词条 | 大学基础物理学 |
释义 | 图书信息书 名: 大学基础物理学 作 者:张三慧 出版社: 清华大学出版社 出版时间: 2010年9月1日 ISBN: 9787302225607 开本: 16开 定价: 38.00元 内容简介《大学基础物理学(下册)》内容简介:The content of this volume includes three parts: electromagnetism, wave and optics, and fundamentals of quantum physics. In the part of electromagnetism, the fundamental concepts and principles, as electric field, magnetic field, and electromagnetic induction, are explained explicitly. In the part of wave and optics, the basic characteristics of vibration and wave, and the basic principles of wave optics and geometric optics, are introduced. In the part of fundamentals of quantum physics, the basic concepts as wave-particle quality, probability wave, uncertainty relation and energy quantization, and the regulations about the states of electrons in atoms and solids are given. At last, a short statement about the nucleus physics including radioactivity, is introduced. Volume 2 and Volume 1 cover all the pedagogic requirements of physics course in colleges and universities and hence can be used as textbooks of physics. They can also be used as pedagogic references by high-school teachers or as self-learning materials by other readers. 图书目录PART 3 ELECTROMAGNETISM CHAPTER 11 ELECTROSTATIC FIELD2 11.1 Electric Charges2 11.2 Electric Field and Electric Field Intensity3 11.3 Coulomb’s Law and Calculating Electrostatic Field4 11.4 Electric Field Lines and Electric Flux9 11.5 Gauss’ Law12 11.6 Finding Electrostatic Field Distribution by Gauss’ Law14 SUMMARY18 QUESTIONS19 PROBLEMS19 CHAPTER 12 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL21 12.1 Conservative Property of Electrostatic Field21 12.2 Electric Potential Difference and Electric Potential23 12.3 Principle of Superposition of Electric Potential25 12.4 Finding Field from Potential29 12.5 Electrostatic Energy of Electric Charge in External Electric Field30 12.6 Energy of Electrostatic Field31 SUMMARY32 QUESTIONS33 PROBLEMS33 CHAPTER 13 ELECTROSTATIC FIELD WITH CONDUCTORS OR DIELECTRICS PRESENT35 13.1 Conditions for Electrostatic Equilibrium of a Conductor35 13.2 Charge Distribution on a Conductor in Electrostatic Equilibrium State36 13.3 Finding Electrostatic Field When Conductors are Present37 13.4 Capacitors and Capacitance39 13.5 Effect on Dielectrics by Electric Field43 13.6 Polarization of Dielectrics44 13.7 Electric Displacement Vector D and Its Gauss’ Law47 13.8 Energy Stored in a Capacitor47 SUMMARY50 QUESTIONS50 PROBLEMS51 CHAPTER 14 ELECTRIC CURRENT AND MAGNETIC FIELD53 14.1 Electric Current and Current Density53 14.2 A Classical Microscopic View of Electric Current55 14.3 Ohm’s Law57 14.4 Magnetic Force and Motion of Electric Charge58 14.5 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Induction59 14.6 Biot-Savart Law61 14.7 Ampere Circuital Theorem67 14.8 Finding Distribution of the Magnetic Field with Ampere Circuital Theorem70 14.9 Magnetic Field Associated with Varying Electric Field72 SUMMARY76 QUESTIONS77 PROBLEMS78 CHAPTER 15 MAGNETIC FORCE80 15.1 Motion of Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field80 15.2 Hall Effect82 15.3 Force on Current-carrying Wires in a Magnetic Field84 15.4 Torque on a Current-carrying Coil in a Magnetic Field85 15.5 Interaction between Parallel Currents88 SUMMARY90 QUESTIONS90 PROBLEMS91 CHAPTER 16 MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS94 16.1 Effect on Magnetic Field by Materials94 16.2 Magnetization95 16.3 Vector H and Its Circuital Theorem97 16.4 Magnetic Shielding99 SUMMARY99 QUESTIONS100 PROBLEMS101 CHAPTER 17 ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE102 