词条 | 大连百川工业用布有限公司 |
释义 | 大连百川工业用布有限公司位于大连市金州区,是针刺毡材料和滤袋的专业生产厂家。公司产品完全符合ISO9001-2000质量标准,可应用于各个领域,并能精确满足客户的特殊要求。一流的产品质量和多年的生产经验是达到这一标准的前提和保证。 大连百川滤料产品由多种合成纤维制成,每种纤维都具有自己的独特性能。几乎可以对各种纤维进行无穷组合,从而设计出应有尽有的技术方案,精确地满足不同用途的特殊需求。产品范围包括气固费力和液固分离的过滤介质,以及在高温、低温、潮湿、干燥等各种操作条件下使用的过滤材料。此外,还对过滤材料进行不同的物理处理和化学处理。 在工矿企业中,越来越多的生产过程需要配备有效的除尘装置。其原因多种多样,应用领域也各不相同。因此,量体裁衣式的技术方案显得尤为重要。 通过这份介绍手册,您将对大连百川工业用布有限公司有一个基本的了解。我们愿随时为您提供更为详尽的信息与咨询。 Dalian Baichuan industrial cloth Co., LTD, 30 KM northof Dalian, isan expert supplier of filter. The ISO 9001-2000 registered company providesfiltration solutions for all areas of applications, which are exactly matchedto the customer’s individual demands. Backed up is all that by a qualityguarantee assurance and by many years of experience. The BaichuanDalian filter media products are made from many different types of syntheticfibres and each fibre has its own spectrum of characteristics. Almost unlimitedcombination of fibre types can be designed for all kinds of technicalconditions and can be matched exactly to specific applications. Filter mediafor the separation of aolids from gases and fluids, filter media for hot, cold,wet and dry operations are available. A wide range of physical and chemicaltreatments complete the picture. More and more production processes in the industrial sector are having to incorporate efficient dust removal equipment in their systems. The reasons for this are as diverse as the areas of application. Tailor-made solutions are essential. This brochure is to give you an overview. Pleasecontact the Dalian Baichuan industrial cloth Co., LTD for detailed information. |
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