and Zhongxian Guo etc. Ecological Experiment of Vegetation Restoration on the Water - level - fluctuating Zone in Geheyan Reservoir, Qingjiang River Chen Fangqing, Wu Jiangtao and Xu Wennian etc. Response of Bank - full Discharge Variation in Inner Mongolia Reach on Runoff Process Hou Suzhen, Wang Ping and Chang Wenhua etc. Effect of Shear Stress on Properties and Extracellular Polymeric Substances of Aerobic Granules 《第四届黄河国际论坛论文集第3册》目录: Function and Security Building of the Floodplain Areas in the Lower Yellow River Hu Yisan Role of Culture on Water Resource Management in the Lake Nalubaie Basin in Uganda-a Case Study: Cultural Practices around Lake Narubale Kabatabazi Patricia Ethic for River’ s Natural Life: Significance of the Times, Methodological Principle and a Preliminary Conclusion Ye Ping Implementation of the European WFD in Franee:The Key Role of the Basin Stakeholders Jean - Franqois DONZIER Study on Sustainable Development and Impact of Silt - trapping Dam Construction in the Loess Plateau Tian Kai and Li Xiaoqing Evaluation of Status of Surface Water Resources According to Quality A. Markosyan, G. Nazaryan and A. Margaryan Study on Flood Control and Harnessing Countermeasures to the Floodplain in the Lower Yellow River Gao Guoming and Zeng He The Diversity of Rver Basins in Vologda Region ( North - West European Russia) and its Protection Problem Bolotova Natalya L. Study on Erosion and Infiltration Process of Grassland under Different Rainfall Intensities Xiao Peiqing, Yao Wenyi and Shen Zhenzhou etc. Comparison of Different Approaches to Determining Bankfull Discharge in the Lower Yellow River Xia Junqiang, Wu Baosheng and Wang Yanping etc. Water Resource Management: the Indian Context Sambasiva. Rao. Boppudi and B. Venkata Raghavendar Ecological Homeland Construction for Rural Migrants and Water Environment Protection in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Sun Haibing and Duan ~uefang Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in Arid Inland Basins Yang Guang, He Xinlin and Li Junfeng etc. Basin Management and Transboundary Cooperation Conclusions and Recommendations Jean - Francois DONZIER 《第四届黄河国际论坛论文集第4册》目录: Research on the Monthly Precipitation and Runoff Forecasting for the Heihe River Basin Wang Chunqing,Zhang Yong and Yang Jinfang On the Information and Functional Requirements of the Comprehensive Flood Control Meeting and Decision Support Software System Shengyang Li and Arthur EMynett Integrated Modeling of Flood Forecasting and Multi - reservoir - based Operation in the Yellow River Basin, China Yiyuan Tang, Shengyang Li and Yunqing Xuan etc. The Experience and Revelation of Australian Water Resources Management Wang Zhongmei, Wang Limei and Ma Tao Modeling the Effects on the River Morphology of Lowering Groins in the Netherlands M.M. Busnelli, C.J. Sloff and A. Sieben Application of Shielding and Converging Electric Field for Dikes Detection Li Wanyu, Li Changzheng and Qiao Huizhong Development of a Cluster - analysis - based Distributed Hydrologic Modeling System Xiaosheng Qin,Guohc Huang and Li He Hydrological Modeling Development and the Integration of GIS Pang Hui and Li Yuehui Estimate Study on the Indirect Values of Wetland Ecosystem of Lake Hulun Hao Weigang, Bao Xiaoqing and Wei Yongfu etc. Introduction to the Water Resources Management of the State of Kansas of the USA and its Inspirations to Water Resources Management of the Yellow River of China Xue Yunpeng, John C. Peck and Burke W. Griggs Flood Forecast Project of Double Mutual Inflow Reservoir Yu Song, Xu Zongxue and Li Jinjing etc. To Build Information Platform for the Yellow River IWRM Zhao Yang, Zhao Wei and Wang Hengbin Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) in Environmental Evaluation of the Yellow River Water Conservancy Irrigation Project Yang Kaiyun,Bian Huixia and Kang Yingbin etc. Initiative Security System in Digital Yellow River Project Dong Wu, Wu Dan and Huang Liang Research on Approach of Uncertainty Analysis for Risk Assessment of Dam Overtopping Liu Yanli, Zhou Huicheng and Wang Guoqing Study and Application on Real Time Dispatch and Management of City Water Resources 《第四届黄河国际论坛论文集第5册》目录: Settling Simulation of a Muddy Reservoir for Identifying Problematic Turbidity to Selective Withdrawal Chia - Wen Wu and Frederick N. - F. Chou Mechanical Technology for Dyke Reinforcement by Sediment Discharge in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River Du Yuhai and Li Hongwei Where will All the Sediments Go? Impressions from Balin Dam Failure in Taiwan Hsiao- Wen Wang, Shah -Shu Shih and Sheng- Chi Yang Effectiveness of the Yellow River Water and Sediment Regulation through Different Grades Jiang Enhui, Li Junhua and Gu Shuangmei Sediment - laden Capacity Calculation of Non - uniform & Non - equilibrium Transport of Suspended Load: the Yellow River as an Example Yu Xin, Liu Yuelan and Yang Ming Research and Application of Composite Roughness in Sewer Flow Zhang Yuanfeng, Florent JOSSE and Michel A. VERBANCK BP Neural Networks Model of Forecasting Sediment Discharge Based on Chaos Phase Space Zhang Xianqi and Sun Dongpo The Online System for Measuring Sediment Concentration in Xiaolangdi Reservoir Li Li, Liu Mingtang and Zhao Rong etc. Estimation of Local Scour Depth around Submerged Spur - Dike Head Lu Jing, Huang Li and Zhan Yizheng etc. Annual Evolving Laws of the Sediment in Jialing River Runoff during Past 50 Years and its Driving Factors Ding Wenfeng and Zhang Pingcang The Study of Suspended Sediment Concentration Distribution in Vertical Line in Waves Based on Diffusion Theory Zhang Zhuo and Song Zhiyao BP Model Applied to Forecast the Water and Sediment Fluxes in Lijin Section Yan Jun, Liu Yanfang and Wang Jun etc. Study of Using Spiral Flow to Discharge the Reservoir Sedimentation Zhang Yu and Zhang Xian’ e Countermeasures and Suggestions on the Yellow River Management in Inner Mongolia Zhang Tongde, Li Jingzong and Wang Fuming General Design of "Ditch, Channel, Plain, Reservoir" System Project in the Yellow River Lower Reaches |
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