17.1 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction102 17.2 Motional Emf106 17.3 Induced Emf and Induced Electric Field110 17.4 Mutual Induction112 17.5 Self-induction113 17.6 Energy Stored in Magnetic Field115 17.7 Maxwell’s Equations116 17.8 Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves)117 17.9 Energy in EM Waves118 SUMMARY120 QUESTIONS121 PROBLEMS123 PART 4 WAVE AND OPTICS CHAPTER 18 VIBRATION128 18.1 Description of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)128 18.2 SHM and Uniform Circular Motion130 18.3 Dynamical Equation of SHM133 18.4 Energy of SHM135 18.5 Damped Vibration136 18.6 Forced Vibration Resonance137 18.7 Combination of One\\|dimensional SHM’s of Same Frequency138 18.8 Combination of One\\|dimensional SHM’s of Different Frequencies140 SUMMARY141 QUESTIONS142 PROBLEMS142 CHAPTER 19 WAVES144 19.1 Travelling Waves144 19.2 Formation of a Simple Harmonic Wave146 19.3 Wave Function of the SHW Wavelength147 19.4 Elastic deformations of Materials152 19.5 Wave Speed in Elastic Media155 19.6 Energy of Waves157 19.7 Huygens’ Principle and the Reflection and Refraction of Waves161 19.8 Superposition of Waves, and Standing Wave165 19.9 Sound Wave168 19.10 Doppler Effect170 SUMMARY174 QUESTIONS176 PROBLEMS177 CHAPTER 20 INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT179 20.1 Young’s Double\\|slit Interference179 20.2 Coherent Light182 20.3 Optical Path184 20.4 Thin\\|film Interference186 SUMMARY189 QUESTIONS190 PROBLEMS191 CHAPTER 21 DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT194 21.1 Fraunhofer Diffraction194 21.2 Single\\|slit Fraunhofer Diffraction195 21.3 Resolving Power of a Optical Instrument198 21.4 Grating Diffraction202 21.5 Grating spectra205 SUMMARY207 QUESTIONS208 PROBLEMS209 CHAPTER 22 POLARIZATION OF LIGHT212 22.1 Natural Light and Polarized Light212 22.2 Polarization by Absorption214 22.3 Polarization by Reflection217 22.4 Double Refraction218 SUMMARY219 QUESTIONS220 PROBLEMS220 CHAPTER 23 GEOMETRICAL OPTICS222 23.1 Light Rays222 23.2 Reflection of Light223 23.3 Spherical Mirrors225 23.4 Refraction of Light229 23.5 The Focal Length of a Thin Lenses231 23.6 Imaging by Thin Lenses235 23.7 Optical Instruments239 SUMMARY242 QUESTIONS243 PROBLEMS244 PART 5 FUNDAMENTALS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS CHAPTER 24 FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS249 24.1 The Birth of the Concept of Quantum249 24.2 Emergence of the Concept of Photon252 24.3 Compton Scattering255 24.4 Wave Nature of Particles256 24.5 Probability Wave and Probability Amplitude260 24.6 Uncertainty Relation263 24.7 Schr?dinger Equation267 24.8 A Particle in an Infinitely Deep Square Potential Well268 24.9 Barrier Penetration272 SUMMARY277 QUESTIONS279 PROBLEMS279 CHAPTER 25 ELECTRONS IN ATOMS282 25.1 Hydrogen Atom282 25.2 Spin of Electron and Spin\\|orbit Coupling289 25.3 Configuration of Electrons in Atoms297 25.4 Laser302 SUMMARY307 QUESTIONS309 PROBLEMS310 CHAPTER 26 ELECTRONS IN SOLIDS312 26.1 Energy Distribution of Free Electrons in Metals312 26.2 Conducting Mechanism of Metals317 26.3 Energy Bands,Conductors and Insulators318 26.4 Semiconductors322 26.5 PN Junction325 SUMMARY327 QUESTIONS328 PROBLEMS329 CHAPTER 27 NUCLEAR PHYSICS330 27.1 General Properties of Nuclei330 27.2 Nuclear Force333 27.3 Binding Energy of Nuclei336 27.4 Radioactivity and the Decay Law340 27.5 Three Kinds of Radioactive Rays344 27.6 Nuclear Reactions348 SUMMARY350 QUESTIONS352 PROBLEMS352 DATA LIST354 ANSWERS TO ALL PROBLEMS356 INDEX363 |
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